As the era becomes closer to Qiyamah, the good deeds which are related to the Hereafter are reducing and evil and corruption are increasing. Unfortunately, these futile actions replace the good actions in our society.
We were sent to this world with a great objective. We should keep revising it because the society and enjoyment of this world makes us disconnected and lazy from it. Our objective of life is to attain Allah ta'ala's nearness. Everything we do in this world should only be for His sake and for His pleasure.
We must fight with our desires and Shaytan who distances us from our objective. This is not an easy task, although we have taken this life- struggle casually.
Allah ta'ala has given us worship in order to fulfil our objective of life, however, worship alone is not sufficient. With deeds and worship we also require sincerity. Sincerity refers to performing deeds for the sake of Allah ta'ala and not for our own desires.
Our desires make us complacent with our worship. We consider ourselves pious and successful. In reality, it is very difficult to travel this journey of life without a guide. The guide informs us how to correct our worship because there are many obstacles on the path to Allah ta'ala. We cannot seek Allah ta'ala's nearness through empty worship, for example, prayer must be elevated to the level of acceptance in order to receive success.
We must assess whether our prayers are taking us to the nearness of Allah ta'ala or are being performed ostentatiously.
We must recognise our desires. The person who has recognised his desires has recognised Allah ta'ala. It is not easy to recognise Allah ta'ala which is why we require a teacher. If we tread this journey of life alone, we will face deception.
Whichever action we perform in this world must be for the sake of Allah ta'ala and not for the sake of fulfilling our desires. If we live like this, all our desires will be fulfilled for us in the Hereafter.
Those who are upon the journey of seeking Allah ta'ala and becoming close to Him are referred to as the Saalik. He is different to the other people and his actions have a unique quality which is sincerity. Such a person's mannerism and focus changes and the effects of his deeds become enhanced. We must strive to instil sincerity within our worship. The one who struggles upon this path, Allah ta'ala will assist him in his striving.
Without a teacher, one cannot adopt sincerity. One may pray without a teacher, however, to attain sincerity and to gain success, it is essential for one to adopt a teacher. Those who have pride and follow their desires will never submit themselves as a student in front of a teacher.
In reality, we attain Allah ta'ala's nearness via the guidance of the teacher. We respect the teacher because the teacher introduces us to Allah ta'ala. When we respect the teacher, Allah ta'ala elevates us and brings us closer to Him. Thus, we should not be stubborn and arrogant. Rather, we should be humble and lower ourselves.
Through the company of the teacher, the diseases of the heart are removed. The teacher teaches you how to purify your inner selves. He is taking you towards Allah ta'ala and this is a science which you cannot find in the books as the teacher is directly inspired by Allah ta'ala.
Allah ta'ala inspires the WaliAllah to speak according to the level of sincerity of his students and their requirements and necessities. The more sincere and pure the students are, the more the waliAllah is inspired to address them with knowledge. The objective isn't the Sheikh. Rather, we assemble to gain the blessings from Allah ta'ala.
The blessings and mercies of Allah ta'ala descend upon the heart of the believer with every passing moment. It is absorbed by the hearts who desire His nearness. Thus, the believer's faith becomes stronger with every moment. If we are insincere in listening, Allah ta'ala will not allow us to understand the good.
When we attend the gatherings, we should come with the intention of attaining Allah ta'ala and not for any other reason.
If we have sincerity, the angels will come to meet us and Allah ta'ala will assist us in all ways. This is because we are seeking Allah ta'ala.
When one undertakes a good deed, he will find people who will try to discourage him. This is from Shaytan. Similarly, when a person treads upon the path of Allah ta'ala, he will face challenges and tests. This is because Allah ta'ala wishes to elavate him and grant him a high status.
We should seek a teacher who embodies the signs mentioned by Nabi ﷺ - when you see him, you are reminded of Allah ta'ala. You will feel peace in his gathering.
If you have sincere intentions of seeking Allah ta'ala, you will find the proper guide.
Shaytan and nafs will always try to distance a person from his Sheikh. Shaytan will attack one's certainty in his teacher. However, when we come across a genuine teacher, we must accept him with confidence. We should make our hearts content and have trust in him. If we hesitate and are doubtful, then we are insincere students and have adopted him as a guide for ulterior motives.
We should not accept a teacher in return for having our worldly needs fulfilled through him. Rather, we should go seeking Allah ta'ala's nearness through his company.
