
Do You Want To Be Respectful?
Bayan, 17 minutes
22nd April, 2020

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Allah has placed within a Man's fitra (natural disposition), the desire to be respected and to be recognised as honoured or a lofty person in the eyes of others. He desires to be accepted. This fitrah is present within a person when he is born and as he gets older, the desire increases within him.
In school , children compete with each other to become monitors or ahead of others and become top in class.
This desire is evident especially in politics. The leaders possess much wealth and fame, yet they desire respect and recognition.

One may eventually recieve respect but this isn't the accurate and sincere respect and honour. It is the false honour and respect. There are 2 types of honour, one is false and one is genuine.

If one forcefully demands respect from others, it won't be genuine because behind his back they'll be cursing him etc. In comparison, one may be respected without even demanding it. This is genuine respect.
This is when others are inclined to respect him even whilst he does not possess wealth or materialistic things that respect is usually gained by.

This person possesses such a personality wherebey he doesnt seek respect, but Allah places respect, awe & recognition for him in the hearts of others.
This is how the pious friends of Allah are respected and recognized in high esteem due to their adoptance of deeds that are beloved to Allah.
When one is genuinely respected by others it is a great blessing from Allah upon that person.
So this action has been emphasised which is easy for one to perform and as such he will gain nobility by all. He may not perform the deed on the intent to gain respect, however, this deed is so great and beneficial that a person receives respect through it!

Although this deed is easy, we find it difficult and we flee at the mention of it. I've only mentioned 1 benefit of that deed here, but there are countless!

Derived from a hadith narrated by Sahl ibn Sa’d رضي الله عنه. He reports, "Jibraeel عليه السلام came to the Nabi ﷺ and said "...Know that the nobility of the believer is in prayer at night." (al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ/Tabarani)

Tahajjud is is also known as qiyamul layl.

So here is the way to earn nobility and dignity!

When a person makes a habit of praying Tahajjud, Allah enables him to be respected by all. Nabi ﷺ has said , "amongst all the nafil Salah the most virtuous is tahajjud."

The whole world begs for respect but Allah is telling us a way to recieve this respect and the true quality of piety!
23rd Apr, 2020
The honour and respect will be such, that the angels will stand for him.
Hadrath Mirza Mazhar Jaane janaan رحمة الله عليه is a great Shaykh in the naqshabandi order, great pious elder in our history, his Khalifa Ajal- Hadrath Qadhi pani phatti رحمة الله عليه was a great Shaykh. He was a very dear Khalifa of Hadrath Mirza Mazhar Jaane janaan رحمة الله عليه. When he used to come to visit his Shaykh, his Shaykh would stand up for his student and he would become ashamed and ask "why do you do such? I come to you in your service and you stand for me?" So Hadrath Mirza Mazhar Jaane janaan رحمة الله عليه who was a friend of Allah, his Shaykh replied "when you enter my Gathering, I stand for the reason that with you there are many Angel's that you bring with you. so I have to stand aswell. "

So beside the humankind giving such a person respect, the Angel's do too! The Angel's lower thier wings for the pious people.

When someone mentions tahajjud you might think, oh I'd love to read it but I find it so difficult to wake up!
We must realise when Allah presents a great deed, he also makes it easy to perform.

Tahajjud time begins straight after isha. So if we read tahajjud straight after isha it is classed as having prayed tahajjud salah. You may read between 2 to 8 rakaat. Some say 12, including the witr rak'aah.

The condition for tahajjud is not to wake up and pray it or pray it at the last moment in order for it to be accepted.
Rather, Allah has placed a time of superiority for each worship.
So even if you find it difficult to wake up and pray tahajjud you could always read it after isha. Even if you begin with 2 rakat it is correct.
So the one who makes tahajjud a habit will recieve a great status.
Nabi ﷺ would engage in this this worship the entire night.

Imaam Abu hanifah رحمه الله would read tahajjud from isha all the way until fajr. So it's not necessary to sleep in order to pray tahajjud.

Hence we should begin this habit from today and be steadfast on it as Ramadan is around the corner.

By adopting such, one will be seen as a person of dignity, people will not present themselves with rudeness or indecency or give you wrong titles. They wont pester you without reason because Allah will give honour and dignity. You will possess such light that no one will dare to do such. If Allah gives a person honour no one has the audacity to disrespect him.

We should implement this hadith may Allah swt grant us the taufeeq.
23rd Apr, 2020