
What is the Sign of Acceptance of Ramadhan?
Bayan, 59 minutes
16th April, 2023

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What is the Sign of Acceptance of Ramadhan?

The purpose of Ramadan is to attain Taqwa and the area we need to work on is our heart. When a person's heart changes, then his entire body changes. Allah ta'ala has kept the heart, the king of the body which controls the whole body. A person's understanding, thoughts and ideas are controlled by his heart. The strength for doing good and bad are developed form the heart. It all depends on the state of the heart. If one's heart is strong, then it will easily repel the bad and accept the good. It will incline a person towards good deeds, and this is how he attains Taqwa.

It doesn't take years to change one's heart. Rather, with determination and intention, it can take seconds. Thereafter, the one who had no willpower, begins to develop strength to engage in good deeds and he begins to find pleasure in it.

Allah ta'ala has provided a measurement gauge to assess whether the heart is pure and the Imaan is strong. Whenever you perform a good deed or you make someone happy and thereafter, your heart experiences happiness, this demonstrates that your love with Allah ta'ala is strengthening and you're becoming close to Him. Such a person becomes inclined towards good deeds. He finds enjoyment in worship and thus, becomes attracted to it. His heart is improved to the extent that he accepts the instructions of Allah ta'ala and obeys with happiness and satisfaction. He feels pleasure in following the Sunnah, without worrying about the comments of people. This is the example of the one whose Ramadan was successful.

We should assess ourselves to see if these emotions have been developed within us.
We should aim to reach a higher level during Ramadan and make a firm promise to Allah ta'ala to leave our sins.

If it becomes easier for one to practice the Sunnah after Ramadan, then know that his Ramadan is accepted. Even if a person wasn't able to perform much worship in Ramadan, however, he made a firm resolve to leave a sin, then his Ramadan is guaranteed accepted.

We shouldn't feel loss over our lack of worship during Ramadan. Rather, we should feel ashamed that Ramadan came and we didn't abandon our sins and improve as a human being. Only one who has improved, is successful and if one's Ramadan is accepted, then his worship for the entire year, will be accepted.

Adhãn is an invitation towards Allah ta'ala, so do not consider it a minor thing. When the call to prayer is announced, then abandon your shops and taxi's straight away and attend the invitation of Allah. This is how blessings are placed in your life. And if one flees from the call, then blessings will be removed from his home and sicknesses will arrive. His conviction in Allah ta'ala becomes reduced and his faith is weakened. Then he begins to rely on others for success and his love for Allah ta'ala diminishes. He ends up running after other people for solutions to his problems. This is a punishment for those people who reject Allah ta'ala's invitation.

When Hadhrat Nuh عليه السلام was not obeyed, then Allah ta'ala wiped away his nation. When Hadhrat Lut عليه السلام was not obeyed, then Allah ta'ala ordered the boulders and rocks to fall from the sky and wiped his people away from the earth. Firaun also didn’t obey, so he was destroyed. Due to the blessings of Nabi ﷺ, we are free from such punishments, but instead, other punishments appear in our lives and we are devoid of blessings.

Each of us should record his deficiencies and mistakes. Everyone has something lacking within them or some sort of deficiency. Every individual is in need of change and improvement. This Ramadan, we should all strive to leave a certain sin, and in this way, we will improve and have our Imaan strengthened.

Instead of worrying and running towards the world, we should assign our issues and affairs to Allah ta'ala, because we don't have time to fix our own issues.

There are no lack of Allah's creation who are worshipping Him as there are already millions of angels worshipping Allah ta'ala. Instead, Allah ta'ala created the human being to have pain for other people in his heart and to serve and assist humanity. This is the real work for which a person is rewarded greatly. The poor are already Jannati, but by serving them we can also attain Paradise as Allah has made them the source of our entry to Paradise.

Allah ta'ala grants a person based on his conviction. We must have firm belief that every time we sit in the dhikr gathering after Fajr during Ramadan, we receive the reward of 70 Hajj and Umrah. We should attend rejoicing through this good news given by Nabi ﷺ and we should consider it a great treasure from Allah . It doesn't make a difference if we attend Hajj or not, as it all depends on Allah's acceptance.

When you sit in the pious person's company, then assess how his company is affecting your heart. You should feel the desire to change and improve within your heart. Even if he doesn't have a lot of knowledge, a student should have the belief that his Sheikh is the greatest person in the world for him. When the student doesn't have this mind-set, then he can never succeed on the path to Allah ta'ala. He will deviate and go towards other people. He will listen to those who recite Arabic for long hours, but will experience no change in his heart. Thus, if a Sheikh takes you to Allah ta'ala, then that's enough as it is Allah's selection.

After my Hadhrat sahib passed away, I met many great people and I underwent many tests, however, my connection with my Sheikh was strengthened even more after his passing, as I began receiving even more promotion.

The Sheikh of a student never passes away, as the student continues benefiting from his teachers blessings even after he passes away. Before, the student receives his blessings via the gaze, and thereafter, he receives it from the heart. Consequently, the love for the Sheikh should never ever leave the heart of a student.

We often seek ease and avoid working hard, but it is only through hard work and sacrifice, that a person progresses and becomes successful.

We are extremely lucky to have this dhikr gathering. We should consider it Allah ta'ala's mercy and kindness upon us. This gathering doesn't happen in any other town, yet, it is at our doorstep. It is Allah's favour upon us and we are not favouring our Sheikh by attending. We should submit ourselves and be grateful to Allah ta'ala for inviting us to these blessed gatherings.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement.
17th Apr, 2023