When the student is sincere in finding Allah ta'ala’s nearness, his life is improved, although he will face tests. The most severe test occurs when a person meets a Sheikh. Typically, this is where a student fails as his deen is being challenged and he faces temptations and attractions.
The most important thing a student requires is steadfastness. A student can never become close to Allah ta'ala and can never acquire sincerity without steadfastness. Steadfastness grants one sincerity and the help of Allah ta'ala.
If we have been instructed by our Sheikh to fulfil a good deed such as dhikr, we must perform it regularly and be steadfast. We must fulfil this instruction all lifelong. These deeds will deliver us to the pleasure of Allah ta'ala. It will be dhikr which will assist us in overcoming the tests upon this journey.
The Sheikh will instruct you to perform those actions which will take you towards Allah ta'ala's nearness. It may be severe sometimes and people may not accept, however, the student must be steadfast and firm upon the Sheikh's instructions. Such a person will be welcomed by the angels in the Hereafter and the Hereafter will be made easy for him due to his persistence.
We should not make excuses to abandon these dhikr gatherings without a genuine excuse otherwise in doing so, we are preventing the practice of steadfastness.
We must be immersed in the company of our teacher and must make effort upon this path. Consequently, our life will never be difficult as Allah ta'ala will assist us. He will grant us prosperity and will fulfil our worldly desires upon passing the challenges and tests followed by observing steadfastness.
Such people are given the good news of Paradise and are given the pleasure of Allah ta'ala after they depart this world. This is the fulfilment of Allah ta'ala's promise.
We should be steadfast upon the Tazkiyah sheets without being concerned about being lazy or weak. Thereafter, Allah ta'ala and His angels will help us and we will receive Paradise.
Only through this path which Allah ta'ala has defined, we will receive His nearness - not through performing many Hajj and Umrah.
We should lead our lives according to Allah ta'ala's desires no matter how much opposition we face. We should be steadfast and not be a hypocrite, otherwise we can never be successful. Only with sacrifices we are successful.
We must not hesitate and be afraid to repent, otherwise it means that we do not have belief in Allah ta'ala's promise. Allah ta'ala is the protector and He is sufficient for us.
As the era becomes closer to Qiyamah, the good deeds which are related to the Hereafter are reducing and evil and corruption are increasing. Unfortunately, these futile actions replace the good actions in our society.
We were sent to this world with a great objective. We should keep revising it because the society and enjoyment of this world makes us disconnected and lazy from it. Our objective of life is to attain Allah ta'ala's nearness. Everything we do in this world should only be for His sake and for His pleasure.
We must fight with our desires and Shaytan who distances us from our objective. This is not an easy task, although we have taken this life- struggle casually.
Allah ta'ala has given us worship in order to fulfil our objective of life, however, worship alone is not sufficient. With deeds and worship we also require sincerity. Sincerity refers to performing deeds for the sake of Allah ta'ala and not for our own desires.
Our desires make us complacent with our worship. We consider ourselves pious and successful. In reality, it is very difficult to travel this journey of life without a guide. The guide informs us how to correct our worship because there are many obstacles on the path to Allah ta'ala. We cannot seek Allah ta'ala's nearness through empty worship, for example, prayer must be elevated to the level of acceptance in order to receive success.
We must assess whether our prayers are taking us to the nearness of Allah ta'ala or are being performed ostentatiously.
We must recognise our desires. The person who has recognised his desires has recognised Allah ta'ala. It is not easy to recognise Allah ta'ala which is why we require a teacher. If we tread this journey of life alone, we will face deception.
Whichever action we perform in this world must be for the sake of Allah ta'ala and not for the sake of fulfilling our desires. If we live like this, all our desires will be fulfilled for us in the Hereafter.
Those who are upon the journey of seeking Allah ta'ala and becoming close to Him are referred to as the Saalik. He is different to the other people and his actions have a unique quality which is sincerity. Such a person's mannerism and focus changes and the effects of his deeds become enhanced. We must strive to instil sincerity within our worship. The one who struggles upon this path, Allah ta'ala will assist him in his striving.
Without a teacher, one cannot adopt sincerity. One may pray without a teacher, however, to attain sincerity and to gain success, it is essential for one to adopt a teacher. Those who have pride and follow their desires will never submit themselves as a student in front of a teacher.
