
Majlis-e-Dhikr in Burnley
Bayan, 77 minutes
12th January, 2025

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Majlis-e-Dhikr in Burnley

وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ

"And certainly We have created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind; they have hearts with which they fail to understand; and they have eyes with which they fail to see; and they have ears with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle - indeed, even more astray." [7:179]

There will be a number of people in Hellfire and this will be due to their negligence and laziness. This negligence is the root of all sins. It causes a person to abandon prayers, commit adultery and theft and become angry. Such a persons senses do not benefit him and he is worse than the animals because animals obey Allah ta'ala, however, human beings disobey Allah ta'ala and follow their own desires.

If one is alert and conscious over his actions, he would not commit sins. Unfortunately, we desire the enjoyments of the world in order to fulfil our physical requirements. We fail to practice the deen properly and we make up our own deen. We must strengthen our connection with Allah ta'ala constantly and avoid negligence and ignorance. We should not follow our desires for even a small moment.

The believers are not afraid of the grave and the Hereafter. They acknowledge that there is no rest in this world and there is no peace although we are surrounded by luxuries. They know that they will be given rest at their permanent abode.

In the Hereafter, the restrictions set by Allah ta'ala will be lifted. This is why we should follow the laws of Allah ta'ala in this world and not our own.

The blessings we have been given by Allah ta'ala are tests for us. They are only considered blessings when they are attained alongside observing the obedience of Allah ta'ala, otherwise it is poison for us. If we remain negligent, then these blessings from Allah ta'ala will lead us to Hellfire.

The most beloved deed to Allah ta'ala is that a person prays his prayer on time. At the time of adhan, we should abandon all worldly things and fulfil the prayer.

We should encourage our children to pray and attend the Masjid, otherwise they will not succeed. If you raise them to oppose the laws of Allah ta'ala, they will be lead astray. We blame the generation, although Allah ta'ala is the protector of the deen and He protects those who practice the deen and their children. It's unfortunate that we place great emphasis upon the worldly progression of our children, such as their careers, instead of paying focus to their deen.

Sadly, we abandon prayers in order to attend functions and invitations. When we go abroad, we abandon practicing the deen and that environment impacts our mannerism. We have the belief, yet, we are spiritually sick and negligent. In reality, our lifestyles should remain the same wherever we are if we are truly believers and we should embrace all the commands of Shariah.

It is due to our negligence that we do not desire to imitate the Prophet ﷺ's Sunnah for the lovers receive the words of the Prophet ﷺ wherever they are. They accept it with their hearts and they implement. They do not doubt or hesitate like most of us do today.

We should not become content and comfortable with our worldly assets and blessings. Allah ta'ala will question us in regards to our sustenance and whether we showed gratitude for them.

A person does not engage in dhikr in order to become famous. Rather, it is performed to remove negligence and ignorance and to rectify our intentions. It protects a person from acting against the Shariah.

Dhikr is a great cure for us. It enables us to pray and improve our mannerism and also improve our children. Whoever performs dhikr in this era of ignorance and negligence, his life will be illuminated during this time of darkness. Such a person is given reward equivalent to all the human beings in the world. He is also shown Paradise whilst he in this world.

We should not only aim for reward, rather, we should take cure from dhikr. This should be our intention.

Shaytan is assigned over the one who turns away from dhikr and criticises it and he will not leave that persons side.

We should engage in abundant dhikr during the time Allah ta'ala has prescribed, which is the morning and evening. We should adhere to the schedule set by Allah ta'ala without prioritising our worldly affairs. If we perform any other action during these moments, it is a waste of time.

Allah ta'ala commanded the Prophet ﷺ to sit with those companion who were engaged in dhikr morning and evening, yet, we still fail to attend these gatherings. The companions did not amass wealth. Rather, they amassed the love of Allah ta'ala and Nabi ﷺ witnessed the mercy of Allah ta'ala descending upon them.

Nabi ﷺ stated that he prefers to sit with those who engage in dhikr after fajr until sunrise, over all the world and what it contains. Thus, we should sacrifice every worldly thing during this time and engage in dhikr. Thereafter, Allah ta'ala will grant us even more in return.

Everything is attained via the dhikr gatherings. Allah ta'ala delivers our earnings to us once we make sacrifices for it. We should crush and oppose our desires. The root cause of all sins is negligence and the cure for negligence is dhikr which is learnt by the AwliyahAllah. It is compulsory to rid ourselves from negligence and to remove it from our children too.

Dhikr brings positive changes and improvement. However, the Dhaakir should not compare his life with the life of others who are seemingly successful. This is because dhikr is not connected to money, otherwise wealth would not be given to the disbelievers. Life's ups and downs will continue as dhikr has no connection with worldly things. One is not given success of the world through dhikr. Rather, dhikr is connected to one's Hereafter.

We must implement the orders of Allah ta'ala and follow the Shariah and Sunnah. We are weak and this is why we engage in dhikr - to become lovers of the Prophet ﷺ.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen
24th Jan, 2025