Nabi ﷺ performed a dua - "Oh Allah! Grant us blessings during Rajab and Sha’ban, and allow us to reach Ramadan." [Shu’abul-Iman]
This shows that Rajab and Sha'ban are months of preparation for Ramadan. Ramadan is a month of spiritual enhancement and progression, thus, we must prepare ourselves by cleansing our hearts and remaining cautious over sins. We should try our best to change our lifestyle and eliminate our defects so that we may earn the blessings of this month.
It is not just physical worship which helps us prepare for Ramadan. Rather, the real preparation is such that it causes a person's deeds to be accepted and it earns Allah ta'ala's pleasure.
In Mishkat Shareef Nabi ﷺ mentions that there will pass such an era in which discord and corruption will be present. There will be great confusion and disunity. Immodesty will be common and people will follow Islam according to their desires.
Such a generation will not lack in materialism and wealth. They will not face hunger and impoverishment. However, the corruption they will face is the religion being spoilt and division being common. This is the real corruption which Nabi ﷺ referred to.
All the signs of corruption are present today although we do not accept it. Shariah tells us that an action is considered wrong, however, we justify it. This is corruption.
What is the root of this corruption?
Rejecting and abandoning the ways of the Sunnah. Mocking and criticising the Sunnah. This is the reason the Ummah is facing corruption.
The deen is based upon the Sunnah and the Sunnah refers to the complete way of life for a Muslim.
Abundant worship and seclusion isn't the entire deen or the definition of piety. Rather, it is a part of deen. The deen Nabi ﷺ bought consists of many subjects besides worship, such as one's conduct, social life, business dealings and personal habits. Allah ta'ala will question us regarding all of this.
The Sunnah covers all these aspects of life.
We must follow his style in every way of life. His character, his conduct, his business acumen, etc.
Hajj and Umrah are great deeds and rewardable, however, there are other things which may waste our acts of worship such as rejecting these other fundamental parts of the deen.
Corruption originated when we began taking others as role models besides the Holy Prophet ﷺ. We shun those who remind us to practice the Sunnah and try to rectify us and we adopt the laws and principles of other people. This is how our worship is wasted.
The magnificence of a believer is such that he emulates his ﷺ ways regarding eating, clothing and mannerism. If we fail to do this, we are the reason for corruption in the deen.
In reality, the Sunnah holds so much value and whoever criticises the Sunnah or considers it insignificant, loses his faith. His life is a waste and so is his worship because he has rejected a fundamental part of deen which is the Prophet ﷺ's personal lifestyle.
The believer receives guidance from the Sunnah for every thing in his life such as travelling, resolving marital issues and upbringing of children. There is no aspect of life which the Sunnah does not cover. Despite this, unfortunately, we choose the way of others and this is how corruption is created within the nation.
If we wish to be safe from the wrath and punishment of Allah ta'ala and beautify our Ramadan, we should sincerely repent from now and make a promise not to abandon the Sunnah.
We should make a firm intention to learn and emulate every single Sunnah. If we are ashamed and hesitant, then we lack faith as it is the duty of a Muslim to prepare for Ramadan and prepare for our Hereafter and the way to do this is through his ﷺ emulation.
To practice the Sunnah is deen and with practice, we become better Muslims and there will be a beautiful effect in our worship. If we abandon and reject the Sunnah and perform other forms of worship, then this is considered deception and corruption and such a person will soon receive punishment.
Whoever revives a Sunnah at the time of corruption and evil where there is no importance of the Sunnah, there is hesitancy and embarrassment regarding the Sunnah, then he will be given a high reward as this deed carries the most reward compared to others.
Shaytan has removed the importance of the Sunnah from the Ummah and this is the corruption we are facing. We should be followers of the Prophet ﷺ twenty fours hours a day. If not, the least we should ensure is to do the Sunnah attire in the Masjid. We should not feel embarrassed in doing so.
Imitating one Sunnah brings us the reward of a hundred martyrs. If we are faced with a matter at home, or regarding our business, or if there is a dispute regarding inheritance, we should take guidance from the Sunnah and we will receive the reward of 100 martyrs in return.
We fail to practice because we don't have a connection with the Prophet ﷺ and we do not possess proper faith. We live our lives for the sake of the world and claim that the Sunnah is not necessary, however, our deeds are accepted through emulating his ways.
