One who holds full faith that his enemy will bring him harm, will ruin his life and constantly place obstacles in his path, will try to save himself as much as possible from this enemy. A wise person will make effort and also seek help.
We have total belief that Shaytan destroys our deen and ruins our worship by leading us to sin. He wishes to make us negligent. He injects evil whispers and he creates lust and evil temptations within us.
Worshippers and the pious are both affected by Shaytan. Unfortunately, we understand his impact and influence, however, we fail to protect ourselves from him. We know he is the source of destruction, yet, we befriend him. This leads to our failure.
The solution is to grab hold of the enemy and prevent him from distracting us. It is essential for every believer to be alert against the enemy and only then will we leave this world successfully. We shouldn't fall in to the deception that we are safe from him. In reality, Shaytan attacks a person up until his death. Those who did not live carefully and were immersed in the world, will die in the state of negligence. We should seek Allah ta'ala's protection from the evil of Shaytan at the time of our death so that he does not overwhelm our mind and our faith whilst we are dying.
Every day we should assess how much wrongdoing we have committed due to Shaytan's influence. How much did we fight our enemy?
Unfortunately, we do not have concern over Shaytan who occupies us with worldly things. We are satisfied with our worship whilst failing to assess how much Shaytan is involved in our worship.
As a matter of fact, Shaytan interferes in our life whilst we are eating and whilst we spend the night with our wives. If we actually considered him to be our enemy, we would think about him ten times a day. If a person does not realise that he is in need of protection, how will he protect himself?
A person who forgets his enemy will be destroyed and he will depart this world as a failure. Thus, we should be alert just like a security guard on duty.
Shaytan causes mayhem inside houses and he creates differences and enmity between people. We should live our lives cautiously and work hard upon our children by taking hold of the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ.
Nabi ﷺ mentioned that Shaytan can never destroy those who remember Allah ta'ala. He may attempt to attack them, but he will fail. He can never bring loss to the Dhaakireen and he cannot ruin their lives.
When the Dhaakir engages in dhikr he is protected from Shaytan as dhikr is a fort of protection for him.
Dhikr is the greatest action of worship and through it, we are fighting Shaytan. Thus, he cannot spoil any part of our life. Dhikr is our weapon and without it, we are not safe. Dhikr creates light and awareness within us. If we fail to take up this solution and believe that we are not in need of it, then we face great loss.
The Dhaakir is granted the mercy of Allah ta'ala and cannot be attacked by Shaytan. Thus, he is protected from sins. The one who abandons dhikr is under the influence of Shaytan, as Shaytan is attached to the person who is negligent.
We are all in need of dhikr, more than any other action. We are so fortunate to be attending the dhikr gatherings through His mercy whilst corruption and evil are occurring around us.
If one does not correct himself now, then he will definitely be attacked by Shaytan at the time of death even if he was not attacked in the world.
Unfortunately, Shaytan has reduced the importance of dhikr in our eyes. The Quran is a mercy and healing and through the name of Allah ta'ala, a person may be healed from all diseases. We must possess firm belief that Allah ta'ala's name holds power and healing.
When we engage in dhikr, we should believe that we are performing the greatest action which will bring us blessings and will definitely take us to Paradise. Thereafter, we will enjoy our dhikr.
Nabi ﷺ stated that the one who engages in dhikr will have a unique status in the Hereafter. He will enter Paradise with peace and without any burden of sin.
There are two groups.
Muqarrabeen - They are those who are close to Allah ta'ala. They are selected by Allah ta'ala for a duty and purpose. No one can doubt this.
Ibraar - They are also special people but they have a different rank. They are not selected but they are given guidance by Allah ta'ala. They are students and are given the company of the pious. Thereafter, they are improved and this is how they progress.
Both groups are at a high status. Both groups imitate the Prophet ﷺ. Both try to increase their Taqwa and they are connected to the pious people. We must assess which category we are associated with.
We are not minor individuals. We are part of one of these groups as we make effort to engage in dhikr, abstain from sin and we try to follow our Sheikh's guidance. These such people are forgiven.
When a Dhaakir commits a sin, its a weak low level sin and he can be absolved from that sin through his dhikr and through the company of his Sheikh. Allah ta'ala has placed great effect and benefit in the Sheikh's company which is why many people travel far and wide to sit in their Sheikh's company.
The Dhaakir is not affected by Shaytan's influence. He will be light in the Hereafter. He will have no burden of sins because he constantly opposed and fought Shaytan in the world. He rejected Shaytan's invitations and he performed dhikr to make himself strong. He will have no worry or concern.
The Dhaakireen will not face tests in the Hereafter. They will be respected. Six people have been selected by Allah ta'ala to welcome them. These special people will be seated under the shade of Allah ta'ala's throne. From amongst these people, the greatest group under His throne will be the men and women who remember Allah ta'ala.
We should never give up hope because we are attaining great benefit from these dhikr gatherings. This is why we should never forsake these gatherings for minor worldly things.
