
A Gift on Your Birth From Allah
Bayan, 63 minutes
23rd February, 2023

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SubhaanAllah what an uplifting and reassuring bayaan
27th Feb, 2023
A Gift on your Birth from Allah

Allah ta'ala has given us a great worship which is the root of all worships. It benefits us all lifelong and due to it, all our actions are accepted. Without this practice, our worship is useless and through this practice, we are given honour and nearness to Allah in both worlds. This is the gift of practicing Tawakkul in Allah.

If one abandons Tawakkul or neglects it from his life, then he is deprived and he becomes dependant and hopeless. Without Tawakkul, a person is in the wilderness and he always fails.

As soon as we were born, Allah ta'ala granted us this gift of Tawakkul when we cried out of hunger. This cry was a form of dhikr and direction towards Allah with complete reliance that He will sustain and satisfy. Allah ta'ala had already prepared for the new-born’s sustenance through the chest of his mother, so it signifies that whenever we have a need, we should turn to Allah, perform dhikr and present our requirements. This is the method of receiving from Allah ta'ala.

Avoid advancing towards allowances. Just like Allah ta'ala provided for the new-born, He will grant you sustenance in the same manner.

This is also the first lesson which Allah ta'ala taught us, that if we wish to succeed in this world and desire to become strong and firm in every aspect, then we must maintain trust and reliance upon Him. All the doors will open through Tawakkul.

The first trick of Shaytan and the thing which makes us despondent and encourages us to commit sins, is hunger. A person runs around all lifelong for the sake of his stomach, but does not become satisfied. He takes usury and commits fraud, abandons prayer, usurps the rights and possessions of others and rejects the orders of His Lord in order to run after his sustenance.

The way to become satisfied and independent is to adopt Tawakkul. Thereafter, your sustenance will come after you just as Allah ta'ala provided for the new-born. He will grant you unlimited wealth and food from places you could not even imagine. However, if you do not rely upon Allah, then He will make you wretched and you'll become dependant upon people because you left the Creator and turned towards the Creation. Consequently, it will cause you to beg from others and you will become disappointed as the Creation will never be able fulfil your needs. The reason for the negative situation in our society today, is due to this. Despite having the deen, you rely upon strangers which is a matter of great shame. Had you adopted Tawakkul, it would've sufficed you and you would've found inner contentment.

When you avoid running after your sustenance, it comes running after you. And when you run after your sustenance, you'll keep running in circles, but will only receive what's in your destiny.

One should utilise the resources and means which Allah ta'ala has provided and in turn, He will make you satisfied through those means as He knows your requirements and needs the most.

Allah ta'ala reassures us from the time we were born that He has prepared for our sustenance and our duty is only to obey His command and not forsake them due to need. As believers, the Kalimah should have penetrated and impacted ours heart and should reflect in our actions through Tawakkul in Allah.

Allah ta'ala loves the quality of Tawakkul as it strengthens a slave's realisation that His Lord is with him, and thus he requests from Him. It shows a man's conviction and reliance upon his Lord despite not seeing Him.

Instead of adopting tawakkul, we tend to run towards the means first and we worry over our worldly affairs, forgetting everything else. Consequently, Allah ta'ala says, "You've taken the responsibility of everything upon yourself, so I have freed myself from you. Had you placed it in my court and relied upon Me, I would've freed you from every need and granted you."

In the company of the Awliyah Allah we learn Tawakkul via dhikr. When you have a need, then wake up in Tahajjud, immediately engage in dhikr and you will receive Allah's mercy and attention instantly. Thereafter, present your needs and supplicate wholeheartedly and with complete conviction that He will grant you. The absence of conviction proves a persons weak faith. A lack of Tawakkul is the cause of weak prayers and abandonment of the Sunnah so to test your level of Tawakkul in Allah, assess how much of His commands you uphold.

If we give in to the whispers of Shaytan, then we lose out. Without conviction in Allah, one finds everything futile and meaningless. He loses sight of his purpose and finds every worship undesirable and carrying no benefit. He considers his worship a favour upon Allah and demands his desires to be fulfilled through it. In reality a person's desires are fulfilled only through having tawakkul in His lord.

If we had true faith, we would trust Allah and assign ourselves completely to Him. We would never becomes distressed. Rather we would uphold Allah's ta'ala's commands and be content with Allah's decision. Whoever has Tawakkul in Allah he will never fail in his actions and his work will never cease.

Tawakkul cannot be learnt through books, nor from Darul-uloom, rather you attain it via the company of a Sheikh.

We don't go to the Awliyah Allah to learn fiqh and prayer, rather we visit them to practice our deen according to its due right. We transition from having the knowledge to implementing that knowledge. Most of us do not go beyond seeking knowledge, however, one cannot be successful with mere knowledge. Learning is only the first step. The next step is to make a connection with Allah and putting into practice what you have learnt theoretically.

The previous generations would seek knowledge for this purpose. The intention of seeking knowledge was so implementation was made easy for them and thus, they could attain Allah's nearness. As soon as they graduated, they'd run towards the Khankah, seek a wali Allah and spend time in their company.

Hadhrat Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alayh states that when a person strengthens his Tasawwur-e-Sheikh, (visualising his Sheikh), then the soul of the student becomes connected to the teacher. And the student begins to absorb the magnificence which enters into the Sheikhs's soul, This is how to attain Allah's nearness.

When one engages in dhikr with love and reverence for Allah ta'ala's name, recognising His magnificence and power from the depths of his heart, then Allah ta'ala elevates him by 1000 ranks and through each dhikr he engages in, 70,000 angels are stipulated for him who pray for his forgiveness until Qiyamah.
If we have that much reverence and awe for Allah in our heart, would we not then implement His orders? If we had so much value and appreciation for Allah, would we disobey Him? Would we be shy of following the Sunnah?

A child is given allowances in this country as a form of provision given to him by Allah. This is the right of the child which parents should not be consuming for themselves, lest they will be held accountable by Allah.

Allah ta'ala will never allow a person to lose out or become deprived through Tawakkul, so always proceed with Tawakkul. If Allah ta'ala sustained for you as a helpless new-born, will He not provide you in your old age?

May Allah ta'ala grant us the ability to implement.
26th Feb, 2023