
ایمان کیا ہے؟
Bayan, 102 minutes
12th December, 2024

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What Is Imaan?

Allah ta'ala enables us to perform dhikr morning and evening in order to safeguard our faith and save us from the fitna. There is no other purpose of dhikr as there is nothing else which can protect us from the disorder and evil.

Allah ta'ala tests our faith and assesses if we are genuine. He assesses which of us have made effort to protect our faith. This is the pre-condition of being granted Paradise.

What is the reality of belief?

Allah ta'ala tests our level of belief in Him through assessing our obedience to the Prophet ﷺ. We must prove our belief in Allah ta'ala through Nabi ﷺ's imitation and obedience. We must sacrifice our life to achieve this target and we must only adopt the lifestyle of the Prophet ﷺ.

Genuine faith in Allah ta'ala is when a person sacrifices everything for the imitation of the Prophet ﷺ. He lives a lifestyle according to the instructions of the Prophet ﷺ and shuns what he forbade. Such a person is performing true Mujaahadah according to the Quran. Whoever lives whilst working hard for this, will be successful. He will never become deviated.

Nowadays, we follow deen according to our own desires. We hesitate in following the Sunnah and this is the fitna which we require protection from. Whoever does not follow the Sunnah does not have faith as following his ﷺ path equals faith. The one who hesitates in following the Sunnah does not have love for the Prophet ﷺ. He is a liar and a hypocrite.

Whoever obeys the Prophet ﷺ then in reality, he is obeying Allah ta'ala as the whole deen revolves around Nabi ﷺ. Our faith will only be accepted once our life is spent according to the Prophet ﷺ's lifestyle and there should be no contamination at all.

وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

"As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way. And Allah is certainly with the good-doers." [29:69]

We have two enemies which is Nafs and Shaytan and their mission is to divert us from the Prophet ﷺ's imitation. Shaytan attacks us occasionally, however, our base desires constantly attack us and influence us negatively. It makes us attracted to the western ways and encourage us to modify our appearances. It influences us and causes us to become hypocrites. It spoils our faith and prevents us from imitating the Sunnah which is why we must constantly battle with it.

Our desires are considered our enemy which is taking us towards Hellfire. It is our desires which prevent us from praying, distances us from the Sunnah and causes us to become lazy. It makes us wretched and ruined. We have no control over it as we have given it open freedom. This is why we feel ashamed mentioning the Sunnah.

أَمْ حَسِبْتُمْ أَن تَدْخُلُوا۟ ٱلْجَنَّةَ وَلَمَّا يَعْلَمِ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ جَـٰهَدُوا۟ مِنكُمْ وَيَعْلَمَ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ

"Do you think you will enter Paradise without Allah proving which of you ˹truly˺ struggled ˹for His cause˺ and patiently endured?" [3:142]

If we make a false claim that we are lovers of the Prophet ﷺ, we will be punished severely. If we begin practicing today, Allah ta'ala will forgive all our previous sins and transform them in to good deeds.

A waliAllah is not developed due to his dhikr. The true Sheikh and true pious person is he who is a complete observer of the Sunnah.

Whoever has obeyed the Prophet ﷺ has obeyed Allah ta'ala. This is the biggest form of success for a believer. If anyone intentionally criticises or mocks a single Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, he is considered a disbeliever.

We fail to physically implement the Sunnah. We memorise the Quran, yet, we forsake the message of the Quran which is to implement the Sunnah - grow a beard and embrace the turban.

Whoever follows the Sunnah is protected from the evils of Dajjaal. He will not be disgraced and he will live his life with true faith. A person who follows the Sunnah will be the source of guidance to other people.

The Naqshbandi order is higher than all other orders. The orders of Tasawwuf take a person to the obedience of the Prophet ﷺ. The Sheikh does not accept students, nor does he provide him with lessons, nor does he like him if the student fails to practice the Sunnah.

Furthermore, if the Sheikh does not like the student, he will be devoid of the spiritual blessings from the Sheikh. He will have no connection with any part of the deen and he is not a believer due to failing to imitate the Sunnah.

We must fight against our desires and consider it our enemy just like Allah ta'ala has commanded us to control our desires in the Quran. If we want to fight the enemy, we must imitate the Prophet ﷺ, otherwise, the enemy will overwhelm us. Our desires will not be controlled and we won't be able to reach Nafs Lawwaamah or Mutma'innah.

How do we fight the enemy?
Allah ta'ala has granted a weapon which is dhikr.

The commentators state that dhikr is such a great deed because there is a special effect within it. When a person is almost destroyed due to his faith and his desires overwhelm him, then, dhikr destroys his desires.

This is reason we engage in dhikr and this is why the Sufi's emphasise upon dhikr gatherings so that we can keep fighting with our desires to prevent it from destroying our faith and diminishing the love for the Prophet ﷺ from our hearts.

The condition of dhikr is love and imitation of the Prophet ﷺ. When you engage in dhikr properly, it enables you to imitate the Sunnah completely and shun the actions which are against the Sunnah. Such a person is considered the best Dhaakir. His faith is strong and his dhikr is accepted. No fitna can affect him and he is successful.

We should never belittle a Sunnah. Rather, we should accept our mistakes and never consider it a minor deed to abandon a Sunnah. If we have been given the ability to practice a Sunnah, we should not reject it as that is a big sin. Allah ta'ala has given us a treasure which we should value and protect.

If a person has love for the Prophet ﷺ or he reminds you regarding the importance of the Sunnah, then we should attach ourselves to him. We should respect the Sheikh who has taught us the Sunnah and increased our faith. In reality, our respect and service to him displays our gratitude to Allah ta'ala.

The Sheikh helps the student's desires to be controlled and helps the student to progress. We should never fall in to the trap of the desires. We should assess how much we follow the Sunnah and how much love we have for the Prophet ﷺ. We should assess whether we feel pain upon our children and family neglecting the Sunnah. This is the level of faith we should strive for.

Dhikr should lead us to imitation of the Prophet ﷺ, otherwise it is a waste of time. The first condition of successful dhikr is to fight the desires and improve the nafs. If sins are being removed and Sunnah in being practiced, then our dhikr is accepted and is beneficial. One should not claim love for the Prophet ﷺ until he practices the Sunnah.

We should develop ourselves internally and in return, we will become righteous externally.
Our duty of propagation of deen should be displayed through practicing the deen and through our imitation of the Prophet ﷺ's ways. We must demonstrate the Sunnah externally through our dress code and through our character and in return, we will witness the positive effects. A Muslim is he who allows his great positive character to rub off on to people.

We should not consider ourselves minor. Those of other faiths should be inspired by our practices and implementation and this is the greatest form of propagation.

We shouldn't fear being mocked for our practices, nor should we shy away from the Sunnah. Rather, we should practice our deen freely without changing ourselves or compromising the deen. This should be our mission of life.

A person's earns respects by practicing the deen in public. When we practice deen outwardly, we should have the intention of inspiring others through it.

Our religion is a gentle religion of love. It is a religion of cooperation and not a religion of fighting and quarrelling. We must deliver our message and accept the message of others with love. We must accept and abide by the laws of the lands whilst practicing our deen. We must not give harm to others and me must not exercise retaliation upon anyone who harms us.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen
15th Dec, 2024