
The Importance of Dhikr in Dhul Hijjah
Bayan, 4 minutes
20th June, 2023

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The Importance of Dhikr in Dhul Hijjah

It is due to Allah ta'ala's Grace upon us that we have been given these blessed days. Allah ta'ala has given us faith and strength to perform such deeds which are pleasing to Him.

Nabi ﷺ has stated that these ten days are more beloved to Allah ta'ala than all other days of the year. Therefore, the deeds we perform during these days are much greater than the deeds we perform throughout the rest of the year.

Allah ta'ala has enabled us to assemble together and remember Him. When we do this, Allah ta'ala mentions us with pride amongst His selected angels. Performing Dhikr during these blessed days, is a greater merit-worthy action.

During these days, some Sahabah would go out to the marketplaces and would perform Dhikr in a raised voice.

الله اكبر الله اكبر لا إله إلا الله والله اكبر الله اكبر ولله الحمد

The entire market place and the houses nearby would also join in with them. There is a lot of reward in abundant Dhikr during these days.

The Takbirãt should be recited throughout these 10 days whilst you're walking and going about your day.

May Allah ta'ala grant us the ability to implement.
23rd Jun, 2023