
اللہ کے ساتھ مظبوط تعلق
Bayan, 34 minutes
18th May, 2023

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The Strong Bond with Allah

Our entire Deen is based on one thing, which is, the obedience to Allah ta'ala and His Messenger ﷺ. This is the meaning of the Kalimah. If this is lacking in your life, then your Deen is incomplete.
This is the definition of the Deen given by the pious predecessors.

This is our objective of life and our success is based on this. We shouldn’t try to take shortcuts, by obeying Allah ta'ala, but abandoning the ways of the Prophet ﷺ, otherwise, we will never be successful.

It is a great honour for us to imitate the Prophet ﷺ. When we imitate him, we will be elevated and respected. What kind of Imaan does that person have, who is ashamed to follow the Prophet ﷺ?

To follow his Deen, is the true Deen and every Messenger that came before, presented this very Deen and mentioned the coming of Nabi ﷺ. Therefore, we are so fortunate to be from his nation and imitating such a Nabi about whom the other Messengers wanted to be with.

Islam began with hardship and will end with hardship. Undoubtedly, we are in an era of grave Fitnah, but we must practice this Deen, no matter what comes our way.

If you want to assess the level of a person's Deen and his nearness to Allah ta'ala, then, notice how much he follows the ways of the Prophet ﷺ. Those who don't have this standard, will be on the path of Dajjaal, as the Fitnah of Dajjaal has begun.

The person who will fall into the trap of Dajjaal, will be the one who has a weak connection with the Prophet ﷺ.

We believe in Allah ta'ala, yet we fail to implement the ways of the Sunnah. The one who is ashamed to implement the Sunnah, receives a great warning.

Nabi ﷺ said,
من أحب سنتي فقد أحبني، ومن أحبني، كان معي في الجنة

He who loves my Sunnah, loves me. Whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah.’ [Tirmidhi]

The Sahabah listened and obeyed without asking unnecessary questions and bringing their own opinions in.

Imitating the Sunnah grants us the love of the Prophet ﷺ. We should teach our children the way of the Prophet ﷺ and instil the passion within them.

We complain about children being disobedient. The solution for this is to become a good role model for your child, through imitating the Prophet ﷺ. Thereafter, it is in your child's nature to follow you.

We should take hold of the hand of a pious person and when we begin imitating this pious person, your child also begins imitating them.
Our Deen is of imitation and not intellect. Deen is taught via imitation and not knowledge. No companion became a Muslim through wisdom or intellect. They blind-followed and never asked for clarification. They became Companions due to their Aqeedah and without acquiring proof.

If you want to understand the Quran, first suppress the opinions and desires of your mind, and then recite the Quran.

If you want to become strong in Deen, then learn to love. Love the Awliyah Allah - those who love Allah ta'ala already and Allah ta'ala loves them, just like Nabi ﷺ taught us the Dua, "Oh Allah, Grant me Your love and the love of those who love You.

Obey Allah ta'ala's orders by imitating the Prophet ﷺ. We disobey Allah ta'ala, greatly, yet He still grants us chances. If we wish to come out of this trap, then we must strengthen our relationship with Allah ta'ala.
We are connected to Allah ta'ala via our Imaan, but our connection is very weak. Due to this weakness, our obedience to Him is also weak. If our connection with Allah ta'ala was to become strong, then, automatically our obedience to Him, will also become strong. Therefore, our connection with Allah ta'ala must be strengthened and this will assist us in obeying His orders, imitating the Prophet ﷺ and saving ourselves from sin.

As soon as a person's connection with Allah ta'ala is strengthened, the sins will be eliminated, and Allah ta'ala's obedience will be increased.

After Imaan, a believer's greatest concern, should be to have a strong connection with Allah ta'ala until he leaves this world. If our connection is weak at the time of death, Shaytan will attack us.

When a person sins and disobeys Allah ta'ala, he becomes a sinner and has fallen prey to his desires and Shaytan. This can happen to anyone at any time. A great worshipper and a Wali Allah can also become a great sinner. Each of us are always in danger, because our Nafs is present with us which threatens to weaken our connection with Allah ta'ala.

The Nafs becomes suppressed whilst in the company of the Sheikh, whilst performing Dhikr and whilst reciting the Quran, but it doesn't die. If its killed, then the examination in life for the human being would have ended.

In reality, Nafs can destroy a person's Imaan in seconds and weaken his connection with Allah ta'ala. Whenever the Nafs sees the opportunity, it attacks and deceives a person. Thus, the believer is always in danger from his Nafs, for as long as he lives.

We have commanded not to even go towards immorality and indecency. When you have to use a device, sit your wife next to you and then begin working. This will protect you and help you to avoid looking at immoral scenes. There is a cure for every problem and there are many ways just like this, to crush one's desires. The more you strive against your soul, the more rewards you'll receive.

What strengthens our connection with Allah ta'ala? Dhikr in abundance. Everything is present within Allah ta'ala's name. Allah ta'ala has contained all love within His name. The more Dhikr we perform, the more our connection with Allah ta'ala is strengthened. In this way, no Fitnah will attack a person and his Nafs will not overtake him. Furthermore, Allah ta'ala's desire will become his desire and he will adopt the lifestyle of the Prophet ﷺ very easily.

May Allah ta'ala grant us the ability to implement.
21st May, 2023