Allah ta'ala has praised those who remember Him in abundance and has given them the title of 'intellectual people.' They will be destined for Paradise. However, some people in Paradise will witness the rewards of dhikr and regret the moments in which they were negligent of dhikr in the world.
We should remember Allah ta'ala in abundance so that we are satisfied and content in Paradise. This is why the Awliyah Allah took hold of this great practice of dhikr.
A Dhaakir is enabled to perform all good actions. He is not lazy. He fulfils his duties of the world whilst occupied in dhikr at the same time. He will never abandon prayer in congregation and he will never reject the Sunnah. This is the blessings of dhikr.
Allah ta'ala has enabled us to remember Him all the time. He has manufactured us and made it possible. Therefore, we should definitely implement this action and we shouldn't make excuses that we are unable to.
We should be concerned regarding dhikr and this concern should enable us to seek guidance from those who know about dhikr.
"And We sent not before you except men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the people of remembrance if you do not know." [16:43]
We must follow this instruction from Allah ta'ala. We must seek a waliAllah and request to learn dhikr from him. If we fail to do this, we will be questioned by Allah ta'ala.
The dhikr of the heart is performed constantly even whilst we are sleeping and eating. The blood goes through the heart and is purified. If the blood doesn't past through the heart, it causes problems for a person. If a drop of blood goes through the heart and the heart is performing dhikr, then every drop of blood will recite 'Allah Allah' and it will flow through a person's body in that pure manner.
This is what is referred to as Qalbi dhikr. If the heart is alive with the dhikr of Allah ta'ala, then the entire body will be in the state of dhikr too. In this state, not a minute of your life is going to a waste even when you're asleep or occupied in worldly affairs. Such a person's deeds are great and he will be destined for Paradise. Shaytan cannot come close to that person and such a person will not be afraid of Jinns.
Those who are affected by Jinns should take up this solution and learn dhikr.
We should not wait to improve and become pious before learning dhikr as there are no pre-conditions to learning dhikr. Thus, there are no hurdles or obstructions to performing this deed. Even one who does not observe prayer should engage in dhikr. A person earns a high status in Paradise and he fulfils the greatest deed in the world by performing this action. It is Shaytan who prevents us from performing this valuable deed through which our sins are purified.
This annual ijtima is a propagation of dhikr so that we can all learn about the importance of it. We should ensure that we attend this gathering and upon arriving Allah ta'ala will forgive all our sins. Spiritual sicknesses will be eliminated, supplications will be granted, spiritual enhancement will be achieved and provisions will be distributed on that day. Even if we are only able to attend for a short while, we should still attend. Allah ta'ala promises that the one who attends will never lose out.
This ijtima is not a minor gathering. We should utilise our energy for Allah ta'ala's sake. We should contribute towards this gathering, not just financially but even serving and helping the guests. We should welcome the guests of Allah ta'ala and contribute to this gathering by providing physical service and assistance.
Allah ta'ala has praised those who remember Him in abundance and has given them the title of 'intellectual people.' They will be destined for Paradise. However, some people in Paradise will witness the rewards of dhikr and regret the moments in which they were negligent of dhikr in the world.
We should remember Allah ta'ala in abundance so that we are satisfied and content in Paradise. This is why the Awliyah Allah took hold of this great practice of dhikr.
A Dhaakir is enabled to perform all good actions. He is not lazy. He fulfils his duties of the world whilst occupied in dhikr at the same time. He will never abandon prayer in congregation and he will never reject the Sunnah. This is the blessings of dhikr.
Allah ta'ala has enabled us to remember Him all the time. He has manufactured us and made it possible. Therefore, we should definitely implement this action and we shouldn't make excuses that we are unable to.
We should be concerned regarding dhikr and this concern should enable us to seek guidance from those who know about dhikr.
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ إِلَّا رِجَالًا نُّوحِي إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
"And We sent not before you except men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the people of remembrance if you do not know." [16:43]
We must follow this instruction from Allah ta'ala. We must seek a waliAllah and request to learn dhikr from him. If we fail to do this, we will be questioned by Allah ta'ala.
The dhikr of the heart is performed constantly even whilst we are sleeping and eating. The blood goes through the heart and is purified. If the blood doesn't past through the heart, it causes problems for a person. If a drop of blood goes through the heart and the heart is performing dhikr, then every drop of blood will recite 'Allah Allah' and it will flow through a person's body in that pure manner.
This is what is referred to as Qalbi dhikr. If the heart is alive with the dhikr of Allah ta'ala, then the entire body will be in the state of dhikr too. In this state, not a minute of your life is going to a waste even when you're asleep or occupied in worldly affairs. Such a person's deeds are great and he will be destined for Paradise. Shaytan cannot come close to that person and such a person will not be afraid of Jinns.
Those who are affected by Jinns should take up this solution and learn dhikr.
We should not wait to improve and become pious before learning dhikr as there are no pre-conditions to learning dhikr. Thus, there are no hurdles or obstructions to performing this deed. Even one who does not observe prayer should engage in dhikr. A person earns a high status in Paradise and he fulfils the greatest deed in the world by performing this action. It is Shaytan who prevents us from performing this valuable deed through which our sins are purified.
This annual ijtima is a propagation of dhikr so that we can all learn about the importance of it. We should ensure that we attend this gathering and upon arriving Allah ta'ala will forgive all our sins. Spiritual sicknesses will be eliminated, supplications will be granted, spiritual enhancement will be achieved and provisions will be distributed on that day. Even if we are only able to attend for a short while, we should still attend. Allah ta'ala promises that the one who attends will never lose out.
This ijtima is not a minor gathering. We should utilise our energy for Allah ta'ala's sake. We should contribute towards this gathering, not just financially but even serving and helping the guests. We should welcome the guests of Allah ta'ala and contribute to this gathering by providing physical service and assistance.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen