
مجلسِ ذکر بریڈفورڈ میں
Bayan, 22 minutes
19th May, 2024

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Majlis-e-Dhikr in Bradford

This is a very great action which Allah ta'ala is allowing us to perform.

Nabi ﷺ mentioned that he loves to sit with a group of people who remember Allah ta'ala after Fajr until sunrise and after Asr prayer until sunset. He ﷺ stated that this action is more beloved to him than the entire world and what it contains!

Partaking in the gatherings of dhikr is a very beloved deed to the Prophet ﷺ. One cannot imagine the rewards and mercy that Allah ta'ala will bestow upon a person who engages in dhikr.

Every distress, difficult and sorrow is removed through this action and all solutions are found through this action.

Unfortunately, we say that dhikr is a great action, however, we don't actually believe this, as shown in our lack of dhikr. Only a small number of people engage in dhikr although it is an act which we should all be punctual in.

Each of us desire to have our difficulties removed and be protected from sins and hellfire, yet, we don't take the solution.

Many people consider the words of the Prophet ﷺ to be insignificant and their belief in his principles is very weak. Due to this weak belief, they fail to practice and fail to imitate him ﷺ and they use other methods to attain success. When such conditions become apparent, Allah ta'ala becomes displeased and He sends punishment upon such people.
When the previous nations rejected their Prophets and failed to obey them, Allah ta'ala also destroyed them.

Every action a person performs is due to his conviction and belief. The stronger his belief, the more Allah ta'ala enables him to practice. The stronger his conviction and trust, the more he will benefit from implementing that deed.

Nowadays, we make excuses to avoid practicing. We complain that it is difficult to practice and we practice according to our desire and will. In reality, we are deceiving ourselves with these excuses and our certainty is weak.

We should be regular in performing dhikr daily after Fajr and we should seek from Allah ta'ala.

We must have belief in these practices because whatever Allah ta'ala and Nabi ﷺ have guided us towards, will provide us light. When we have belief, it enables us to practice. Furthermore, our determination increases and Allah ta'ala grants us the ability to fulfil the action.

Allah ta'ala opens the doors for a person based on his determination and courage, so we shouldn’t waste time complaining.

The solution to laziness and negligence is to pull ourselves together and become alert. As soon as we pull ourselves together, Allah ta'ala grants us the ability. Thus, laziness occurs when Shaytan has overwhelmed us.

Our success of the Hereafter is based upon dhikr. Thus, Allah ta'ala prepared for the Mashãikh to host the people in dhikr. If dhikr wasn’t an important deed, then Allah ta'ala wouldn't have delivered its knowledge to us.

The gatherings of dhikr are established in different places and Allah ta'ala selects the good people to remember Him. It is due to our misfortune and wretchedness that we fail to partake in these Gatherings.

We should have determination and courage because life is very short. If we live without attaining success, our graves will be very dark and we will lose out.

Nabi ﷺ said to his noble companions. “Shall I not inform you of the best of your actions, the purest in the sight of your Lord, which raises your rank to the highest, which is better for you than spending gold and silver, better than meeting your enemy so that you strike at their necks and they strike at yours?’ They replied: ‘Yes, indeed,’ and he said: ‘It is the remembrance of Allah." [Tirmidhi Shareef]

This act is so essential, yet our lives are devoid of it. This is why our homes are full of sorrows and difficulties and we don't feel contentment and satisfaction in our hearts.

Dhikr is a very easy action to perform. We should be punctual and the way to become punctual is to make a connection with a Wali Allah. If you fail to be consistent, then you wont receive a positive impact and good results.

When you have a Sheikh and you sit in his company, Allah ta'ala places blessings and if your intention is sincerely to become pious, Allah ta'ala will bring positive changes to your life due to the Sheikh's company.

When you become lazy and fall in to the traps of Shaytan, then the Sheikh encourages you to keep going. Allah ta'ala has given a solution for everything but the student should have a desire to implement.

Each of us have concern for earning in this world. In the same way, we ought to have concern for earning for our Hereafter.

The first stage after death is the grave. The greatest deed which will save us from the punishment of the grave is dhikr. Thus, we should focus on performing regular dhikr in our lives.

We should perform two actions to prepare for our Hereafter. In doing so, we will receive ease and blessings in our life.

1) Make a connection with a Wali Allah in order to learn dhikr from him and to become rectified.

This act is not an innovation so we shouldn’t complain against it or claim to be too busy for it.

2) Learn dhikr, for it is the easiest and quickest path to become close to Allah ta'ala. This great deed provides a person with the most benefit.

There are different ways of doing dhikr. Loud dhikr and dhikr of the heart bring different effects. When you seek a teacher, he will teach you everything and you will constantly progress with regards to your Hereafter. You will receive many blessings in following your Sheikh's prescription.

Nabi ﷺ has stated, "The similitude of one who remembers his Lord and one who does not remember Him, is like that of the living and the dead." [Bukhari and Muslim Shareef]

This is a big warning. Therefore, we should make a connection with a teacher and then bring this practice in our life. We should make regular effort, for Allah ta'ala desires consistency and quality from us and not a high quantity of deeds.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen.
21st May, 2024