All forms of knowledge and subjects of deen are great, however, the greatest asset for the transformation of an individual is the dhikr of Allah. It is the most powerful resource and it provides most impact upon a person.
Those whose hearts are clean will have shining faces as they kept purifying their hearts through dhikr and the company of the Sheikh. Shaytan has made us lazy so we should fight him through dhikr. We should also guide our families upon the path of dhikr and they will become good human beings.
This is because the fitrah of a believer is light. He is attached to light. We have spoilt our heart through darkness and dirt. Thus, we should allow the light to enter us through the company of the Sheikh. Thereafter, deen will become easy for us and fear will be removed.
There are eight doors of Paradise, out of which one is kept for the Dhaakir. In the Hereafter, an announcer will call out, "Where are the people of intellect?" People will enquire who these people are and Allah ta'ala will respond saying that they are those who rejected material things of the world and they remembered Allah ta'ala constantly and in every circumstance. They will be the most intellectual people in the Hereafter as they had a concern developed within them.
Allah ta'ala created His creation for the purpose of remembering Him and the creation has no other objective in life. This is why the universe recognises the dhaakir as the universe itself remembers Allah ta'ala.
When you combine dhikr and concern it becomes Muraqabah. When a person performs Muraqabah, his Lataaif begin to float, and he gains the light and benefit. His status increases and he progresses with the spiritual lessons given by his Sheikh. He becomes a unique human being. He understands the reality of the Quran and all the subjects of deen. He doesn't enjoy the worldly gatherings. He is detached from the world and he develops concern. He attains Allah ta'ala's nearness and love and his soul becomes stronger. The more a person makes effort in dhikr, the more he will attain.
Unfortunately, we run around in this world for the sake of our stomach. Instead, we should detach ourselves and dedicate our time towards Allah ta'ala.
1) We should connect ourselves to a Sheikh whom we like.
2) Learn dhikr from him.
3) Learn the schedule of life from him and stick to it.
We should not become lazy after this. The Sheikh never stops you from necessities of life. However, students should at least fulfil the prescriptions which the Sheikh has set. In doing so, many blessings will appear and this life will become smooth for you. Try your best to adhere to his instructions and do not break this connection.
Wherever you are weak, you should inform your Sheikh. Admit your mistakes and errors. You should not attempt to deceive him. You should keep in touch with your Sheikh and pray to Allah ta'ala to grant you a Sheikh who is near to you. The more you attach yourself to the Sheikh, the more he will benefit you.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen
7th Dec, 2024
SubhanAllah, what beautiful explanations. The soul wonders in a different realm when Hadhrat sahib tells us of his journey and his beloved Sheikh Rahmatullah alaayh. Alhamdulillah for being given thus suhbaat.
One who holds full faith that his enemy will bring him harm, will ruin his life and constantly place obstacles in his path, will try to save himself as much as possible from this enemy. A wise person will make effort and also seek help.
We have total belief that Shaytan destroys our deen and ruins our worship by leading us to sin. He wishes to make us negligent. He injects evil whispers and he creates lust and evil temptations within us.
Worshippers and the pious are both affected by Shaytan. Unfortunately, we understand his impact and influence, however, we fail to protect ourselves from him. We know he is the source of destruction, yet, we befriend him. This leads to our failure.
The solution is to grab hold of the enemy and prevent him from distracting us. It is essential for every believer to be alert against the enemy and only then will we leave this world successfully. We shouldn't fall in to the deception that we are safe from him. In reality, Shaytan attacks a person up until his death. Those who did not live carefully and were immersed in the world, will die in the state of negligence. We should seek Allah ta'ala's protection from the evil of Shaytan at the time of our death so that he does not overwhelm our mind and our faith whilst we are dying.
Every day we should assess how much wrongdoing we have committed due to Shaytan's influence. How much did we fight our enemy?
Unfortunately, we do not have concern over Shaytan who occupies us with worldly things. We are satisfied with our worship whilst failing to assess how much Shaytan is involved in our worship.
As a matter of fact, Shaytan interferes in our life whilst we are eating and whilst we spend the night with our wives. If we actually considered him to be our enemy, we would think about him ten times a day. If a person does not realise that he is in need of protection, how will he protect himself?
A person who forgets his enemy will be destroyed and he will depart this world as a failure. Thus, we should be alert just like a security guard on duty.
Shaytan causes mayhem inside houses and he creates differences and enmity between people. We should live our lives cautiously and work hard upon our children by taking hold of the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ.
Nabi ﷺ mentioned that Shaytan can never destroy those who remember Allah ta'ala. He may attempt to attack them, but he will fail. He can never bring loss to the Dhaakireen and he cannot ruin their lives.
When the Dhaakir engages in dhikr he is protected from Shaytan as dhikr is a fort of protection for him.
Dhikr is the greatest action of worship and through it, we are fighting Shaytan. Thus, he cannot spoil any part of our life. Dhikr is our weapon and without it, we are not safe. Dhikr creates light and awareness within us. If we fail to take up this solution and believe that we are not in need of it, then we face great loss.
