
Never Miss Your Namaz
Bayan, 52 minutes
25th March, 2017

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There are people who are lost in the attractions and colours of the dunya. No inclination to deen. Like being possessed by shaitaan/Jinn. Even if good friends pull them to deen, they reject, don't feel like it. Cure is Dhikr in company of pious person, and practise what he said - will fight off shaitaan. Else Lord is calling you, but you say you're fine.
Take Allah's hukm as a pearl. Follow completely. Then no divorce, arguments - husband just chase work, no time to wife. Nikah for peace. Follow Allah, peace descends, no loss. What's happening in your home. Parents, wife, kids. Shaitaan actions? Dhikr dissolves shaitaan like salt in water, keep doing it and have sabr. Follow Allah's hukm all the time, sleep, toilet etc.

First step to success - SALAAH. Allah says ESTABLISH it. How? Men - 5 times jamaat in Masjid (very few shariah reasons not to). Women - beginning time. Fear Allah's punishments. Nobody in our homes should leave salaah.
First punishment for leaving salaah: the action that made you leave it will be destroyed. Business? Will fail. Wife stop you going jamaat? No barakah in Nikah. Job where can't do salaah? Leave it. Salaah everywhere - airport, pavement etc. Let people laugh and joke. Sacrifice all for deen, business, study, wealth, etc and you'll get double back. We have so much worry for Dunya, have same for salaah. Taubah - azab for qaza goes.

If you earn money without salaah, money earned feeds kids, become gangsters and sinners, despite being hufaaz etc. Making them hafiz for Dunya has no link with deen.

In Aakhirat, the aforementioned people who were always being called by their friends to deen, but rejected, jaws will drop seeing those friends enjoying themselves. Will want to be sent back to dunya, but too late - thrown into hell.

The whole world is for salah. You can do salah anywhere. Pray direct on the earth - that's where you came from. No need for nice musallah. How can you tolerate you or your son/daughter leaving salah?
3rd Apr, 2017