
Who is Our Malik Rabb & Ilaa?
Bayan, 44 minutes
17th February, 2017

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Surah Nas states Allah is our Rab, Malik & Ila, which is a summary of the Quran.

Allah provides for all of us. We must believe that Allah will give us a fixed sustenance, and not do haram to try to get more. People worry about kids, expenses, over-claim benefits. A friend of Hadhrat Saahib did lots of ibaadat but, after he died, Hadhrat saw him in dream, where he was holding his stomach tight because he didn't always eat from halal risq. You can tell when someone has a dirty heart, earns haram

A dog is totally obedient to its master - better than us. The dog gets hardly anything, and we get favour upon favour from our master, yet we are disobedient.

We prostate to our nafs, not Allah. To be a slave means to eliminate our desires. We want recognition for our good Deeds (charity etc) - desires.

THREE DISTRACTIONS - whisperings of shaitaan, Jinn and men. An acquaintance tells you to increase your earnings via haram - shaitaan in the form of a man. Shaitaan can flow in your veins, heart etc. Jinn. Black magicians, peers, exorcists etc - people run to them. Allah is Rab, Quran eradicates all this, so why run after such people?

Had this Surah changed our life? Hadhrat Ibn Abas states that to fight these distractions (and so believe in Rabb, Malik and Ila) is to do Dhikrullah. This will make the shaitaan, Jinn and evil people run away.

Side note - we should continually make dua for anyone who helps us, either in deen or dunya, even friends who helped us in our childhood. Repay the favour. And don't stop people helping you - you'll both get reward. Have modesty.

21st Feb, 2017
Spellings of رب is RABB not RUB
18th Feb, 2017