
Is It a Lie As Well?
Bayan, 22 minutes
31st July, 2018

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Some good deeds we do, we think are minor, but are massive. Eg dhikr - all those who partake of dhikr gatherings are forgiven. Sinner can go to paradise like this

In same way, we do bad deeds which we think are minor, but are massively destructive to us. In fact, such deeds are so dark, you'll not feel right doing them.

Big sin - lying. Actually relates to lack of iman - nifaq. We do it so easily. Can't even deceive animal - hadeeth about camel. Hadeeth - lying is also spreading false news, like we do now. We want to be first to spread it, without checking about whether it's true. In court, we need proof, same in court of life. Whole society like this. Even when nothing to chat about, we start idle gossip - beware. Cause of fitnah and argument in home. Instead of this gossip, so dhikr instead. Control yourself.
Even if you're wronged, don't say bad to others about it. Example of not cussing the theif who's stole from you - keep your lips tight.
Stop Chinese whispers. Example of someone who was ill, whom eventually some people thought had died. All people in that chain were liers.
If you're so desperate to spread rubbish, don't pick up phone, but just speak it to a wall.
2nd Aug, 2018