
Spending in the Way of Allah
Bayan, 24 minutes
28th April, 2020

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The one who has obtained the objective of Ramadan has truly benefitted from Ramadan.
Allah has told us that the purpose of fasting for a believer is to attain taqwa.
Allah has placed a special purpose behind fasting in these 30 days and that is to attain taqwa.

The one who possesses taqwa ponders over the consequences of his deeds before he performs them. Will this lead to Allahs pleasure or displeasure? Such that he refrains from disobeying Allah out of fear for Allah.
Taqwa Is very important because it produces fear and without fear of Allah one can never abstain from sins. A person sins when the fear is removed from his heart.
Desires and shaytan embolden a man, he challenges his lord, He clashes with his lord. He disregards all the orders of Allah.
When fear for Allah leaves the heart one spends his time disobeying Allah.

Ramadan is not merely suhoor, staying hungry all day long and after that passing the day and breaking the fast. No
Ataining the objective of Ramadan is a form of worship! Everyday We should ponder over how much progression of attaining taqwa we have made.

Through the signs of taqwa we can determine whether we have developed them or not.

(Continuation of The signs of taqwa covered yesterday )

The signs of taqwa are displayed when one's imaan is strenghtened and he becomes a person who pray Salah.
29th Apr, 2020

{وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ} -

The 3rd quality is "to spend". We say that we spend alot on buying clothes and houses and carpet etc and we claim to be a muttaqi through this.

But the spending here In reality refers to spending on those in pain and spending in the pleasure of Allah. Moreover, spending on others is infact spending in the way of Allah.
From this verse we learn that Allah orders us to spend, yet this wealth does not even belong to us as Allah swt says " from what WE (i) have provided them"

Allah swt is the means of our provision and it is His amanah. He is the owner of our wealth, so we must spend the wealth according to HIS preference and desires.

So where should we spend our wealth?
We should spend it in the way of Zakah. This is a great deed mentioned alongside Salah. Whenver Salah is mentioned so is Zakah.
It is farz for us to give a portion of our wealth to the poor. Yet today we seek to give the least amount possible and we are stingy in spending on the poor. We use taxation methodologies and we ask the respected Ulamah order to present excuses for giving Zakah.
But we should understand that if we abide by Allah swt's command and spend in His path He will increase our wealth and never decrease it!

Zakah is fard but there is something in addition to that which is optional sadaqah When one does this it means he has developed taqwa.
So this is the month of sharing and caring and distributing to those in pain.

Allah swt could've made us poor and others, above us (rich.) We could end up being poor and they could be rich. Allah couldve replaced us with the poor and made us beggars.
29th Apr, 2020
Allah has created a system in the world and through it He tests between people. Giving some poverty, some wealth, some are given sickness, others good health.
We are tested in many ways and all are according to His wisdom and He trials us in order to grant us paradise.
And everyone must succeed in whatever circumstances Allah has placed him in, be it poverty or wellbeing or Sickness etc.
If a poor person spends his life in obedience to Allah he will receive Jannah through it. Similarly with the other categories. Jannah can be attained by all these people! Through thier poverty, sickness, well being etc

It's not correct for us to say I earned this money so it is all mine. We should distribute it in shares, a portion kept for ones self, ones home, a portion for Zakah, a portion to attain Allahs happiness (voluntary sadaqah)
Seek out the poor people. Seek out those in need! Your heart should be big. this is the month of distributing.
And in a narration of hadith ; Hadhrat Anas bin Malik رضي الله عنه narrates that Nabi ﷺ said,

"If someone fulfils the need of an Ummati in order to make him happy, then he has pleased me. And whoever has pleased me, has pleased Allah. And whoever has pleased Allah, Allah will enter him into Jannah."
We should aim to perform deeds that will grant us the pleasure of Allah and His beloved Rasul ﷺ.

Nowadays, We hoard our, money we count our notes , we never think to distribute it to the poor and Allah has made the society such that there are many opportunities to fulfil and assist someone. But we do not!

If you feed a hungry person Allah will give you the food of paradise.
If you quench the thirst of someone Allah will give you the drink from the fountain in paradise. Imagine the pure alcohol in Jannah which is approved by Allah!
29th Apr, 2020
There are people who assist others but do not consider it a favour as they understand that this wealth does not truly belong to them. Rather, they intend to help a servant of Allah swt and distribute wealth for Allah swt's pleasure. This is taqwa.

The honourable pious and the blessed ahlul bait رضي الله عنهم would never reject a hungry person if they came seeking for food because they knew that in this lies the pleasure of Allah and they wished to be beloved to Nabi ﷺ.

Forget giving sadaqah, today we fall short in fulfilling the fard! (Giving our Zakah.) we suppress our hands and there is a punishment for doing this

Nabi ﷺ said when a person assists somebody out of his difficulty Allah will grant him ease and this is a pathway for us to act upon!

If one gives sadaqah in state of illness or calamity Allah will remove that distress or problem from him.

Ramadan is the month of ; Sharing, distributing and removing the pain of others. so this is another thing we must practise in this month.
We should end our miserliness and give in Zakah openly, wholeheartdly, increasingly and with happiness and we shouldn't make excuses.

If these fasts are developing the good qualities within us that mentioned here, then taqwa Is being developed in us and if taqwa is being developed in us then our Ramadan will be a great month.

May allah decorate our Ramadan with this and help us to implement. Ameen

29th Apr, 2020