The Dhaakir is granted the mercy of Allah ta'ala and cannot be attacked by Shaytan. Thus, he is protected from sins. The one who abandons dhikr is under the influence of Shaytan, as Shaytan is attached to the person who is negligent.
We are all in need of dhikr, more than any other action. We are so fortunate to be attending the dhikr gatherings through His mercy whilst corruption and evil are occurring around us.
If one does not correct himself now, then he will definitely be attacked by Shaytan at the time of death even if he was not attacked in the world.
Unfortunately, Shaytan has reduced the importance of dhikr in our eyes. The Quran is a mercy and healing and through the name of Allah ta'ala, a person may be healed from all diseases. We must possess firm belief that Allah ta'ala's name holds power and healing.
When we engage in dhikr, we should believe that we are performing the greatest action which will bring us blessings and will definitely take us to Paradise. Thereafter, we will enjoy our dhikr.
Nabi ﷺ stated that the one who engages in dhikr will have a unique status in the Hereafter. He will enter Paradise with peace and without any burden of sin.
There are two groups.
Muqarrabeen - They are those who are close to Allah ta'ala. They are selected by Allah ta'ala for a duty and purpose. No one can doubt this.
Ibraar - They are also special people but they have a different rank. They are not selected but they are given guidance by Allah ta'ala. They are students and are given the company of the pious. Thereafter, they are improved and this is how they progress.
Both groups are at a high status. Both groups imitate the Prophet ﷺ. Both try to increase their Taqwa and they are connected to the pious people. We must assess which category we are associated with.
We are not minor individuals. We are part of one of these groups as we make effort to engage in dhikr, abstain from sin and we try to follow our Sheikh's guidance. These such people are forgiven.
When a Dhaakir commits a sin, its a weak low level sin and he can be absolved from that sin through his dhikr and through the company of his Sheikh. Allah ta'ala has placed great effect and benefit in the Sheikh's company which is why many people travel far and wide to sit in their Sheikh's company.
The Dhaakir is not affected by Shaytan's influence. He will be light in the Hereafter. He will have no burden of sins because he constantly opposed and fought Shaytan in the world. He rejected Shaytan's invitations and he performed dhikr to make himself strong. He will have no worry or concern.
The Dhaakireen will not face tests in the Hereafter. They will be respected. Six people have been selected by Allah ta'ala to welcome them. These special people will be seated under the shade of Allah ta'ala's throne. From amongst these people, the greatest group under His throne will be the men and women who remember Allah ta'ala.
We should never give up hope because we are attaining great benefit from these dhikr gatherings. This is why we should never forsake these gatherings for minor worldly things.
All forms of knowledge and subjects of deen are great, however, the greatest asset for the transformation of an individual is the dhikr of Allah. It is the most powerful resource and it provides most impact upon a person.
Those whose hearts are clean will have shining faces as they kept purifying their hearts through dhikr and the company of the Sheikh. Shaytan has made us lazy so we should fight him through dhikr. We should also guide our families upon the path of dhikr and they will become good human beings.
This is because the fitrah of a believer is light. He is attached to light. We have spoilt our heart through darkness and dirt. Thus, we should allow the light to enter us through the company of the Sheikh. Thereafter, deen will become easy for us and fear will be removed.
There are eight doors of Paradise, out of which one is kept for the Dhaakir. In the Hereafter, an announcer will call out, "Where are the people of intellect?" People will enquire who these people are and Allah ta'ala will respond saying that they are those who rejected material things of the world and they remembered Allah ta'ala constantly and in every circumstance. They will be the most intellectual people in the Hereafter as they had a concern developed within them.
Allah ta'ala created His creation for the purpose of remembering Him and the creation has no other objective in life. This is why the universe recognises the dhaakir as the universe itself remembers Allah ta'ala.
When you combine dhikr and concern it becomes Muraqabah. When a person performs Muraqabah, his Lataaif begin to float, and he gains the light and benefit. His status increases and he progresses with the spiritual lessons given by his Sheikh. He becomes a unique human being. He understands the reality of the Quran and all the subjects of deen. He doesn't enjoy the worldly gatherings. He is detached from the world and he develops concern. He attains Allah ta'ala's nearness and love and his soul becomes stronger. The more a person makes effort in dhikr, the more he will attain.
Unfortunately, we run around in this world for the sake of our stomach. Instead, we should detach ourselves and dedicate our time towards Allah ta'ala.
1) We should connect ourselves to a Sheikh whom we like.
2) Learn dhikr from him.
3) Learn the schedule of life from him and stick to it.
We should not become lazy after this. The Sheikh never stops you from necessities of life. However, students should at least fulfil the prescriptions which the Sheikh has set. In doing so, many blessings will appear and this life will become smooth for you. Try your best to adhere to his instructions and do not break this connection.
Wherever you are weak, you should inform your Sheikh. Admit your mistakes and errors. You should not attempt to deceive him. You should keep in touch with your Sheikh and pray to Allah ta'ala to grant you a Sheikh who is near to you. The more you attach yourself to the Sheikh, the more he will benefit you.
May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen