Subhanallah, and Jazakallah for this naat. Can some learned brother type this out please. My urdu pronunciation is not very good so if it is written I can also recite it انشاءاللہ
27th Oct, 2023
بے سہاروں کا آسرا تم ہو
غم کے ماروں کا آسرا تم ہو ۔ سبحان اللہ
18th Sep, 2023
16th Apr, 2023
سبحان اللہ ❤
16th Nov, 2020
24th Feb, 2018
16th Dec, 2016
mashalla may Allah give barakah in hazrat sahibs life and health.ameen
13th Aug, 2016
Jis Se Aadam Nai Rab Ko Raazi Kiya
The Means by which Aadam (AS) Gained the lords Pleasure
You are that Praise of the Lord of the Worlds