The biggest miracle is the Quran and after this is the ascension to the heavens. This night is connected to this great miracle
On this night, Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام and other angels entered the house of Umm Haani, and they approached the Prophet ﷺ. They took him to the Hateem and Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام split open the blessed chest of Nabi ﷺ and removed his blessed heart. It was placed upon a tray of gold which came from the heavens. His blessed heart was purified and then placed back. Thereafter Nabi ﷺ and Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام embarked upon Buraak for the night journey and Nabi ﷺ was shown different locations such as Yathrib and Mount Sinai. At each location, they prayed two rakat. They stopped at Baytul Maqdis where the other Prophets were also present. The Prophets all welcomed him and thereafter Nabi ﷺ lead them all in prayer.
Beyond Sidratul Muntaha, Nabi ﷺ travelled alone. Here, he witnessed a pen writing the destiny of mankind. At the next station, he met Allah ta'ala and spoke to Him. Allah ta'ala gave him three gifts for his nation. The first gift was fifty prayers which were then reduced to five, although we still receive the reward of fifty prayers.
Prayer is the essence of the night of Mi'raaj.
It is unfortunate that we neglect our prayers and we still consider ourselves successful. The worst human being and the most degraded and lost in the Hereafter is he who abandons his prayers.
We should establish prayer in our home because when we fail to pray, it brings destruction within our homes. It will never bring us happiness. Such a person will receive severe punishment.
One will never receive blessings in his life by abandoning prayers no matter which action he performs.
The main message of this night is that if we desire success and goodness in this world and the Hereafter, then we should not abandon our prayers. We should hold on to it firmly.
We are blessed to be remembering Allah ta'ala during this blessed night
May Allah ta'ala allow us to decorate our homes with prayer and make us steadfast upon it. Ameen
3rd Feb, 2025
سرخ ڈوری سفیدی میں رنگ آنکھ کا
سرمگیں لمبی پلکیں پھبن آنکھ کا
دستِ قدرت میں جیسے کنول آب کا
مازاغ البصرہے لقب آنکھ کا
چشمِ دیدارِ قدرت پہ لاکھوں سلام
The beautiful red lines in the whiteness of his eyes,
The beautiful long eyelashes in Surmah and their charm,
The captivation (of his eyes), like the lotus-flower above the water,
Maazaagh-al-basar is the title of his eyes.
Millions of salaam be upon the eyes that saw the Divine.
28th Jan, 2025
Allah hu Akbar
Blessed we are muslim
28th Jan, 2025
Jazak’Allah khair
Sounds so much better when the blessed
words come from a True Wali of Allah.
27th Jan, 2025
Subhanallah, just imagine the world and time coming to a standstill and the Prophet (SAW) travelling and witnessing all ages of the past and all ages to come, witnessing the apparent world (Aalam e Shahadat) and the hidden world (Aalam e Ghaib) and then meeting Allah the most high. Subhanallah.
May Allah swt give us the tawfiq to practice our hazrat sahibs advice
The biggest miracle is the Quran and after this is the ascension to the heavens. This night is connected to this great miracle
On this night, Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام and other angels entered the house of Umm Haani, and they approached the Prophet ﷺ. They took him to the Hateem and Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام split open the blessed chest of Nabi ﷺ and removed his blessed heart. It was placed upon a tray of gold which came from the heavens. His blessed heart was purified and then placed back. Thereafter Nabi ﷺ and Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام embarked upon Buraak for the night journey and Nabi ﷺ was shown different locations such as Yathrib and Mount Sinai. At each location, they prayed two rakat. They stopped at Baytul Maqdis where the other Prophets were also present. The Prophets all welcomed him and thereafter Nabi ﷺ lead them all in prayer.
Beyond Sidratul Muntaha, Nabi ﷺ travelled alone. Here, he witnessed a pen writing the destiny of mankind. At the next station, he met Allah ta'ala and spoke to Him. Allah ta'ala gave him three gifts for his nation. The first gift was fifty prayers which were then reduced to five, although we still receive the reward of fifty prayers.
Prayer is the essence of the night of Mi'raaj.
It is unfortunate that we neglect our prayers and we still consider ourselves successful. The worst human being and the most degraded and lost in the Hereafter is he who abandons his prayers.
We should establish prayer in our home because when we fail to pray, it brings destruction within our homes. It will never bring us happiness. Such a person will receive severe punishment.
One will never receive blessings in his life by abandoning prayers no matter which action he performs.
The main message of this night is that if we desire success and goodness in this world and the Hereafter, then we should not abandon our prayers. We should hold on to it firmly.
We are blessed to be remembering Allah ta'ala during this blessed night
May Allah ta'ala allow us to decorate our homes with prayer and make us steadfast upon it. Ameen