
دو قیمتی نصیحتیں
Bayan, 55 minutes
5th January, 2023

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Two Precious Advices

Nabi ﷺ said, "Shall I not tell you whom the Hellfire is forbidden to touch? It is forbidden to touch a man who is always accessible, having polite and tender nature." [Tirmidhi]

The one who is saved from Hellfire will of course enter Paradise. So it shows us that this is the pathway to enter Paradise and also the pathway to be saved from Hellfire.

To be soft and gentle in your approach is a great form of worship. We see people in our society who are very hot tempered and stern. Only those people will enter paradise who have earned Allah's pleasure and in reality Allah ta'ala is pleased with these people who are gentle and calm in their mannerism and soft in their nature. We do not even consider this to be a form of worship or we consider it insignificant and focus on other acts of worship. We should strive to instil these characteristics within us because this is the most superior form of worship. All other worships lead us to attain these beautiful qualities.

It is very difficult to change ones mannerism. It is only the habits and qualities of a person that can replace his other habits and qualities. No worship can change a persons qualities which is why you see those fervent in worship, are sometimes hot tempered and stern in nature. Consequently, it is ones bad character which causes his worship to become futile.

If there is something lacking within our worship, we may still succeed, but we will not be excused for our misbehaviour and bad character towards others.

Nabi ﷺ never had bad character. He was soft.
Only regarding the matters of deen and principles of Allah, would his blessed face change colour, otherwise he would never fluctuate in his temperament due to any personal or worldly reason.

If you want to change your habits, then adopt the company of those who already possess these qualities of softness and gentleness.

The Noble Sahabah lived in an era in which murder, burying daughters alive, and other forms of oppression were generalised. Alcohol, jest, evil and corruption were all prevalent in their society.
There was nothing present in their generation which could improve them for the better. So how did they achieve excellent characteristics despite all of this in their midst?

It was in fact the company of the Prophet ﷺ through which their characters were improved.
The Sahabah didn't become great characters through their worship, they didn't even know the correct mannerism, yet became high level human beings due to their companionship.
They showed great respect to their teacher. They'd sacrifice their lives for Nabi ﷺ and wouldn't dare take any disrespect towards him because Adab (good manners) was crucial to them.

Mannerism is a great subject in Islam so undoubtedly Allah ta'ala has prepared to disseminate the learnings of the deen. Just like Allah ta'ala has prepared hospitals for the sick patient, He has also created Great spiritual reformers for the spiritually sick.

Allah ta'ala created the pious people in order for them to improve and reform the people. Therefore, Allah ta'ala instils those effective qualities within the pious persons discussions, his knowledge, his experience, his gaze, so that he can impact the people.

This is how a person attains faiz, blessings and positive effects from their company. However, the condition is that every action is dependent upon your intentions. So visit him with the intention of having your negative traits eliminated and the desire to become an improved human being.

The company of your Sheikh is never deprived of worship. It brings change and self reformation, love for the sunnah, closeness to Allah and a dislike for worldly affairs.

The company of the pious is such a great asset that the pious predecessors have mentioned that you cannot make up for its loss. If you miss the sitting, then there is no compensation for it. You've missed out on the Mercy which Allah ta'ala was bestowing upon that time. You've missed the opportunity that Allah ta'ala gave to you. Thus, you should never waste these special opportunities because every gathering and every sitting has a unique colour and effect.

The first thing which the Sahabah attained from the Company of the Prophet ﷺ was intense love. It wasn't worship. Their love for him overtook them and overwhelmed all other love they had for the world, and for their relatives. One should have a similar connection with their Sheikh. If you don’t have love for the teacher, then you will acquire nothing from him. The Sahabah wouldn't have become sahabah if they didn’t have the love for Nabi ﷺ.

Due to the love for your Sheikh, the characteristics of the Sheikh rubs off on you. Without love you cannot attain any promotion or success.

Deen is straightforward. If you have the genuine desire and concern of self improvement within you, then Allah ta'ala most certainly opens the pathway for you.

Sheikh Saadi Rahmatullahi alayh learnt knowledge for 30 years and travelled to many places to learn. He mentions that he was made a great individual by implementing the 2 advices given to him by his Sheikh, Hadhrat Shahabuddeen Soharwardi Rahmatullahi alayh.

1) Don't look towards your own goodness and don't look towards other people's errors and sins. Always look towards your own wrongs.

When you consider yourself insignificant, then other people consider you to be the most significant.

2) See the good and positive actions in others because it could be that they have one good deed in their account which is accepted by Allah ta'ala and they may be destined to Paradise due to it.

When a person practices upon these advices, the fear of Allah is generated within his heart and he becomes humble and protected from having pride. Even if one possesses an atoms worth of pride in his heart, he will not enter paradise. A habit can't change on its own. In your Sheikh's company one becomes saved from this grave sin and who can guarantee that they are free from this sin?

May Allah ta'ala grant us the ability to implement. Ameen
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