Nabi ﷺ advised us to prepare for our death and it is something we cannot reject. We will experience the result of our worldly actions in the grave. One who passes the test of the grave will find the other tests of life easy for him.
We are required to fulfil our worldly duties, however, we should prepare for our graves alongside that. The five times prayer was granted to us for this purpose - to remember Him. These are all reminders of the grave.
Nabi ﷺ stated that we should hold firmly to the dhikr of Allah ta'ala with steadfastness. Dhikr will benefit us tremendously and we will be protected from the punishment of the grave through it. Our graves will be expanded and we will receive light therein. The grave will become a portion from Paradise.
Every creation of Allah ta'ala remembers Him and Allah ta'ala is not dependent upon this remembrance. He is not benefitted by it. Rather, it is His great favour upon us that He has given us the ability to remember Him. Allah ta'ala desires us to remember Him constantly and in every condition. In such a way, we will not face regret in the grave.
Allah ta'ala has given us a great formula to remember Him without facing any obstacles along the way. That is the method of remembering Him within our heart whilst we are occupied with our hands in the world.
We are wasting the function of the heart by not utilising it to remember Allah ta'ala, just like a taxi driver who drives around without a passenger.
Unfortunately, we fail to use our heart for its primary purpose. We must train our heart to engage in dhikr. This is also called mediation. This dhikr requires effort. We must work hard to practice this dhikr and prepare our heart by visiting a wali Allah who will teach us the dhikr of the heart.
The method is to focus on the heart in silence - 'Allah Allah' and with every passing moment the heart will keep beating to 'Allah Allah.' Your heart will then incline you towards pious deeds. It will distance you from evil temptations and your heart will become your friend.
Hadhrat Aishah Radiyallaha Anha narrates that Allah ta'ala will request to present the reports of a man and the angels will come forth with his deeds. Allah ta'ala will inform them that this person engaged in such a deed which they could not record nor witness and Allah ta'ala Himself will reward him for that deed. That is the action of the dhikr of the heart.
Hadhrat Sheikh ul Hadith Zakariyyah Rahmatullahi alayh mentions in Fadhaail e Zikr that there are more than 120 virtues of this type of dhikr and it is the soul of every dhikr.
We must intend to learn this dhikr. The more we practice, the more our heart will beat to Allah ta'ala's name. It will incline us towards prayers, distance us from all types of sin and corruption, it will help transform us and instil the dislike of sin within us. It will make our deen and Hereafter easy for us.
This generation is so impure that all actions of immodesty and evil are taking place and to achieve forgiveness morning and evening in such an era is a great achievement.
Those who attend the dhikr gatherings will never leave empty handed no matter which intention they arrive with. The angels announce their forgiveness and their sins are replaced in to good deeds. We should bring our children to these gatherings and we should truly value it. This will improve our youth.
Nabi ﷺ advised us to prepare for our death and it is something we cannot reject. We will experience the result of our worldly actions in the grave. One who passes the test of the grave will find the other tests of life easy for him.
We are required to fulfil our worldly duties, however, we should prepare for our graves alongside that. The five times prayer was granted to us for this purpose - to remember Him. These are all reminders of the grave.
Nabi ﷺ stated that we should hold firmly to the dhikr of Allah ta'ala with steadfastness. Dhikr will benefit us tremendously and we will be protected from the punishment of the grave through it. Our graves will be expanded and we will receive light therein. The grave will become a portion from Paradise.
Every creation of Allah ta'ala remembers Him and Allah ta'ala is not dependent upon this remembrance. He is not benefitted by it. Rather, it is His great favour upon us that He has given us the ability to remember Him. Allah ta'ala desires us to remember Him constantly and in every condition. In such a way, we will not face regret in the grave.
Allah ta'ala has given us a great formula to remember Him without facing any obstacles along the way. That is the method of remembering Him within our heart whilst we are occupied with our hands in the world.
We are wasting the function of the heart by not utilising it to remember Allah ta'ala, just like a taxi driver who drives around without a passenger.
Unfortunately, we fail to use our heart for its primary purpose. We must train our heart to engage in dhikr. This is also called mediation. This dhikr requires effort. We must work hard to practice this dhikr and prepare our heart by visiting a wali Allah who will teach us the dhikr of the heart.
The method is to focus on the heart in silence - 'Allah Allah' and with every passing moment the heart will keep beating to 'Allah Allah.' Your heart will then incline you towards pious deeds. It will distance you from evil temptations and your heart will become your friend.
Hadhrat Aishah Radiyallaha Anha narrates that Allah ta'ala will request to present the reports of a man and the angels will come forth with his deeds. Allah ta'ala will inform them that this person engaged in such a deed which they could not record nor witness and Allah ta'ala Himself will reward him for that deed. That is the action of the dhikr of the heart.
Hadhrat Sheikh ul Hadith Zakariyyah Rahmatullahi alayh mentions in Fadhaail e Zikr that there are more than 120 virtues of this type of dhikr and it is the soul of every dhikr.
We must intend to learn this dhikr. The more we practice, the more our heart will beat to Allah ta'ala's name. It will incline us towards prayers, distance us from all types of sin and corruption, it will help transform us and instil the dislike of sin within us. It will make our deen and Hereafter easy for us.
This generation is so impure that all actions of immodesty and evil are taking place and to achieve forgiveness morning and evening in such an era is a great achievement.
Those who attend the dhikr gatherings will never leave empty handed no matter which intention they arrive with. The angels announce their forgiveness and their sins are replaced in to good deeds. We should bring our children to these gatherings and we should truly value it. This will improve our youth.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen