
Are We in Punishment or Rahmah?
Bayan, 67 minutes
3rd October, 2024

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Are We in Punishment or Rahmah?

"The son of Adam never acts with a deed better to save him from the punishment of Allah than with the remembrance of Allah.” [Tabrani Shareef]

We should save ourselves from His punishment as this is what our success is based upon. The one who is safe from Allah ta'ala's punishment is successful in this life and he leads a beautiful life. He lives with prosperity and his situation is incomparable. He is given an excellent death. His grave becomes a place of rest and a portion of Paradise.

Death is inevitable and we can depart this world at anytime. In the world, we have the fear of death and after death we have the fear of resurrection. There are severe trials to come, yet, we are sat here without any worries.

It is futile for a person to recite the Quran without crying and understanding its reality. Such a person may receive some reward, however, he hasn't attained the purpose for which the Quran was revealed.

Those who reflect and contemplate over the Quran are the fortunate people. We witness people dying, yet, we do not take heed that we will also die and be held accountable for our deeds. We should prepare in this world for the plain of resurrection and for our Hereafter. In this world we should prepare for our treasures in Paradise

The only concern we have is regarding accumulating materialistic and worldly things, although the Hereafter and its treasures are everlasting.

A person who has attained success in his grave will pass all the other phases of the Hereafter smiling and without burden. On the day of resurrection people will be drowning in in their sweat but those who are saved from punishment will face no worry at all. They will face no severity nor darkness.

A person who is cautious of inflicting Allah ta'ala's punishment upon himself, will not have fear of anything for he is granted the mercy of Allah ta'ala.

لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنا رُسُلَنا بِالْبَیِّناتِ وَ أَنْزَلْنا مَعَهُمُ الْکِتابَ وَ الْمِیزانَ لِیَقُومَ النّاسُ بِالْقِسْطِ

"Indeed We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that people may uphold justice." [57:25]

A weighing scale measures both sides in equilibrium. Allah ta'ala sent the Prophet ﷺ with a complete book of guidance alongside a scale.

The Quran contains the commands and instructions which we must adhere to with balance. This means our actions should be pure and free from deceit. Our deeds should not be contaminated with anything. Allah ta'ala has given us the scale which is the Sunnah and Shariah to help implement those commands of Allah ta'ala with balance.

If we practice upon the Quran with the Sunnah, we will have practiced the deen in a balanced way. We will never commit excess and our deeds will never go to a waste. This is how to become successful.

It is essential that we act upon the Sunnah. Nothing in our life is accepted without implementing the Sunnah. A life without Sunnah is a life following the footsteps of Shaytan. It will be an imitation of the previous nations who were cursed and punished.

We should follow our role model ﷺ and follow his methodology as our actions will be measured according to his practices.

To become successful our one duty is to protect ourselves form the punishment of Allah ta'ala. This is achieved via implementing the laws of Allah ta'ala by way of the Sunnah and without following any other sect. When we practice upon the Sunnah we will be protected from punishment.

Today, we question and debate over the Sunnah and expect to enter Paradise. We ignore the Quran and do not weigh our deeds according to scale of the Prophet ﷺ. In this way, we can never become successful.

We are required to make effort and give sacrifices for the sake of acting upon the Sunnah. This is where success and failure is measured and this is the true deen of Islam.

Whoever acts upon the Sunnah in his every action, he possesses the complete deen of Islam. Whoever is devoid of the Sunnah, he is devoid of deen no matter what he does.

In reality, the deen is completed by the Sunnah. A believers every action is the deen and every Sunnah protects a person from the punishment. It brings Allah ta'alas mercy and salvation from punishment.

How do we protect ourselves from punishment?
Our deeds are wasted and invalidated when we act according to our own desires and against the Sunnah.

Unfortunately, we attend Umrah whilst accumulating unlawful earnings. If we implement the Sunnah in this country, we are a thousand times better than those who attend Umrah with unlawful earnings and cause distress to the Prophet ﷺ.

A person is punished when he neglects fulfilling the orders of Allah ta'ala or if he implements them without the Sunnah and boundaries of Shariah. To be saved, we should lead our lives according to the Sunnah. We should run our businesses according to the Sunnah methodology and we should not deceive ourselves.

A person remains in two states. Either he is under Allah ta'ala's mercy or His punishment. We should assess which category we fall under.

A person is restructured in the state in which he died. This is why we should ensure that we are always in the state of receiving Allah ta'ala's mercy.

To determine a persons success, we observe the way he died and this is determined by his deeds.

Every moment a person's position changes. The final moment of a person's lifetime is what demonstrates success. The ending of a person's lifetime is what is considered.

At the time of prayer, we should disconnect ourselves from the world and hasten towards the mosque. We should revolve our daily lives, our occupations and businesses around prayer. We should prioritise prayer and in this way, we will never be hungry and we will never lose out.

We migrate for the sake of the world and earning wealth, but have we ever migrated for the sake of improving our children's practice in deen?
We should forgo wealth, ease and luxuries by avoiding migration to those places in which will be prevented from practicing our deen. We will be punished for not considering the state of our deen.

There are two types of people. Those who reject the verses and have no Imaan, and those who believe, yet, they discard the verses and do not accept them. They are liars as they don't pray in congregation.

Thus, Allah ta'ala grants them prosperity and enjoyment in the world. He makes them occupied in the world and this is a form of punishment from Allah ta'ala. They are not given any ability to return to Allah ta'ala. In the Hereafter, such people are given a severe punishment.

We should abide in this country with courage and determination and live according to Shariah. None of our actions should break the laws of Shariah.

If we wish to be safe from punishment, then we should engage in dhikr. This is why the Awliyah Allah encourage dhikr. We should engage in dhikr to grant us the passion of fulfilling the laws of Allah ta'ala and implementing the Sunnah.

How does it save person?

Your desires and Shaytan prevent you from practicing the laws of Allah ta'ala. When you engage in dhikr, Allah ta'ala makes it easy for you implement His orders. Allah ta'ala has granted us the weapon of dhikr to compete with nafs and Shaytan. Dhikr weakens nafs and Shaytan and you will be powerful and strong to practice. Thereafter, you will recieve Allah ta'ala's mercy and His punishment wil be eliminated.

Sins are reduced via dhikr. It brings a positive effect within us. A dhaakir will die surrounded by Allah ta'ala's mercy.

When we abandon dhikr, we become weak in our deeds. Dhikr in abundance strengthens us as believers and it makes our children pious. It helps a person abandon unlawful things and it brings shame within him. When something is lacking. We should engage in further dhikr. When we make a mistake we should approach our Sheikh.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement. Ameen
5th Oct, 2024