SubhaanAllah , our respected dear hadhrat sheikh is a priceless Jewel ??
May our hearts be attached till akhirah ia..
May Allah subhanawatallah according to his status shower his special blessings and mercy upon
Hadhrat saheb ❤️❤️❤️
6th Jul, 2016
SubhaanAllah , our respected dear hadhrat sheikh is a priceless Jewel ??
May our hearts be attached till akhirah ia..
May Allah subhanawatallah according to his status shower his special blessings and mercy upon
Hadhrat saheb ❤️❤️❤️
6th Jul, 2016
MashAllah but my heart is breaking saying farewell to Ramadan but most of all i will miss the zikar gatherings which we had with our beloved Hazrat Ji ??