
Gathering of Ramadhan 2018 - No. 6
English Bayan, 36 mins
28th May, 2018

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We are all in need, and live our lives chasing this. We all have different levels of need - poor just wants some onion for dinner, rich wants holiday in Paris. And we end up doing haraam to meet our needs, our desires, even though they can never be met. The one who doesn't have such needs won't do this, so will go to Jannah.

But there is an action taught by Rasoolullah (saws) that will fulfil all our needs, stopping us from having to chase after them.

Salaah is a blessing, not a burden. Wudhu, freshen you, and open doors of Jannah. Fast, extracts our desires, won't want to eat, blessing. In same way, this way is also a blessing. So, do 5 times salaah + don't displease Allah, ie leave sin. For example, don't shave or trim less-than-fist the beard. Displeasing Allah for a few hairs?! Fisq. If do such Sins, all ibadat spoiled. Reading Quran brings curse on you. Your fast is just hunger and thirst. Just like your salaah spoiled if do with wrong way, your fast etc spoiled if done in wrong way, ie by sinning. We cheat people, take their money, fraud, break promises etc because of desires. And biggest sin is lying - can't be believer. And we think we're pious because we do a bit of dhikr. Ramadhan here, do taubah.

So, what is this action that will fulfil all your needs. Get you anything you want without having to chase after it, with Allah being your guarantor. JUST REMEMBER HIM FOR A SHORT WHILE AFTER FAJR AND AFTER ASR. That's it. Just do 3 times subhallah + durood, and you'll be amongst the dhaakireen. Subhallah is dhikr of Jannah, though which all our needs will be fulfilled there. This dhikr of subhallah is great - done without any riya, with pure intention. And, if Allah is your guarantor, your fulfiller, you need nothing else
31st May, 2018
Asalamualaikum there is no option to download this began.
29th May, 2018