
Which is the Highest Reward for Jannaties?
Bayan, 36 minutes
21st November, 2019

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Paradise has many levels, but everyone there will be satisfied. Even before desiring something, given to them. Allah will ask if they need anything, and they'll say no. But then Allah will announce the ultimate reward - His pleasure, such that He will never be displeased with them again - and all of Jannah's rewards will appear like nothing compared to this, and they will rejoice

So, objective of life is Allah's pleasure. Which deed gives this? TO BE HAPPY WITH WHAT ALLAH HAS GIVEN YOU. If you are happy like this, Allah will be happy with you.

Every part of life has ups and downs - health, poverty, disobedient kids - this is all from Allah to facilitate this ibadat. That's why people are in different situations across the globe. We should be content, whatever our situation, happy with no money, happy with foot injury, stomach pain etc. But we complain that we do salah etc, we did hajj, but that our duas not accepted, that we didn't get what we wanted - we reject this ibadat. We're actually complaining to Allah. We don't realise that all this is from Allah. We have pre-conditions for our practise, that we get dunya in return - ridiculous, you're a loser. Salah - instead of expecting dunya in return, should be greatful that Allah has given us tawfiq to pray, to bring us on track, not why our dunya is low whilst others who don't pray is higher.

So, how do we get this greatful, contentment into our lives? 2 things. Only get Allah's ultimate reward if get these challenges. Solution is, when you get a challenge, do 2 things - wasta-eenasabri was-salah. When have illness, worries, disobedient kids, family issues etc, these are great favours - HAVE SABR and TURN TO SALAH.

What is sabr? Example - can't find spouse for marriage. Haram way - illicit relationship, do haram in bathroom etc. Sabr way - stay way from haram. Example - poor. Haram way - do wrong deeds to get money. Sabr way - accept poverty and avoid haram. So sabr means to accept challenges and stick to shariah. Look at sahabah. Given stamp that Allah pleased with them. They were happy with all their poverty and difficulties.

Second part is salah. Real salah is not just physically what we do, but is the best and purist form of dua. Such a dua will stop the negative and ungrateful thoughts you have, and make you content, will give you true peace. So, have sabr and ask Allah with this way of dua, but then be happy with whatever Allah gives you as a result. Those that give up salah when don't get what they want - you're challenging Allah. But do proper sabr and salah, and you'll get the aforementioned reward in Jannah.
28th Nov, 2019
AlhumdulilAllah we got two new points MashaAllah Allah bless us and prepare us for both life Ammeen
22nd Nov, 2019
22nd Nov, 2019
22nd Nov, 2019
Masha Allah such a beautiful bayan Subhan Allah
22nd Nov, 2019