
What do you Gain from Hospitality?
Bayan, 61 minutes
15th December, 2022

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SubhanAllah such priceless gems as always Alhamdulillah.

May I never be deprived of the suhbat of my respected and beloved Hadhrat sahib. May the name of Allah continue to spread far and wide and the Ummah take benefit from Hadhrat sahib Ameen Allahuma ameen.
18th Dec, 2022
What do you gain from hospitality?

Allah ta'ala has created certain means and methods for us weak human beings to be forgiven, such avenues that we are not even aware of. This is due to Allah ta’ala’s infinite Mercy of wanting us to be forgiven through whichever means possible.

The act of hosting guests is a common practice within our society and many Ahãdith speak of its virtue. Hospitality is the door to forgiveness. If Allah selects you to host and serve your guests, then it is a great honour to be in this position.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ ضَيْفَهُ،

"And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously." [Bukhari]

The first part of the hadith signifies how important this act is that Allah has connected it with faith. There is no greater asset than Imaan and Allah has connected this action to Imaan.
Whoever has faith within him, will most definitely possess the quality of hosting people.

If you want to determine the status of your Imaan, assess your attitude towards hosting your guests. The one who has faith will not become sorrowful or distressed when guests arrive. Rather, he becomes delighted and overjoyed.

In reality, guests do not arrive at your house empty handed. They come with angels and provision for themselves and for you too. They arrive with mercy and blessings. However, shaytan makes our chest feel restricted towards those actions which will lead us to Paradise.

It is our duty to serve our guests according to our means and capability. We must not take loans from others to cook good food with intent to show-off. Rather, we must host with good etiquette and consider the dietary needs and requirements of our guests - what they prefer to eat, what level of spice they prefer. We should present different types of dishes to all guests regardless of their status and this is considered an act of worship in the sight of Allah.

In the hadith, the word فَلْيُكْرِمْ is used , which is a unique word. This refers to respecting your guests, being open-hearted and not miserly. Presenting yourself to them wholeheartedly and being happy when feeding your guests. This is a sign of faith. If one has love for Allah and His Rasul ﷺ , as well as concern for the Hereafter, then he will most definitely be pleased to carry out this action and serve his guests well.

When Nabi ﷺ emphasises on a certain action, then one should take hold of it firmly because it is an action through which one may attain salvation and abundant reward.
Hadhrat Ali رضي الله عنه once began to weep and the people questioned as to why he was weeping. He replied, "you won't understand." They said, "please explain to us." He said, "I'm crying because seven days have passed over me and no guest has come to my home. I'm afraid that perhaps Allah is unhappy with me."

There are also warnings mentioned in the hadith regarding those who are stingy towards their guests and do not serve them well. Allah becomes displeased with such a person and he becomes deprived of goodness and blessings.

When you have faith in Allah and the Hereafter then you seek different pathways and opportunities and you don't become complacent with your deeds. The more elevated a person is, the more opportunities he seeks for his forgiveness and the greater the concern he has over his deeds being accepted. He is never content with his own worship. He looks for extra chances and opportunities. This is why Allah has allowed for voluntary actions on top of obligations so if there are deficiencies within the faraaidh, then the nawaafil (voluntary actions) make up for them.

Allah is sending guests to Bolton and soon they will become the hosts. These guests are coming solely for the dhikr of Allah. Only those who love Allah and His Rasul ﷺ, and love dhikr will attend these gatherings as Allah is the one who invites. The attendees are great guests, such that Angels will spread out their wings for them and the fish in the sea will be praying for them. The attendees will come and attain mercy and blessings.

The hosts shouldn't be miserly. They should feed the guests with happiness, love and affection and then eat afterwards. Do not rush them into finishing their meal. This is from the Sunnah of Nabi ﷺ.

Those who have Imaan in Allah and the last day are very generous in donating towards this great purpose. They donate on behalf of their deceased relatives and through this action, their relatives will be forgiven.
Our deceased relatives await for us to send rewards to them and some have related their narrations in which their deceased relatives appeared in their dreams, smiling, due to this charitable act.
Nowadays, people take out loans and host Khatam’s with worldly intentions and for the sake of pleasing other people or merely to fulfil the expectations of society. One should not act insincerely when sending rewards to the deceased, lest his actions will become void.

If you truly love your deceased relatives and wish to send them sadaqah jariyah, then perform actions on their behalf purely for the sake of Allah. If you can't spend on their behalf then at least recite Surah Yasin and send that reward to them and if you don't have time for that, then recite Surah Ikhlaas three times and request Allah to send that reward. If that is not possible, then recite durood shareef once and ask Allah to send this reward. This reward will suffice the deceased.

When a person does something with pure intentions and out of love, then he is given the benefits of that action. So you should spend in the path of Allah with love and it will grant you many benefits. To spend out of compulsion or ulterior motives is not considered a merit-worthy action.

One should spend time Khankah to reform himself, as Allah desires one to come to Him with a pure heart rather than laden with many good deeds. We try to accumulate many good deeds but we fail to clean our dirty heart. This is how we lose out. The intellectual people always strive to clean their hearts through the company of their Sheikh.
The pious people purify the hearts. Sometimes through their gaze, sometimes through their discussions, sometimes through the hearts, sometimes through their smile. Sometimes through their finger. Sometimes through their actions. The effect of the teacher always rubs on to the students.

هُمْ الْقَوْمُ لَا يَشْقَى بِهِمْ جَلِيسُهُمْ

..."they are such people that even those sitting with them will not be deprived." [Bukhari]

It s not necessary for a person to become a Wali Allah after 40 years or 100 years of Mujãhadah (hard work.) One can become a friend of Allah through sitting for one moment in the company of a pious person. This is something which people have physically experienced in their lives.
Seek a gathering. It's not about how much you do or how much sacrifices you make, it's about having a correct intention and sitting in the pious company even for a moment.

We should be present in this special gathering with our heart, whether we are far or near. This is such a gathering in which Allah has opened a door of forgiveness for us sitting in the company of the Awliyah-Allah. Allah will forgive all those who attend and will announce that He has forgiven them.

Pledging allegiance to a Sheikh forms a spiritual connection and the spirituality of Nabi ﷺ is being transferred through this link from heart to heart. This gathering takes place so the names of our pious predecessors can be revived through the spiritual chain. Allah Himself focuses on this special gathering as well as all the Awliyah from the Naqshbandi order. Our intention of attending and inviting others should be to please Allah, to be forgiven and have the Ummah forgiven.

May Allah ta'ala grant us the ability to implement. Ameen
17th Dec, 2022
We love you hazrat sahib. Really blessed to have these beautiful bayaans to guide us in these dark days of confusion.
16th Dec, 2022
Something beautiful which was mentioned,

The pious purify the hearts of the people. Sometimes through their gaze, sometimes through the hearts, sometimes through their smile.


Hazrat sahibs priceless gems are incomparable!!!
16th Dec, 2022