
مجلس ذکر بریڈفورڈ
Bayan, 99 minutes
18th January, 2025

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Majlis-e-Dhikr in Bradford

We never fail to eat and we are punctual with our meal times, however, we struggle to fulfil the commands of Allah ta'ala. We struggle to pray five times a day and fulfil the rest of the pillars of Islam. We consider it difficult and a burden. We take shortcuts and we present excuses to avoid fulfilling the laws of Allah ta'ala.

From all His creation, Allah ta'ala has commanded us to pray although He receives no benefit. Allah ta'ala is not in need of our worship. It makes no difference to Allah ta'ala if we do not perform worship or fulfil the rest of the pillars.

It is a shame that we do not have a desire to fulfil Allah ta'ala's instructions and we do not see benefit in them. Allah ta'ala loves us the most and even more than our own mother. We must remember that obeying His commands are for our own benefit.

We seek comfort in this temporary world and we forget that we will return to Allah ta'ala. In reality, this world is not our permanent abode. It is not a place of enjoyment. It is full of dirt, problems and tragedies. There is no comfort here. We should remember our objective in this life and not forget Allah ta'ala. In return, Allah ta'ala will grant ease for us in this world and He will grant us Paradise in the Hereafter.

We will definitely face difficulties in this world, however, Allah ta'ala will protect us from being attached from this world if we believe in Him.

If we fulfil the five pillars, we will live in this world with comfort and ease. Allah ta'ala protects the wealth of the one who gives zakah and places blessings in his wealth even if he has a little.

We struggle to pray because our Nafs and Shaytan make it difficult for us. Prayer is extremely beneficial for us and all our problems are solved through it. We don't need to be pious in order to pray. Prayer is our protection and solution for living in this world. It is for our safety and guidance. When we stop fulfilling the laws of Allah ta'ala, we are in fact obeying Shaytan. This is how we face loss and problems in the world.

The purpose of living in this world is to attain Allah ta'ala's love. Living in this world and being occupied with our family and businesses make us negligent and disconnected from Allah ta'ala. It decreases our love for Allah ta'ala and this causes us to stop implementing His commands.

How to maintain His love?

We should continue our businesses and worldly affairs, however, we should remember Allah ta'ala alongside. In this way, even if we possess love for the world, the love of Allah ta'ala will be greater and we will only fulfil the needs of the world without excess. Due to our dhikr, the love for the world which we may possess will not cause us to abandon His commands. Rather, love for the world will decrease which no worldly medicine can achieve and we will live as a stranger in this world. This is because dhikr generates love for Allah ta'ala and does not allow it to be decreased.

We must abandon every worldly thing at the time of adhan. Islam teaches us to establish a balance between living in this world, fulfilling our duties and also remembering Allah ta'ala alongside. Those who remember Him find a balance in life.

There is no cure for depression and mental anxiety besides dhikr. Allah ta'ala has placed our protection in His remembrance. Thus, there is immense benefit for us in dhikr.

There is a Hadith in Tabrani Shareef in which Nabi ﷺ stated that there is no other action besides the dhikr of Allah ta'ala which causes a person to become the beloved of Allah ta'ala.

It is unfortunate that Shaytan has caused the act of dhikr to be insignificant in our eyes. This is why our generation is facing much corruption today.

We also fail to send our children to the Masjid. We place much emphasis upon their worldly education, but, we do not focus much upon their deen. This is the reason they become corrupted. Our generation will not improve no matter how much they memorise the Quran until they pray all five prayers in the Masjid. During Fajr time, Allah ta'ala grants us His mercy, He grants us health and wealth and Imaan. Thus, we should ensure we attend the prayer in congregation.

Allah ta'ala promises that when a person's heart is connected to the mosque, He will protect Him at the bridge of Siraat and admit him in to Paradise.

Prayer is greater than dhikr although dhikr enables and encourages us to pray. If we are performing dhikr but abandoning prayers, our dhikr becomes a source of curse for us.

It is a shame that we fail to focus and concentrate during our prayers and our thoughts are elsewhere. After prayer, we backbite and watch television and engage in forbidden actions. In reality, prayer should prevent us from evil actions. Prayer performed correctly removes spiritual diseases and sins from our body. We must improve our prayers to the standard which Allah ta'ala expects from us. We should aim to pray in such a way whereby Allah ta'ala is watching us or we are watching Him.

We should not be content and comfortable with our prayers if they are only leading us towards sin. Such a person is foolish who is satisfied with entering Hellfire.

The solution to improving deficient prayer is to perform dhikr alongside. If we engage in dhikr in parallel, it improves the quality of our prayer. Our way of prayer and supplication becomes unique.

By performing Dhikr, we prioritise the laws of Allah ta'ala and it will arouse the passion within us to revive the deen. Dhikr should impact our life physically. Until a person does not adopt the Sunnah, his dhikr is not granting him the solution and he is wasting his time.

Dhikr purifies the human being and causes sincerity to be instilled within his actions. Without dhikr, no deed, no form of knowledge and no memorisation will be of benefit.

Certain angels have been given a duty to search for those people who sit together and engage in the dhikr of Allah ta'ala. Thereafter, they narrate what they witnessed to Allah ta'ala. Allah ta'ala questions them despite knowing everything and this discussion between them occurs everyday.

We should never consider these gatherings as insignificant as such gatherings ensure our forgiveness. The earth wipes away the traces of our sins and replaces them with good deeds through the mercy of Allah ta'ala. Allah ta'ala makes the angels a witness to our forgiveness. This is the honour and respect He grants to the dhaakireen. If we do not have certainty in this, we are lacking in our belief.

The true Dhaakir seeks Allah ta'ala's protection from Hellfire and requests for Paradise. He assigns himself to Allah ta'ala and refrains from seeking the world.

If we perform dhikr properly, Allah ta'ala will protect us from sins and He will also protect our generations from polytheism and innovation. We should try to bring our children to these blessed gatherings.

We should make a promise to learn abundant dhikr and we should follow the instructions and guidance of our Sheikh if we desire the Hereafter. If we fail to adhere to his instructions, then we considered a hypocrite and will be punished in both worlds.

We should perform dhikr in the morning and the evening which means that we must remain in the constant state of dhikr throughout the entire day. This is the practice of the believers.

When one become a true dhaakir, Allah ta'ala and His angels send mercy upon that individual. We should try and begin to make effort. Even if we haven't succeeded yet we depart this world trying, Allah ta'ala will accept our efforts.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen
31st Jan, 2025
Alhamdulilah the kamal walee
Allah hu Akbar
21st Jan, 2025