In reality, we attain Allah ta'ala's nearness via the guidance of the teacher. We respect the teacher because the teacher introduces us to Allah ta'ala. When we respect the teacher, Allah ta'ala elevates us and brings us closer to Him. Thus, we should not be stubborn and arrogant. Rather, we should be humble and lower ourselves.
Through the company of the teacher, the diseases of the heart are removed. The teacher teaches you how to purify your inner selves. He is taking you towards Allah ta'ala and this is a science which you cannot find in the books as the teacher is directly inspired by Allah ta'ala.
Allah ta'ala inspires the WaliAllah to speak according to the level of sincerity of his students and their requirements and necessities. The more sincere and pure the students are, the more the waliAllah is inspired to address them with knowledge. The objective isn't the Sheikh. Rather, we assemble to gain the blessings from Allah ta'ala.
The blessings and mercies of Allah ta'ala descend upon the heart of the believer with every passing moment. It is absorbed by the hearts who desire His nearness. Thus, the believer's faith becomes stronger with every moment. If we are insincere in listening, Allah ta'ala will not allow us to understand the good.
When we attend the gatherings, we should come with the intention of attaining Allah ta'ala and not for any other reason.
If we have sincerity, the angels will come to meet us and Allah ta'ala will assist us in all ways. This is because we are seeking Allah ta'ala.
When one undertakes a good deed, he will find people who will try to discourage him. This is from Shaytan. Similarly, when a person treads upon the path of Allah ta'ala, he will face challenges and tests. This is because Allah ta'ala wishes to elavate him and grant him a high status.
We should seek a teacher who embodies the signs mentioned by Nabi ﷺ - when you see him, you are reminded of Allah ta'ala. You will feel peace in his gathering.
If you have sincere intentions of seeking Allah ta'ala, you will find the proper guide.
Shaytan and nafs will always try to distance a person from his Sheikh. Shaytan will attack one's certainty in his teacher. However, when we come across a genuine teacher, we must accept him with confidence. We should make our hearts content and have trust in him. If we hesitate and are doubtful, then we are insincere students and have adopted him as a guide for ulterior motives.
We should not accept a teacher in return for having our worldly needs fulfilled through him. Rather, we should go seeking Allah ta'ala's nearness through his company.
When the student is sincere in finding Allah ta'ala’s nearness, his life is improved, although he will face tests. The most severe test occurs when a person meets a Sheikh. Typically, this is where a student fails as his deen is being challenged and he faces temptations and attractions.
The most important thing a student requires is steadfastness. A student can never become close to Allah ta'ala and can never acquire sincerity without steadfastness. Steadfastness grants one sincerity and the help of Allah ta'ala.
If we have been instructed by our Sheikh to fulfil a good deed such as dhikr, we must perform it regularly and be steadfast. We must fulfil this instruction all lifelong. These deeds will deliver us to the pleasure of Allah ta'ala. It will be dhikr which will assist us in overcoming the tests upon this journey.
The Sheikh will instruct you to perform those actions which will take you towards Allah ta'ala's nearness. It may be severe sometimes and people may not accept, however, the student must be steadfast and firm upon the Sheikh's instructions. Such a person will be welcomed by the angels in the Hereafter and the Hereafter will be made easy for him due to his persistence.
We should not make excuses to abandon these dhikr gatherings without a genuine excuse otherwise in doing so, we are preventing the practice of steadfastness.
We must be immersed in the company of our teacher and must make effort upon this path. Consequently, our life will never be difficult as Allah ta'ala will assist us. He will grant us prosperity and will fulfil our worldly desires upon passing the challenges and tests followed by observing steadfastness.
Such people are given the good news of Paradise and are given the pleasure of Allah ta'ala after they depart this world. This is the fulfilment of Allah ta'ala's promise.
We should be steadfast upon the Tazkiyah sheets without being concerned about being lazy or weak. Thereafter, Allah ta'ala and His angels will help us and we will receive Paradise.
Only through this path which Allah ta'ala has defined, we will receive His nearness - not through performing many Hajj and Umrah.
We should lead our lives according to Allah ta'ala's desires no matter how much opposition we face. We should be steadfast and not be a hypocrite, otherwise we can never be successful. Only with sacrifices we are successful.
We must not hesitate and be afraid to repent, otherwise it means that we do not have belief in Allah ta'ala's promise. Allah ta'ala is the protector and He is sufficient for us.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen