
تخلیق میں سب سے طاقتور کون ہے؟
Bayan, 28 minutes
2nd May, 2020

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سبحان اللہ‎
4th May, 2020
When Allah created the universe, the earth was like a mound of flour. Before the earth, Allah ta'ala created water. So when Allah swt rolled out the earth above the water, the Angel's witnessed this and were surprised and they said "this earth you have created it but it is being rolled above the water so how will the earth live on this. Theres nothing there it is barren?"
So Allah ta'ala then showed them how the mountains were created and the mountains were inserted within the earth. Allah created mountains in different ranges then he rooted them into the earth. So the earth was rolled over the water floating above, and the mountains were rooted into the earth and the angels were surprised and said "oh Allah the mountains are so powerful, can there be anything more powerful than it?" Allah said "yes there is something i will create which is more powerful than this. That will be metal ore. so strong that it will cut through the mountains and hilltops. The metal ore will crumble the mountains to pieces" so the angels were surprised at seeing this power and they asked "oh Allah can there be anything more powerful and strong than this metal?" Allah ta'ala said "yes that will be fire and it holds the power to melt metal ore." So they were surprised yet again and asked "is there anything more powerful than this?" And Alalh ta'ala replied "yes and that is water" such that no matter how vast the fire is , if water is thrown upon it, it will cool/extinguish it , even if it may be hot water. The quality of water is such that it extinguishes even the most severe raging fires. So the Angel's asked "is there anything more powerful than this?" Allah said "yes that is ibn Adam (the son of Adam)" human beings.
The human power is stronger than all these things in order words, the whole universe will be in the control of the son of Adam. The floating earth, the rooted mountains, the metal ore, the fire, water & wind. The son of Adam overtakes all of these in power. After hearing this the angels were surprised and said "what is it In the son of Adam, what power does he have?"
The human who possesses sincerity and Taqwa, no human being can imagine the strength and power of that person.
Power and energy arent earnt from excersise or food and it does not get eliminated by hunger
Once Hadhrat jibraeel عليه السلام came in the presence of Nabi ﷺ and Nabi ﷺ noticed him looked distressed. Upon questioning He told him "today I have returned after seeing hell fire. I dont feel at peace after seeing it and it was horrible"
Nabi ﷺ asked "what did you see?" And he said "Hellfire was burnt for one thousand years.(not equivalent to length of our years) it became red. Then, it was burnt for another one thousand years and it became white. Then, it was burnt for another one thousand years. Now, it is black and dark

He said the situation of Jahannam is so severe that if it were to be exposed to the extent of the eye of a needle the whole universe would be eliminated.and its smell is so bad that if one thing of Helll was to be hanged above the earth for even a moment then whole universe will be destroyed due to the stench.
3rd May, 2020
Who will be in Hellfire?
The liar, the backbiter, the abandoner of salah, he who due to his love for the world is lost. It is the abode for these people.
Those who didnt believe in Allah will surely be in hell but what is surprising are those who will go to hell despite having the quran in his hand , the ka'bah and masjid infront him.

One becomes destined to Hell for swearing, violating others rights & breaking the heart of someone..

Allah tests us and never wants to keep us hungry or commit oppression on us. rather if Allah wants a person to be drawn closer to him He gives him sickness. And the strength of the sickness is such that If a person recites 40 times "laa ilaha illaa anta subaannaka inni kuntu mina dhaalimeen" during that sickness and if he dies due to that sickness he will become a martyr. this is regardless of how sinful he is as the sickness was a test for such a person. If Allah gives him health then his status is increased.
Today we witness people enjoying whilst engaging in haram and we wish we could live a life like them. We should ask them how long this enjoyment lasted.

Allah swt sets the standard for modesty and if one goes against that then that person becomes immodest.
Whilst we are alive we have the opportunity for taubah which is a great blessing.
It is a miracle for one to do it in his youth when the tests and attractions of life are around us and he has free will.
BUT he doesnt go towards the sin. So what a great life that person will experience when he is departing from this life.
One taubah may remove a person from the fire of Jahannam. And the power of imaan is that Allah gives each human the chance to do taubah. Some people laugh and dont do the taubah but others extend thier hand and learn taubah. SubhaanAllah

If you repent the entire hell fire will become cool.
So look at the capability of ibn Adam that despite the severity of Hellfire Allah has given him the power of taqwa and sincerity.
If one tear drops of a Muttaqi out of the fear of Allah, it can extinguish and cool the entire fire of hell.
So the one who develops taqwa is the most powerful on this entire universe. He is stronger than everything surrounding him.
On the day of resseruction when people will cross the bridge of sirat, Jahannam will call out "quickly leave and cross as you are cooling me" so SubhaanAllah Allah swt has given us 30 days with the chance to become muttaqi.
3rd May, 2020
Yes you can take bayah with Hazrat Saab If your sheik has passed away. A person needs a sheik for tazkiya.
3rd May, 2020
asalam alaikum,
I have a question, that when a shaikh of tsawwuf passes away what should a mureed do, should he look for another shaikh and take bayah or?
Please answer
3rd May, 2020
One fast if you keep in such a way whereby you refrain from sinning from morning till evening and you have sabr, then the fast holds the potential to make you a Muttaqi it will develop that power and strength within you that by evening Jahannam will ask for your protection.
Imagine such a persons power that everything in the universe begin to recognise him.

(Keep one fast without sinning the entire day and night and it will make you a Muttaqi.)

Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه said to the river Nile "are you going to stop flooding, will you take heed of what I'm saying?"until today that river has not flooded in that way it has kept within the boundary and it trembled due to Hadrath Umar رضي الله عنه s instruction.
Have you not heard of the friends of Allah, travelling on the back of a lion? and the lion recognised that he was a servant of Allah and stronger than him as hes a Muttaqi.
In the olden days My Hadrath Shaikh was in medinah munawwarah he didn't have money and couldnt afford to go to live in high places so he lived in a basic room. Imagine the greatness of that room it looks like a straw mat but it's the portion of paradise because the Wali Allah his body would lie down on it SubhaanAllah so one brother from medinah shareef said I went to hadrath sahibs room and I saw scorpions under his bedding and hadrath sahib would rest on top of the mat and no scorpion would ever bite him.
A muttaqis strength is very great indeed

Greater and more significant than optional worship is to abstain from committing sins! We should save each of our body parts form commuting sins

It is better to perform less worship whilst abstaining from sin completely than to perform abundant of worship whilst committing sins alongside. Nowadays we waste our time doing useless things chit chat gossiping, missing Salah,watching dramas and going out etc and we claim to be a fasting person. This one style of keeping a fast. But did such a person become a Muttaqi? If we are spoiling our fasts like this then lets fulfil the next one correctly promising to Allah to fast with those qualities that will result in being a Muttaqi.
May Allah ta'ala grant us all taqwa this Ramadan. Ameen
3rd May, 2020