
Who is Pardoned This Night?
Bayan, 52 minutes
30th April, 2018

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سبحان۰الله join the train of love Insha’Allah Hadhrat Sahib will get you there! ❤️X
3rd May, 2018
Precious night - one of 5 special nights. Full of blessings. Point of this night isn't for worship. Not to attain dunya benefit. The point of this night is for ALLAH'S FORGIVENESS. Once you attain this, all of dunya will follow, peace in the heart. Allah will forgive more than hairs on a tribe's goats i.e. unlimited. We are Allah's servants, even to the point of what of our hair we can cut, but we disobey and are full of sins. Need to stop.

So, main thing on this night is to get forgiveness, even if no other worship. To get out of the fire of our sins, and attain forgiveness:

CONDITION 1 - must not be mushriq: which we are not. We have wealth of Iman, alhamdulillah. Should we not be grateful? How? 5 TIMES SALAAH. Why don't we come normally for masjid, but only for special nights?

CONDITION 2 - must not have MALICE/HATRED to anyone else. Allah has put this sin on same level as shirk (condition 1). Major sin, but so common. Root cause of other sins - murder, lying, backbiting etc. Definition of this malice - someone wrongs you, your anger becomes hatred which becomes malice. Happens all the time, friend, teacher, siblings, kids, husband/wife etc. This malice makes you happy of the other person's difficulties - you say he 'deserved' it. Not becoming of a Muslim. Purify yourself. How to get rid of malice? Can take revenge, but better TO FORGIVE. Let them take your money - Allah will give you better. LET IT GO. Life full of competition between people, full of this sin. We think we're doing ibaadat, but we're impure from this sin. When sleep, your heart should be free of hate. This is sunnah of Rasoolullah (saws) - conquest of Makkah. Must follow it - removing this sin is main point of this night. That way we'll get forgiveness, get this night, get Ramadhan and acceptance of all our Ibaadat.
1st May, 2018