
Ramadhan & Quran
Bayan, 70 minutes
24th March, 2023

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Ramadhan & Quran

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ

"Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard to distinguish between right and wrong." [2:185]

Allah ta'ala has granted us the blessing of Ramadan and Quran and there is a fantastic connection between the two. The Quran was revealed in this month and it is a book which is full of blessings. The first right of the Quran is that a Muslim should be able to recite the Quran even if he doesn't understand the meaning of it. There should be no child, no home and no person who does not know how to recite the Quran. We should never let a day pass in which we do not recite the Quran. We must make a daily habit to recite according to one's capacity and routine, even if is only by reciting three lines. In this way, the Quran will bear witness for us in the Hereafter that we had a connection with it.

The way to receive the blessings of the Quran is by reciting it. Unfortunately many of us know how to recite the Quran, but we do not recite it, especially the women who are very lazy.

We should keep the connection with the Quran ourselves if we desire our children to do the same. If you cannot recite it, then listen to it. The purpose is for the Quran to penetrate our hearts in whichever way.

The fountain of guidance is the Quran. The Quran is guidance for mankind and guidance is that which is proven from the Quran. If it is not proven from the Quran, it cannot be considered guidance, no matter how much proof is provided for it.

We read a lot of Quran which is a great action but this is not the objective of Ramadan. The real objective is to take guidance from the Quran which is done by adjusting our lives according to the Quran and emulating the ways of Nabi ﷺ.


This Quran is a confirmed proof which distinguishes between truth and falsehood, the lawful and unlawful. Its the right of the Quran that we live our lives according to what is permissible and abandon what is impermissible, whether we understand the wisdom behind the laws or not. The Quran will prove whether your prayer and fasting is correct.

When we live our lives like this, we receive unimaginable blessings. If you make a life decision based upon your own opinions and desires or under the pressure of society, then you're merely pleasing the people. But when you take a decision according to the Quran and you abandon what is unlawful and you're firm on it, although you're standing alone, then Allah ta'ala will place so much blessings in your life and He will assist you.

The Quran is a mercy and cure for the believers and those who do not attain it are weak in conviction. It is impossible not to be cured via the Quran as the Quran contains the cure for every sickness.

Every calamity and sickness comes to you with the permission of Allah and the one who gives cure is Allah so place your belief in Him. We often place our trust in doctors and other people to cure us and solve our problems. This is considered Shirk. Doctors may provide you with a temporary solution, but not permanent. My Hadhrat Sahib used to say, "whoever does not take cure from the Quran, can never take cure from anything."

Purifying your heart is the first condition of taking cure from the Quran. After that, Allah ta'ala will teach you the reality and understanding of the Quran.

The Quran is an ocean which we must dive in to. We often become complacent by reciting the Quran and sending the rewards to the deceased, but we remain deprived of understanding the reality of the Quran. This is not the glory of a Believer. In reality, we can not fulfil the right of the Quran until we purify our hearts through dhikr via a Sheikh.

If you want to build a connection with Allah, then you must build a connection with the Quran. And if you want to build a connection with the Quran and take cure from it, you must attain Tazkiyah from the Awliyah Allah. Ramadan came to make us realise the importance of this.

If a person attains Tazkiyah under the presence of a Wali Allah, then he becomes powerful and he receives the blessings of the Quran. Thereafter, if he recites the verse of bismillah and blows on himself or uses it as a litany, then all his needs will be fulfilled and his illnesses will end.

Every verse of the Quran is unique but the verse of Bismillah contains all the blessings of the Quran. Allah ta'ala has began the Quran with such a powerful verse so there is no doubt that it contains everything. This verse mentions three great names, Allah, Rahman and Rahim.

Unfortunately we have the Quran in our hearts but it has no effect on us. This is the reality of our relationship with the Quran. We recite so much Quran which is good but what matters is - Have we strengthened our connection with the Quran? Has it enabled us to reflect and repent? Has it caused us to cry in I'itikaaf over our wrongdoing?

There are many Huffadh and Quraã who teach the Quran but their hearts are not connected to the Quran. We think our main connection with the Quran is built through reciting it. In reality, our connection is established through implementation - taking guidance from it and transforming our lives through it.

Make a habit to recite Bismillah before beginning any action and shaytan will not be able to overpower you in that action. His power will diminish and he will not be able to influence you towards wrongdoing.

Technology and mobile phones are necessary to our lives today. When we take hold of our phones to do anything, we should recite Bismillah and encourage our children to do the same. Thereafter, I have faith that you will not be tempted towards music and your eyes will not divert towards immorality. Rather, you will fulfil the objective for which you held your phone.

One cannot reject technology as science will continuously develop and Allah ta'ala revealed this science which will keep progressing. However, Allah ta'ala has also granted us wisdom and intellect to utilise technology for permissible things and for our own benefit without allowing it to corrupt us.

You can defeat anything in this world via the Quran. Whichever nation has the Quran, that nation can never be defeated. We consider ourselves 'backwards' for following the Quran. Rather, all subjects and formulas were discovered from the Quran and are dependent upon the Quran, so we should consider and understand our status. Just one bismillah is so great that it evaporates everything in its walk!

When you recite Bismillah before beginning a task, then Shaytan won't interfere in that work.
The reason why our children are misguided is because majority of the time, couples engage in relations without reciting bismillah, so shaytan becomes involved in that action, and it becomes adultery. Moreover, shaytan influences that child negatively. Through reciting Bismillah, our children will grow up to be pious.

Nowadays, we marry for lust and for fulfilling our passions, but in reality, marriage is a pure worship which causes the nation of the Prophet ﷺ to be expanded. This is the intention we should have. We shouldn't have the intention of watching TV together, trying out new methods and being immodest. This is unlawful.

May Allah ta'ala allow us to implement.
25th Mar, 2023