
اللہ نے ہمیں محبت کیوں دی؟
Bayan, 15 minutes
15th April, 2020

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16th Apr, 2020
?Subhan Allah ?
16th Apr, 2020
16th Apr, 2020
Jazaak’Allah khair for sharing your beautiful touching words ?
16th Apr, 2020
Our purpose is to attain our akhirah and the thing that distances us from this purpose is our enemy, shaytan. Shaytan causes us to forget our purpose and makes us occupied in the delights of this world. And when death advances he is pleased that this person will not die a good death.
When one sits in the gathering of dhikr, he remembers his purpose of life. The purpose that shaytan had veiled becomes unveiled and then such a person advances towards his purpose and fulfils it. This is why the Dhikr gatherings are extremely valuable! No matter how much of a sinner you are, you are very fortunate to be in the company of a pious person!
Because sooner or later you will become influenced by them in a great manner.

We should not abandon these Dhikr Gatherings but seek them!

We should continue going because Allah has kept a special effect in such gatherings, that it delivers one to his true destination - His true purpose in life!

Love is such a thing that through it, one reaches his goal/destination. Allah has created love in the hearts and he has made it such that one is permissible and one is impermissible. Like anger is not allowed.

Allah has given us these qualities but it depends how we utilise them. If we use our love in a wrong way for example loving the opposite gender unlawfully..or loving objects (materialistic things) then this is incorrect.
The correct way to use love and the reason why we have been gifted it, is to build love for Allah and his Nabi ﷺ.

If we gain this love, it increases gradually and soon they become deeds. The first action which one adapts through Allahs love is His dhikr. His remembrance.
This is a well known fact that the one we love, we mention often. So the greater we love Allah, the more we remember Him.
Allah has given us a means to express love for Him which is by remembering him.
When one loves the prophet truly and genuinely it will be reflected in him adapting the ways of the sunnah and implementing them.
When you see one who implements the sunnah, know he is a lover of the Prophet ﷺ.
Allah's love comes with expressing through deeds.
The Prophet ﷺ 's love comes with اتباع - following.

When one has great love for Allah and begins remembering Him often, he begins to dislike sinning and dislike the dunya as sinning and obeying do not come hand in hand.

How can we attain Allah and his prophet's ﷺ love?
We should love and accompany the One who already loves Allah and his Prophet ﷺ!

And However much you sit with them , Allah and his prophets ﷺ love will begin to reflect in you. This is how true love is created.

They are the ones who possess the burning fire of love within them.

It's like sitting infront of a heater, which will warn you up if you sit infront.

So those who's hearts are already burning with the fire of love for Allah and his Prophet ﷺ can they not create love within your heart too?

So the aim is to seek those who are closest to Allah and sit within their company and take great benefit from them!
16th Apr, 2020