A person will not attain Ramadan without emulating the Sunnah. He will only receive hunger and curses in return. The sisters who fast
without observing purdah, will also be cursed.
Our duty is to follow the constitutions of Allah ta'ala and the Prophet ﷺ's Shariah. Women should not be travelling alone. We should consult a Mufti for our matters. Sadly, we have created our own deen by following our desires and justified our actions by claiming that we are compelled.
The other Prophets desired to be from amongst his nation. Despite being from his blessed nation, today we follow the ways of others.
In a Hadith mentioned in Mishkat Shareef, Nabi ﷺ mentions that the one who loves the Sunnah is loved by the Prophet ﷺ and he will be with the Prophet ﷺ in Jannah. This is a promise made by the Prophet ﷺ himself.
If you want to see how much a person loves the Prophet ﷺ, then assess how much he emulates the Sunnah at the time of corruption and evil. Such an observer of the Sunnah is the true lover of the Prophet ﷺ. His worship will be great, his mannerism and his lifestyle will be great. We should do this preparation prior to Ramadan to earn a great reward.
We should assess how much of the Sunnah we are practicing in our lives. At this time of corruption, we should empower and encourage ourselves to emulate the Sunnah. We should strengthen each other and make it easier for us to practice. The best way to achieve this is to accompany a person who already emulates the deen and Sunnah. This is the way to improve.
The Sunnah is found in the company of the WaliAllah and that is where you will find the guidance for they follow the Sunnah internally and externally. You should bring your children there and their rectification will naturally begin to take place.
A person can engage in propagation of deen with every passing second. The one who practices and propagates the deen in this day and age is doing the same work as the Messengers and he will receive unimaginable rewards.
We should adorn the Sunnah clothing in our workplaces and whilst shopping outdoors. In this way, all our fear and hesitation will evaporate and people will also become attracted towards Islam. This is the method to propagate Islam and the way to earn Paradise.
We should have this concern and we should develop this concern amongst our children too. We should intend to practice one Sunnah a day.
First of all, we should remove our hesitation and worry. We should change our attire according to the Sunnah style. We will be rewarded even if we are mocked. If we adorn the clothing besides the Sunnah, it is considered hypocrisy.
Nabi ﷺ performed a dua - "Oh Allah! Grant us blessings during Rajab and Sha’ban, and allow us to reach Ramadan." [Shu’abul-Iman]
This shows that Rajab and Sha'ban are months of preparation for Ramadan. Ramadan is a month of spiritual enhancement and progression, thus, we must prepare ourselves by cleansing our hearts and remaining cautious over sins. We should try our best to change our lifestyle and eliminate our defects so that we may earn the blessings of this month.
It is not just physical worship which helps us prepare for Ramadan. Rather, the real preparation is such that it causes a person's deeds to be accepted and it earns Allah ta'ala's pleasure.
In Mishkat Shareef Nabi ﷺ mentions that there will pass such an era in which discord and corruption will be present. There will be great confusion and disunity. Immodesty will be common and people will follow Islam according to their desires.
Such a generation will not lack in materialism and wealth. They will not face hunger and impoverishment. However, the corruption they will face is the religion being spoilt and division being common. This is the real corruption which Nabi ﷺ referred to.
All the signs of corruption are present today although we do not accept it. Shariah tells us that an action is considered wrong, however, we justify it. This is corruption.
What is the root of this corruption?
Rejecting and abandoning the ways of the Sunnah. Mocking and criticising the Sunnah. This is the reason the Ummah is facing corruption.
The deen is based upon the Sunnah and the Sunnah refers to the complete way of life for a Muslim.
Abundant worship and seclusion isn't the entire deen or the definition of piety. Rather, it is a part of deen. The deen Nabi ﷺ bought consists of many subjects besides worship, such as one's conduct, social life, business dealings and personal habits. Allah ta'ala will question us regarding all of this.
The Sunnah covers all these aspects of life.
We must follow his style in every way of life. His character, his conduct, his business acumen, etc.
Hajj and Umrah are great deeds and rewardable, however, there are other things which may waste our acts of worship such as rejecting these other fundamental parts of the deen.
Corruption originated when we began taking others as role models besides the Holy Prophet ﷺ. We shun those who remind us to practice the Sunnah and try to rectify us and we adopt the laws and principles of other people. This is how our worship is wasted.
