
مختصر نصیحت
Bayan, 22 minutes
17th January, 2023

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Allah hu akbar
23rd Jan, 2023
Short Advice

One should strive to attain the enjoyment of this world as well as the enjoyment of the Hereafter and there is no particular worship for achieving this success. Deen is very vast and every pathway of our deen, leads a person to Paradise, but only Allah ta'ala knows which path will lead one to Paradise.

The deen was formed through the examples of the Sahabah. They were selected people by Allah ta'ala. Everything which occurred in the time of the Prophet ﷺ, became a very valuable asset of guidance for the Ummah.

On one occasion, Hadhrat Zaid bin Arqamرضي الله عنه became ill due to an eye disease and due to this, Nabi ﷺ himself came to visit him. Hence, this Sahabi's painful eye became a great means of blessing for him.

Nabi ﷺ asked him, "Zaid, are you unwell?" He replied in the affirmative. Nabi ﷺ enquired what he had done about the pain. He replied, "I practiced patience and I persevered through the pain." Nabi ﷺ informed him, "Allah ta'ala has granted you paradise."

Did this Sahabi attain paradise for performing Umrah or Hajj? No. Allah ta'ala inflicted pain upon him and he accepted it and embraced his condition. Thereafter, he didn't complain. He turned to Allah ta'ala and in return, Nabi ﷺ came to visit him.
Likewise, if we follow suit upon our calamities, then our calamities become a great blessing for us, as Allah ta'ala's Mercy and Grace descends upon such an individual.

The lesson we learn from this hadith, is that we should not belittle the pain of others, whether they are experiencing pain from a severe illness or an operation or even pain from the eye.
We also learn that a sick person should inform others of his sickness and expose his pain. There's no need to consider yourself brave and courageous. This is part of deen and there's many reasons for revealing your sickness to others instead of concealing it.

Often when you're sick and you meet people, every single person recommends their own remedies and cures, so you end up receiving much wisdom and advice from different people. Consequently, you may not be able to follow up with all of them, but you'll most definitely benefit.

Another thing we learn is that visiting someone in distress is a great action. To enquire about someone's sickness or health is a great deed, regardless if it's a minor ailment or a major illness the person is facing. This is called brotherhood.

After noticing that your fellow brother hasn’t attended the masjid for some time for example, you should have concern for him and it is essential that you enquire in regards to his wellbeing. Furthermore, you should offer your help and assistance in order to earn a greater reward from Allah.

Do not consider any deed as insignificant because you never know which action will lead you to Paradise. Allah ta'ala's Grace and mercy is such that if you are weak in one thing, then Allah ta'ala provides you with another method or a shortcut. This is how He enables you to reach Paradise through whichever means. Perhaps you may come across someone facing an obstacle or facing doubts regarding religion and Allah ta'ala may make you a means of re-directing that person to the correct path.

Look after each other. This is our deen. This is our way of life. Its not merely performing prayer after prayer. When you look out for others, then Allah ta'ala will also send well-wishers to you when you are sick or in need. This is the path to Paradise being shown to us here by Nabi ﷺ as every action of his, leads a person to Paradise.

In reality, all sicknesses are unwelcome. None of us find them pleasant but if they come, they are from Allah and this a pathway which has been opened for a believer. Pain, difficulties and distress are all part of life and these are blessings given to us by Allah ta'ala. Whenever you face a calamity, know that it is a glad tiding for you and a source of hope. Do not become distressed and resort to anti-depressants, nor flee from the deen. Firstly, acknowledge that it has occurred due to the will of Allah and if Allah ta'ala has inflicted it upon you, then He can also take it away. So the best method is to turn to Allah. Seek His grace and blessings. Admit your mistakes and beg for forgiveness. Allah ta'ala loves this action so much that He not only rewards you for your actions, but he also removes the calamity from you.

It is not against observing patience to visit the doctor or to complain of pain or to utilise medicine or to cry. To go against patience is to
criticise and make negative comments. It is to complain against Allah ta'ala and the calamities you face and say, "why did this happen to me? It always happens to me. Why has Allah ta'ala selected me for trials whilst others are enjoying?"

Whatever has been decreed by Allah, is in fact, the best. In this hadith, we are taught to bear our calamities. Patience and persevering through pain is only formed when a person has certitude that the affliction has come from Allah. And in order to develop this certitude, we engage in Allah ta'ala's remembrance. This is how our conviction becomes strengthened and as a result we consider everything which befalls us to be via the permission and will of Allah. This is how a person becomes a wali Allah - Allah ta'ala's beloved. This is the true definition of Wilãyah. Not receiving miracles and floating in the air and having your prayers accepted. The one who changes his habits and characteristics positively, becomes a true beloved of Allah whether he is known or his status is recognised by the people of the world or not.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement.
20th Jan, 2023