
فرشتوں کا نزول
Bayan, 32 minutes
18th April, 2020

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19th Apr, 2020
SubhanAllah Jazakallahu Khairan
19th Apr, 2020
میں لجپالاں دے لڑ لگیاں مرے توں غم پرے رہندے
مری آساں امیداں دے سدا بوٹے ہرے رہندے

خیالِ یار وچ میں مست رہندا آں دنے راتی
مرے دل وچ سجن وسدا مرے دیدے ٹھرے رہندے

کدی وی لوڑ نئیں پیندی مینوں در در تے جاون دی
میں لجپالاں دا منگتا آں مرے پلّے بھرے رہندے

دعا منگیا کرو سنگیو کتھے مرشد نہ رس جاوے
جنہاں دے پیر رُس جاندے اوہ جیوندے وی مرے رہندے

ایہہ پینڈا عشق دا اوکھا ایہہ ٹرنے نال مکناں ایں
اوہ منزل نوں نئیں پاندے جیہڑے بیٹھے گھرے رہندے

نیازی مینوں غم کاہدا، مری نسبت ہے فاروقی
کسے دے رہن جو بن کے قسم رب دی کھرے رہندے
19th Apr, 2020
All are turning to Allah in repentance. We have recognised our lord through the fear of todays condition and genuine remorse has settled in our hearts.

2 types of deaths,
1 is a righteous death and one is a wretched death whereby one sins his entire life and doesn't return to Allah in repentance before death.

A righteous death may result from one who lived a life of Ghaflah - heedlessness and sin but right until the end moment, Allah allowed such a person to seek forgiveness and thus, placed Jannah as his final abode.

When we eventually return to Allah, He does not reprimand us for returning so late, neither does He make sarcastic remarks, rather He becomes pleased that His servant has returned to Him so He envelopes His servant with His divine Mercy. No mother's love can ever come close to His love.

We should acknowledge that whenever Allah gives us the means to seek forgiveness, even if it may be sought due to fear, Allah may forgive us and also change this current condition of ours, (lifting the pandemic from us and bringing us closer to Him.)

Thereafter however, we shouldn't forget this (current) state of ours because, when a persons iman decreases due to ghaflah, he forgets easily (his former condition & what Allah favoured Him with) and he reverts back to his old ways.
So remember if Allah allows you to seek taubah, Then you MUST also be steadfast & firm on it!

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا رَبُّنَا اللَّهُ ثُمَّ اسْتَقَامُوا تَتَنَزَّلُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ أَلَّا تَخَافُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَبْشِرُوا بِالْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي كُنتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ

Oh the ones who have taken bayah (taubah) and acknowledged that he was truly in the wrong and with a genuine heart he proclaims "oh lord, you are indeed my lord, my owner, my creator, my qadir."
Allah refreshes his imaan and he is cleansed from the life of sins. Allah's mercy gave him the opprtunity to seek forgiveness and he begins to obey allah. And then he becomes firm and steadfast and doesn't forget his promise.

He returned back to his dunyãwi affairs and worldly matters were presented before him. Shaytan will now try to divert and distract him, but he must realise that is the true test!

I've seen many people in my life who have done taubah then they became much immersed in the world and they took another Shaykh and after some time thier nafs takes them back to their initial state.
This is the greatest loss!
As such people have taken Allah's mercy for a joke yet Allah is so Raheem, He gives them yet another chance to seek for forgiveness.
So if today we are given a gift to seek forgiveness we must see it as something great, appreciate it and be steadfast on our promise!
No matter what situation or test you are put in, even if haram means of income/earning presents itself before you, you MUST stay steadfast and do not break your promise of taubah.
19th Apr, 2020
Allah's attribute- "Rabb" - means someone who takes after you, refers to upbringing.
Allah is the provider of halal means, there is no need for anyone to resort to haram means. we have Allah to rely on for our household spending and needs and needs for our children etc
Shaytan scares us with hunger, restrictions and poverty, but we must always remain steadfast in obedience to Allah and taubah no matter what hardship or trial comes our way

When this test comes to you, do not resort to haram means. Because many a time , A persons stomach (haram earning) becomes the cause of his own destruction.

- ربنا الله
means you have recited the kalimah with sincerity and wholeheartedly.

Our new standard of living is to analyse if our lifestyle and the choices we make are in accordance with shariah and sunnah.
Is this the shariee- approved way to attend a gathering or a dawah or is this the shariah way of getting married?
In adhering to such methods, you may become distant from people but you'll always be close to Allah.

Perfection is not in seeking forgiveness or in reciting the kalimah. True perfection lies in remaining steadfast and firm because this is when tests befall a person - straight after he makes taubah.

Allah wishes to observe our steadfastness and the sacrifices we strive for in staying steadfast.
Shaytan may make you think negative, for example- "why am I being tested and trialed after I have made taubah?"
But we must remember that this dunya is fleeting and temporary and life is short!
These are short-lived problems.

When I go from one city to another city in this country, I observe that there were once people I knew there, but now they have gone like the wind - they have returned to Allah.

Allah will provide for us and provide us with nourishment and food. But We must prove oursleves to Allah (whilst ensuring trials) only for a little while (dunya is short term in comparison to akhirah)

One should be thankful for tests he is receiving because behind this, lies a promise that Allah is with such a person!
He wont leave you empty handed!
If you remained steadfast (in obedience to Allah and not in obedience of your nafs) and in this same state you died, everyone would've left him and it would be time for his accounting.

(This is the moment sahabah would fear for it was the cause for which they would experience sleepless nights. )
19th Apr, 2020

تَتَنَزَّلُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ 

And if one was steadfast after taubah then Allah says when you are dying your state will be completely different. Angel's of mercy will descend from the skies and you will see them with your eyes (your afterlife was the moment you were terrified of) but nonetheless these Angel's will don silk garments of Jannah and carry the fragrances of Jannah. The fear will be removed from such a person and the angels will give him the gladtidings of jannah and infrom him of the palaces that have been prepared for him - all That have been promised to him! ... الَّتِي كُنْتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ 

نَحْنُ أَوْلِيَاؤُكُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ ۖ 

Allah says
In dunya you were my friend (due to the tests you endured) and you remained my friend in akhirah.

In dunya he bore hardships and opposed his evil nafs abandoning sins yet he obeyed Allah instead.
So you were my friend in this world as a result of your actions and now this Jannah is all for you. You may do as you wish eat and go wherever you please.

نُزُلًا مِّنْ غَفُورٍ رَّحِيمٍ
As accommodation from a [Lord who is] Forgiving and Merciful."

A Hospitality from Allah -You are Allahs guest!

There are some that still havent advanced towards taubah despite the means of taubah being available.
I congratulate those who have taken bayah but I advise you to remain steadfast.
Soon after experiencing tests and treading on rocks, you will experience ease.

The first thing one should do after being afflicted by a test is to turn to Allah and then thank allah for making a means for one to turn to Him.

Allah grant us the taufeeq to seek taubah and also remain firm on it so that we may become Allah's friend in this world and the akhirah!
Like you remained firm on your taubah Allah is also firm on his promise to repay you with a great reward in return.

Whichever beleiver repents and then remains steadfast, Whoever they may be, they become the highest degree of wali Allah. Even if the people do not see him as such. this is the signs of wilayah! That they remain in the obedience of allah no matter what comes there way

Seek taubah from a Shaykh whilst you have the opportunity! This world is very short! Dont look at what others doing dont aim to compete with others.
Just focus on your purpose and seek to earn Jannah theough firm and steadfastness.

Whoever hadnt sought taubah seek taubah as death is around the corner !
19th Apr, 2020