
روزہ کی روح کیا ہے؟
Bayan, 27 minutes
29th April, 2020

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Allah has given us Ramadan for the purpose of Taqwa.

The Signs of Taqwa
1) Improved Imaan
2)Salah becomes stronger and better
3)Miserliness is removed and one desires to spend in Allah's way
4) sabr / patience

Nabi ﷺ said that this month (of Ramadan)is a great month. Then he mentioned the virtues and rewards for this month and within this hadith nabi ﷺ said "it is the month of patience which leads to paradise."
This month is for acquiring patience. Patience is such a great quality that Allah swt has kept its reward Jannah! Patience is the soul of taqwa. And the real soul of Ramadan (fasting)is sabr

Fasting is based and is dependant upon sabr. A great factor of attaining taqwa is adopting patience because taqwa isnt complete without it.

Life is not consistent. We have ups and downs. we face prosperity and adversities. Allah gives us different phases and moments in our lives . How do we control these moments? With patience. Patience can help steer and control the boat of life as it sails on its journey.
A person who has sabr spends his entire life smoothly, with ease. But a person who doesnt possess patience finds it difficult to endure even 3 years of his life. 1 illness for such a person is an extremely difficult problem to endure.
So sabr is a big blessing and whoever doesnt have it he is already immersed in a punishment in life, with anxiety and no satisfaction etc

The way to endure trials is to adopt patience.
Each country around the world fast for different hours, some 20 some 23 or 15 hours, geoprahically some areas have cooler climates than others and others have hotter climates and each must fast in these temperatures. So everywhere the conditions and tests of the fast are experienced differently. And this is the wisdom of Allah.

In the same way the phases of a human beings life are different. One experiences a trial in a certain way, another has a depressing situation, someone else has a different difficulty but in all states we are required to adopt patience and perseverance.

A person passes his fast in hunger, thirst, extreme heat all whilst working but ultimately patience is what assists our fasting.
30th Apr, 2020
And when Ramadan concludes we feel pleased despite enduring difficult days of fasting. Rather one would believe him to be complaining! Instead he looks forward to fast again next year with eagerness.

Patience allows us to endure the difficult times with ease and if we did not possess sabr we wouldn't have been able to fast even for a moment. Sabr has allowed us to keep that fast so it is a brilliant assistance.

So in our lives happiness and sadness go side by side. if you want to live with ease, adopting patience will assist you in that.

What is patience?

Through fasting we understand the definition of patience.

During fasting , We accept Allahs orders and we acknowledge that breaking it will earn Allahs displeasure. We physically accept the command of fasting despite knowing that we may face difficulties in doing so. We embrace and bear the hunger, thirst and heat and endure it with patience, all whilst in the obedience of Allah. We do not take haram means to lighten or remove our hardships. (Due to our iman) We do not compromise our hunger thirst with any unlawful action. I.e (drinking/breaking the fast) so patience lies in accepting the orders of Shariah no matter what the circumstance!

So if calamity, illness, poverty befall a person he must persevere and endure whilst accepting that it is from Allah and he will not adopt any non shariah act to remove the difficulty upon him. Because this will go against Allahs order!
So when we accept the wordly trials in this manner, despite haram means being available to us it is called patience.

For example if one's business isnt flourishing and another gives him the advice to take interest, but he rejects and endures the restrictedness with patience. So this is how patience is demonstrated.
For eg When one says .."I will not allow any non shariah action in my life to compromise the difficulties that I face." This is the highest stage of taqwa!
30th Apr, 2020
Just like we bear the hunger and thirst of fasting with patience we must endure the calamities we are faced with patience.

Hadith qudsi : Allah ta'ala says "if my servant is afflicted with calamities and he seeks my assistance (remaining within the bounds of shariah) then even if he does not ask from me I continue to accept his duas.

A person who lives his life according to shariah and doesnt transgress the limits to ease his problems and he endures patiently and silently. this Is called sabr.
If he calls out complaining to others this is against sabr.

Allah opens the doors for him in the heavens but if he adopts unlawful methods to remove his problems then all the doors in heaven are closed for him and his difficulty increases.

Hadhrat Muadh ibn jabal رضي الله عنه narrates when a believer is faced with an illness and he endures patiently and calls out to Allah then Allah orders the angel on the left shoulder not to record any sins and to the right shoulder he orders "continue to record his deeds' SubhaanAllah!

In another hadith when illness overtakes a person Allah sends 2 Angel's to him to observe if he is adopting patience and accepting Allahs will or if he is complaining and criticising via non shariah actions.
So the angels come and inspect and return back to Allah with the message "oh Allah he hasn't adopted a non shariah action or complained yet he endures patiently. So Allah says give him the good news of complete good health and Allah also removes his sins
If its written for him in his destiny that due to this sickness he will die then Allah will grant him Jannah.

Whoever is sick during 1 night and he endures it in Allahs obedience, Allah purifies him from sins as though his mother just gave birth to him.

The real fast of life breaks at the time of death. So if one lives his life patiently and obediently through calamities and when the fast of life breaks (death) he is known as a patient one and is rewarded accordingly!
Today We must observe How we are demonstrating patience through the calamities we face in life. are we solving our problems through non shariah actions or do we turn to Allah and supplicate and do his dhikr.
May Allah swt grant us the taufeeq.
30th Apr, 2020