
What is a Special Facility for Mu'min?
Bayan, 25 minutes
10th December, 2019

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New Town has facilities from government - parks, hospitals, post offices, housing etc. Government looks after the people. Same way, Allah looks after us, the mu'mineen. Knows that we are weak, so gives us evening zikr to remove sins we've built up through the day. And morning zikr to remove sins done over the night.

No-one is free from sin however high status. Different people have different sins, but no-one is free. That's why need gatherings of zikr - these are stores opened by the awliyah. Don't lose out this opportunity to free yourself from jahannum. Only zikr gives you this, whatever your intention, unlike salah, quran etc.

So, imagine ijtema. Even more valuable. Bolton is being mentioned all over the world - ijtema khadims, angels will surround you. After majlis, all stones, trees, will give the attendees salaam and attest to their forgiveness.

Story of Allah's friend who fed injured ox, asked dua after 3 days for Allah to help, after which ox died - as a result, Rasoolullah (saws) came to them in a dream and assigned them several angels as reward. Point is that when Allah is pleased with action, reward comes straight away. So these zikr majaalis are great - Allah only invites those whom He likes. Special reward, forgiven, get high status. So, try to come morning, evening or at least online (with alert telling you to drop everything and join) - one worldwide halaqah, surrounded under wings of angels. Span of earth is nothing to Allah and the angels.
11th Dec, 2019
11th Dec, 2019