
عصر اور مغرب کے درمیان کا وقت
Bayan, 10 minutes
24th April, 2020

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26th Apr, 2020
Subhan Allah
26th Apr, 2020
Alhamdulillah, with the Fadhl and Grace of Allah, the first fast of Ramadan is about to end with goodness and ease. May Allah swt allow us to spend the entire month like this.

It is the time after Asr. We should be grateful to Allah million times over. During this blessed time Allah has allowed us to engage in His Dhikr.

Nabi ﷺ said, (The meaning of the hadith) is - For people to gather and engage in Dhikr after Asr is more better and beloved to Allah than the whole universe and what it contains.

We must NOT waste these precious moments of Ramadan. This Ramadan is unlike last Ramadan as today the masaajid are closed. Did we think last Ramadan that we would be faced with such conditions this Ramadan?

These moments that Allah has granted us are so valuable and should be treasured!
They should be utilised by remembering Allah because engaging in this deed means that no moment is ever wasted!

After fajr we engaged in Dhikr and likewise now at asr time we are remembering Allah. And the time of asr is so valuable that it is the summary/khulasa and the root word of "asr" in arabic is "the summary" its similar to when you you wring something and squeeze the drops out. It's similar to this.

Likewise in hadith its stated, " protect all your Salah but especially salaatul وسطى mid- salah. " so Allah has kept great bounties at this time of Asr.

Between this blessed time of Asr and Magrib, Allah created the souls, the Angel's and He created Hadhrat Adam عليه السلام.

If we consider the speciality of this time, the Angel's who descend at fajr Salah they remain until asr and after asr the Angel's that came at fajr they return back to Allah. So this time (asr) is the changing of the shifts -the departing of the fajr Angel's and a new group of angel's arrive after asr to take over the duty. So the Angel's that came from fajr until now (asr) will return to Allah and report back our deeds to Him. And fajr of Angel's will do likewise.
This means the Angel's of fajr will inform Allah that "when we went, the people were immersed in the Dhikr of Allah"
subhaanAllah! And when the Angel's return back they will say the dhikr of Allah was taking place and likewise the Angel's of Asr will inform similarly to Allah.

Allah has kept a system where he wants to be informed verbally by the Angel's despite being All knowing of His creation and thier doings!

So imagine sitting to remember Allah in a gathering, whilst the angels are descending!

So we should make this a habit throughout the entire ramadan and never miss a Dhikr gathering after fajr and asr. Allah has changed the routine of our day and removed eating and sleeping so we can worship Him and remember Him.
Its so easy upon us to sit and remember Him whilst being confined to our homes!
So let us modify our schedules and be punctual with the daily Dhikr gatherings.

Theres a hadith that in the time between asr and magrib there lies a times in which Allah accepts the duas of a person. The pious elders have stated this blessed moment is 30 to 40 mins prior to magrib Salah. So being in the state of fasting and also remembering Allah in this special moment, can there be a greater reward than this? Alhamdulillah

May Allah grant us the taufeeq to sit in the Dhikr Gatherings and adjust our timetables according to it.

25th Apr, 2020
25th Apr, 2020