
Can We Become Muttaqi Without Quran?
Bayan, 30 minutes
14th May, 2020

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It is Allah ta'ala's generosity that He gives us Ramadan which is full of rewards.
In this month Allah ta'ala has given us the duty to achieve taqwa without which, no human can enter paradise.

In every fast Allah ta'ala places the capacity of becoming a Muttaqi. All the elements of taqwa and success can be attained through fasting.
Allah ta'ala sent down the quran in Ramadan.
The Quran and Ramadan have such a strong connection that you can't take quran out of Ramadan and you can't take Ramadan out of Quran. They are both together.
We need to bring taqwa in our lives so it's obvious Ramadan is reviving this awakening to strengthen our bond with the quran because without this we can't become a Muttaqi.

The Quran should connect a person in 3 ways:

1) The importance and honour of the quran. We should hold the significance of the Quran over any other word in the entire world. These are the words of the king of kings, hence it is the king of all scriptures.

2) Recitation of the quran -
Allah ta'ala Himself has mentioned the Quran in his own language.

Imam Ghazali رحمة الله عليه says there's 3 modes of reciting the quran. The lowest, middle and highest step.

The highest step of recitation of the quran is that a person should complete the recitation of one Quran in 3 days. The pious predecessors did not prefer less than 3 days.

The middle step is that you complete the Quran in a week.

The least step Is to complete the Quran in one month.
It shouldn't be less than this because this is the right of the quran!

3) implementing on the quran Without acting upon the Quran one can't succeed.

Nabi ﷺ was the one upon whose blessed heart this majestic quran was revealed.

The pious predecessors have stated that the quran has come to us through 2 mediums. We were not capable of recieving the quran directly.
The first mode of the quran arriving was through Hadhrat Jibraeel عليه السلام and the second was thorough the blessed chest of Nabi ﷺ. How could we have absorbed the Quran directly? (This would've been impossible!)

Hadhrat Ali رضي الله عنه said "whoever has recited the Quran and memoried how much he is capable of, whether it's 3 verses or surah ikhlas and he considers the lawful in the quran as lawful, Allah ta'ala will enter that person in Jannah and he may intercede for 10 people from his family for whom Jahannam was wajib. SubhaanAllah! This is the connection with the Quran.

Without Quran there is no taqwa and if we act upon the first two steps but not the third (implementation) we cant become a Muttaqi.

Real recitation and respect of the Quran comes into a person when he does amal according to the injuctions of the Quran. We recite much and respect the Quran but this is not how taqwa is achieved. Yes reward will be attained, but not taqwa.

Taqwa comes when you fulfil the third connection with the Quran. Implementation!
A person gets a high rank with merely recitation of the Quran and Allah ta'ala in the hereafter, will instruct him to keep reciting the quran and ascending and wherever he stops at, will be his abode in Jannah. So imagine the status of the one who reads and acts upon It!

If the blessed Prophet ﷺ says this person is the best, then no one can be better than that person. Whether the people in the world know it or not. Whether the people accept it or not. I swear by Allah if our honourable Prophet ﷺ said this person is the best, then the power of the world can not challenge or contest that. When the Prophet ﷺ says this person is the best, then remember that all the Angel's respect that person. All of the universe and creation respect and honour that person. They hold him in high esteem. Who is that person?

Nabi ﷺ said, " the one who learns the Quran and teaches the quran."
15th May, 2020
We degrade the Molanas the who teach the Quran and see them as uneducated.
If you tell someone that you teach Quran they put thier heads down.

My brothers all respect is due to the connection with the Quran! The mu'min's glory is due to the Quran. As soon as we lower our gaze from the Quran, Allah ta'ala will lower our respect in the world for sure!

Today such women who teach the Quran to children in purdah. They do hifz of the Quran and their life objective is to teach. The Prophet ﷺ is confirming their glory that they are the best women. But today our criteria when we seek a rishta/partner for our daughter or son, is..."this woman what has she studied? What degree does she have? How much money does she earn and bring home?" This is the basis of finding a spouse today for our children.

When they find out she teaches Quran, they reject, " no no that's not good enough we can't tolerate that. We need to progress with the time and age and generation."
And we say we have love for the Prophet ﷺ!? This is the respect for the statement of the blessed prophet? ﷺ
This is the honour and esteem we have for his ﷺ 's blessed tongue?

He is praising the woman who learns the Quran and teaches it and says she is the best woman amongst the whole world. If she has this status will Allah not protect that woman? Will Allah not give her a high status in Jannah? Such women Allah protects and gives her Jannah in this world. He prepares for her in this world a respectful career and eliminates her sins in this world.

People say give me a reference of a minister, business man or someone high is society and then you'll get the job.
The profession of learning and teaching Quran is only received by those whom Allah ta'ala likes! That person can't learn or teach the Quran whom Allah doesn't like. Congratulations to those people that from thier birth Allah preferred them to be the best person. Allah says I'll give them the profession of my liking!
I swear by Allah dont fall under the pressure of inferiority complex or pressure of the world. This is the biggest whispering of shaytan.

Those people are serving and teaching the Quran. Those womenfolk who are teaching the Quran. Today the world degrades them, looks down on them with inferiority complex and say they are behind the times of the world.

Yet, If a women teaches one girl then on the day of judgement that girl will stand and say, my teacher taught me the honourable Quran."

Allah himself recited the Quran and all the Angel's fell unconscious. Imagine Allah's recitation! imagine the maqaam! Can anyone absorb this?

And a woman is teaching this quran behind a purdah. Can you imagine the status of this woman? Allah delivers sustenance to such people. Allah gives them ease.

My Hadhrat sheikh رحمة الله عليه said a great statement , "if someone learns the quran just to earn the world even then he is successful and is a beloved person of Allah."
So, even if she had a false connection with the Quran, even if she was sinning alongside, at least it was with the Quran she had a connection!
Who can compare with her?
Allah and the Quran will protect those people.

Remember this, those who serve the Quran and have a connection with the Quran and teach the Quran, my belief says that Allah ta'ala will not let this person depart from this world, until He prepares Jannah for them. Even if they commit a sin Allah ta'ala will eventually drag that person back and eliminate all his sins because Allah gave that glorified majestic path and attached his heart to the Quran. Allah will surely purify him first.

They shouldn't not be upset regarding their wealth or their rank or honour and if they don't recieve anything in the world, because Allah will continue to elevate them in the akhirah.

The muttaqeen are prepared through practising upon the orders of Allah's commands. Their levels of Jannah will be so high that they may intercede for some people destined for Jahannam.

The Quran provides guidance through its advices.

May Allah swt grant us the taufeeq for this. ameen.
15th May, 2020