
Which is Layla-tul-Qadr Night?
Bayan, 39 minutes
29th May, 2019

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Ramadhan full of blessings, had purified us, refreshed and revived us, like newborn. Refreshed in worship, 5 times salah, have to leave busy work in day, have to leave drowsiness/chill-time in night. Isha stretched in Ramadhan (with taraweeh) to help you afterwards to at least do fardh.

But greater than this worship is manners, conduct. Sympathetic, warm hearted, listen to others problems, not jealous, not terrorist or oppresor - such people dishonour deen. Inside should be pure, clean and glowing, more so than you exterior. Is your heart clean? Do we have sympathy, love, regard, mercy for others? No enmity, hatred, malice for others. This is the measure of successful fast - has wiped away dirt of bad manners. Main point of Ramadhan. Love, mercy, give money to needy etc. Great reward, even forgiven by giving a date to someone, due to your love and regard for them - like they do in Haramain for iftar.

If someone upset, ask if they ok. If someone not at Masjid, ask them if ok. Maybe they're ill or in difficulty, and help them. Masjid is meeting place, not just for salah. Sympathy is main pillar of deen - can do 5 times a day. Someone ill, help with transport or give medicine. So, after salah and zikr, meet and greet each other, ask how everyone is.

Night of Qadr coming, angels fill up everywhere. Sahabi, a sailor, had dream that drank water of sea, and it was honey - was 23 or 25 night, was night of qadr. Whole world changes. Thousands of people see such signs - eg trees are bowing in prostration. Qadr means power, we will only fully comprehend it in the aakhirah.

So, Allah told Rasoolullah (saws) the actual night of qadr. They were so happy, (knew how ummah would become - can't even do fajr or other salah in masjid, or even on time, blame work etc.) But, due to argument between 2 sahabah, it made Rasoolullah (saws) forget - so ummah stopped from knowing exact night due to quarrel. Rasoolullah (saws) was so sad. And we fight all the time, family, friends etc

No fighting and quarrelling in Islam. Paradise isn't easy. Fight and question your nafs. Someone does zulm on you, do good back, someone snaps you, give flowers back, breaks with you, reconnect. Don't elevate fight. Only if they're doing wrong, give naseehat. Also, don't encourage wrong by helping them, because you're included in the sin - dislike the sin, not the person. Eg someone eat haram, hate food, not person. Humanity, can't dislike anyone, treat all with sympathy. Different tribes etc, not for different status, but for recognition. High status is those with taqwah, not noble tribe. And taqwah means less sins, not more worship. This is message of Ramadhan.

We don't know exact date of qadr, but blessing in another way since we have 5 nights to look. More effort. Attain qadr - what's it mean? See angels, signs, lights, dogs stop barking etc? No. Just ask from Allah, and Allah will give - that's it. Not big speeches, naats, lengthy duas behind imam etc - good, but not appropriate for qadr. Just sit in solitude, and ask based on your individual circumstances. Easy way, just do muraqabah, open yourself to Allah, and ask. Put out your begging bowl and ask, deen and dunya. Halal earnings (else worship not accepted), get away from riba etc. Make good niyat to leave such sins, then try, and go through some hardship, and you'll leave them. Speak to Allah, health problems, transport, debt issues, family issues, everything.

So, person who asks on qadr will definitely attain it. Stop quarreling and battles, change yourself. Anger is not quality of a believer. When giving naseehat or to enemy, do fake anger. If real anger comes, you're about to go to hell. You think you're something big with your anger? No, look at hell, waiting for you.
30th May, 2019