
Why So Many Blessings on Roza? - Majlis 5
English Bayan, 54 mins
31st May, 2017

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Fasting take you direct to Jannah, save you from jahannam. Ramadhan, deeds multiplied up to 700 times. Reward not related to hunger/thirst of fast, but yaqeen. It's this that saves us, since it extends imaan to amal. This yaqeen is strong in Ramadhaan, you fast due to hukm, leave sins etc. Even young child wants to fast, with difficulty, due to yaqeen that Allah watching her. We don't drink water in secret - yaqeen. Should be same whole year, for all sins.

So, Ramadhaan is protecting our yaqeen, but how about then? Don't want to lose it, and fall into hell. In fact, you can increase it. How? How did sahaabah get it? Sohbat of Rasoolullah (saws). So, do same - not Dhikr, but COMPANY OF ALLAH'S FRIEND. Masnoon dua - give me true belief, yaqeen saadiqah. How? Sohbat. Humble yourself to him, follow him, think you're nothing. If still sin after this, big punishment.
8th Jun, 2017
Fasting take you direct to Jannah, save you from jahannam. Ramadhan, deeds multiplied up to 700 times. Reward not related to hunger/thirst of fast, but yaqeen. It's this that saves us, since it extends imaan to amal. This yaqeen is strong in Ramadhaan, you fast due to hukm, leave sins etc. Even young child wants to fast, with difficulty, due to yaqeen that Allah watching her. We don't drink water in secret - yaqeen. Should be same whole year, for all sins.

So, Ramadhaan is protecting our yaqeen, but how about then? Don't want to lose it, and fall into hell. In fact, you can increase it. How? How did sahaabah get it? Sohbat of Rasoolullah (saws). So, do same - not Dhikr, but COMPANY OF ALLAH'S FRIEND. Masnoon dua - give me true belief, yaqeen saadiqah. How? Sohbat. Humble yourself to him, follow him, think you're nothing. If still sin after this, big punishment.
8th Jun, 2017