The magnificence of a believer is such that he emulates his ﷺ ways regarding eating, clothing and mannerism. If we fail to do this, we are the reason for corruption in the deen.
In reality, the Sunnah holds so much value and whoever criticises the Sunnah or considers it insignificant, loses his faith. His life is a waste and so is his worship because he has rejected a fundamental part of deen which is the Prophet ﷺ's personal lifestyle.
The believer receives guidance from the Sunnah for every thing in his life such as travelling, resolving marital issues and upbringing of children. There is no aspect of life which the Sunnah does not cover. Despite this, unfortunately, we choose the way of others and this is how corruption is created within the nation.
If we wish to be safe from the wrath and punishment of Allah ta'ala and beautify our Ramadan, we should sincerely repent from now and make a promise not to abandon the Sunnah.
We should make a firm intention to learn and emulate every single Sunnah. If we are ashamed and hesitant, then we lack faith as it is the duty of a Muslim to prepare for Ramadan and prepare for our Hereafter and the way to do this is through his ﷺ emulation.
To practice the Sunnah is deen and with practice, we become better Muslims and there will be a beautiful effect in our worship. If we abandon and reject the Sunnah and perform other forms of worship, then this is considered deception and corruption and such a person will soon receive punishment.
Whoever revives a Sunnah at the time of corruption and evil where there is no importance of the Sunnah, there is hesitancy and embarrassment regarding the Sunnah, then he will be given a high reward as this deed carries the most reward compared to others.
Shaytan has removed the importance of the Sunnah from the Ummah and this is the corruption we are facing. We should be followers of the Prophet ﷺ twenty fours hours a day. If not, the least we should ensure is to do the Sunnah attire in the Masjid. We should not feel embarrassed in doing so.
Imitating one Sunnah brings us the reward of a hundred martyrs. If we are faced with a matter at home, or regarding our business, or if there is a dispute regarding inheritance, we should take guidance from the Sunnah and we will receive the reward of 100 martyrs in return.
We fail to practice because we don't have a connection with the Prophet ﷺ and we do not possess proper faith. We live our lives for the sake of the world and claim that the Sunnah is not necessary, however, our deeds are accepted through emulating his ways.
A person will not attain Ramadan without emulating the Sunnah. He will only receive hunger and curses in return. The sisters who fast
without observing purdah, will also be cursed.
Our duty is to follow the constitutions of Allah ta'ala and the Prophet ﷺ's Shariah. Women should not be travelling alone. We should consult a Mufti for our matters. Sadly, we have created our own deen by following our desires and justified our actions by claiming that we are compelled.
The other Prophets desired to be from amongst his nation. Despite being from his blessed nation, today we follow the ways of others.
In a Hadith mentioned in Mishkat Shareef, Nabi ﷺ mentions that the one who loves the Sunnah is loved by the Prophet ﷺ and he will be with the Prophet ﷺ in Jannah. This is a promise made by the Prophet ﷺ himself.
If you want to see how much a person loves the Prophet ﷺ, then assess how much he emulates the Sunnah at the time of corruption and evil. Such an observer of the Sunnah is the true lover of the Prophet ﷺ. His worship will be great, his mannerism and his lifestyle will be great. We should do this preparation prior to Ramadan to earn a great reward.
We should assess how much of the Sunnah we are practicing in our lives. At this time of corruption, we should empower and encourage ourselves to emulate the Sunnah. We should strengthen each other and make it easier for us to practice. The best way to achieve this is to accompany a person who already emulates the deen and Sunnah. This is the way to improve.
The Sunnah is found in the company of the WaliAllah and that is where you will find the guidance for they follow the Sunnah internally and externally. You should bring your children there and their rectification will naturally begin to take place.
A person can engage in propagation of deen with every passing second. The one who practices and propagates the deen in this day and age is doing the same work as the Messengers and he will receive unimaginable rewards.
We should adorn the Sunnah clothing in our workplaces and whilst shopping outdoors. In this way, all our fear and hesitation will evaporate and people will also become attracted towards Islam. This is the method to propagate Islam and the way to earn Paradise.
We should have this concern and we should develop this concern amongst our children too. We should intend to practice one Sunnah a day.
First of all, we should remove our hesitation and worry. We should change our attire according to the Sunnah style. We will be rewarded even if we are mocked. If we adorn the clothing besides the Sunnah, it is considered hypocrisy.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen