
Whom the Jannati will Desire to See?
Bayan, 33 minutes
10th September, 2018

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Allah tells us throughout Quran to follow Him, and to do so by following the sunnah. Success - will see at time of death, in Jannah and then, ultimately, by the blessed sight of Allah.

Obstacles is shaitan and nafs. Distract those who try to follow Allah. Dilute your deen. Allah says come into deen fully, follow sunnah completely, without looking at rewards, fardh etc. Don't take from deen based on your desires, "it's too difficult" etc

Jannatis will see a high place of light. (Jannati - those who followed Allah and sunnah of Rasoolullah (saws) fully. Without sunnah, salaah, hajj etc is spoiled.). The people high up - look down and faces shining with light. Those lower down travel to those higher up - THEY TOOK COMPANY OF A PIOUS PERSON FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH. Had regular company, respect, appreciation of a friend of Allah, by which they did deen fully - made them leave sins, and follow sunnah fully. Why? Their nature rubs of onto you.

Story of vision of Hadhrat Abdul Jilaani of Mujjaddid Alf Thani. Mujaddid Alf Thani was imprisoned for 3 years, but king realised mistake and asked for forgiveness, but have condition - release other great friends of Allah from jail, who before were theifs and bandits, high status due to blessed company.

Wherever you live, can follow deen. In West, there are pious youngsters, in so-called Muslim country, lot of sin. Dua - not just to bring wealth, good crops, but bring friend of Allah. Whatever your bad sins, ask this dua, to connect to Allah's friend.

After Fajr jamaat, seek out those doing dhikr, join them just for 20 mins, do 2 nafl salaah after, and see your spiritual state. Compare to those who see that gathering but just chit-chat in masjid. Those who attend dhikr gathering, in whatever a fitnah-laden place, leave forgiven.

If go to Allah's friend, shaitan will come down heavy on you, whispering, instill doubt, say it's bidah etc, but just have that love, no conditions, no dunya requirements, no fee - purely for Allah's sake. No dunya, just dhikr, dhikr, dhikr. And as love goes up, you'll listen to your Sheikh, salaah, beard etc, unlike elequent talks by maulanas, and all bad habits will melt away, dislike for sin. Follow this path, don't wilt or fear, and Allah guarantees you'll die with success.
21st Sep, 2018
Whom the Jannati will desire to see**
11th Sep, 2018