
The Cure for Worries in Ramadhan
Bayan, 35 minutes
27th March, 2023

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The Cure for Worries in Ramadan

Allah ta'ala has sketched out the ideal lifestyle of a believer in this month and whoever spends Ramadan correctly, according to the method prescribed by Nabi ﷺ, then Allah ta'ala makes the rest of the year easy for him. Furthermore, the effects and blessings of Ramadan won't diminish for him until he is alive.

Nabi ﷺ stated that the month of Ramadan is a month of Patience and the reward of patience is Paradise.

This month has been given to us to teach us patience. Every person goes through ups and downs in life, difficulties, distresses, calamities, poverty, sickness and reliance. There are challenges destined for each of us in this world. It is within the natural disposition of a man to worry and become depressed, often, to the extent that he comes off track and utilises incorrect resources. Thereafter, when Allah ta'ala grants him ease, he becomes arrogant and haughty. In reality there is a balance which we need to achieve.

Patience is the summary of a persons life. If one understands the concept of patience, his life becomes easy and nothing will be difficult. Patience teaches one to be content with the condition and situation which Allah ta'ala has kept him in. Such a person is steadfast and doesn't forget Allah ta'ala whether he is wealthy or poor. He is happy with His commands and does not go astray despite calamities coming his way. He does not leave Allah ta'ala's nearness nor His guidance. A person who remains firm like this becomes a true patient person and is destined for paradise.

When Hadhrat Ibrahim عليه السلام was about to be thrown into the fire which Namrud had prepared, after he tried preventing the people from committing shirk, he could've come to a compromise. However, Allah ta'ala taught us through the story of Ibrahim عليه السلام that he didn't give in or compromise, rather he remained firm and was steadfast despite being alone.

Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام presented himself to assist Hadhrat Ibrahim عليه السلام but he refused due to his complete reliance upon Allah ta'ala. Instead he was patient and turned to Allah in his difficulty. Whoever has this mentality is the true patient person and will be raised with the patient people.

Allah ta'ala sent the Messengers to explain these points to us. We often becomes depressed and worried and experience negative thoughts. Allah ta'ala has given a great weapon of dhikr for patience. If a person utilities this tool during his calamity or sorrow, then he will receive patience and he will be firm upon the orders of Allah ta'ala.

Often we make all sorts of plans and schedules for Ramadan, but sometimes our condition changes. One falls sick or some issue arises and things don't go to plan. This is our test. We shouldn't become lazy and advance towards non beneficial actions.

This extra prayer of Taraweeh is a very great blessing and mercy from Allah ta'ala. Many people pray 8 and flee afterwards as they deem Taraweeh to be a burden. They abandon fasting and taraweeh over small excuses as they deem Allah's blessings to be calamities and do not value the acts of worship.

If you have been advised to leave fasting due to it being dangerous for you to do so, then you are excused. However, if you have the strength and health, then you should fulfil the worship and not abandon it over a minor sickness. You do not need to seek exemption from the doctor. Rather, this is a matter between you and Allah as only you know your own strength and capacity. You're not always guided by the principles of Shariah. Sometimes Allah ta'ala gives you the ability to make the decision by assessing your own situation and your own determination. I tell you from experience that if you have the desire to do an action without taking shortcuts, then Allah will definitely allow you to fulfil it and will give you the complete reward for it. The main thing is trying and keeping the intention. Have determination and courage and Allah will enable you to fulfil the fasts.

Persevere and try to attain those things which Allah ta'ala is bestowing upon us this Ramadan. Yes you may face difficulty whilst doing so, but this is what Allah ta'ala is seeking. You will receive Paradise in return.

No matter what calamity comes your way, do not abandon those good deeds through which you may receive reward. If you face hindrances in trying to do good deeds then keep on making effort and make dua to Allah and you will be able to fulfil it physically.

Your hunger should grant you the recognition of Allah's blessings upon you. Where there is hunger in fasting, there is enjoyment. Eat sufficiently at Suhoor time. Do not overeat with the intention of curbing hunger during the day because there is pleasure in experiencing hunger. Rather, keep Suhoor with the intention of attaining its blessings and feeling the hunger of the fast in order to feel enjoyment of that fast.

We are depressed because we don't perform dhikr nor do we consider it significant. We should not abandon dhikr when we experience some difficulty in our life. Rather, we should increase in dhikr as it is Allah's promise that He will improve your condition.

When a person does dhikr, he receives patience. Due to this, he will never become afraid in his life. Rather, he will always be happy and content with Allah's decisions. He will never leave Allah's path which He has formulated.

Allah ta'ala ordered Hadhrat Ibrahim عليه السلام to perform the dhikr of Allah and recite the praises of Allah and this message was delivered to the Ummah. Allah ta'ala informed him that when a person does dhikr he receives 4 rewards immediately.

1) Allah ta'ala removes the difficulty or sickness from his path and grants him ease and comfort. Thus, whenever you face a calamity in life, avoid adopting unlawful means to find the solutions. Rather, use the means of dhikr which will assist you.

2) Allah ta'ala makes the person happy and helps him avoid relying on others.

When a person relies and seeks help from the creation, Allah ta'ala will never complete his request. However, when he turns away from the creation and turns to Allah, then Allah will remove all his sadness.

3) He is given all the ease of the Hereafter. He will enter paradise smiling. The difficulty of death, the grave and reckoning will be removed from him as he did not forget Allah in prosperity and adversity.

4) Allah ta'ala saves him from Hellfire.

We should perform those actions which have been prescribed for Ramadan and not go according to our own desires and opinions.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement.
28th Mar, 2023