
How to Control the Gaze?
Bayan, 55 minutes
17th October, 2019

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Delicious milkshake made with effort, but ruined if insects fall into it. In same way, good deeds, nafl, zikr etc are great, but ruined by sins. (Zikr is Allah allowing us to recite His name, amazing reward and mercy - stop making excuses for not coming majaalis, don't waste opportunities. When it's gone, it's gone. Even seeing pious people is ibadat.)

So protect your deeds by leaving sins. We make effort, but don't safeguard. Work hard to leave sins - Tazkiyah. That's reason for going to a Sheikh. We get Ramadhan after Ramadhan, but we don't leave lying, backbiting, slander. Your sheikh pushes you away from sin, makes dua for you.

One bad sin is the root of all other sins. Mother of evils. Committed by young and old, will throw you into hellfire, so easy to do. And your excuses on Judgement day won't be accepted. EYES. Shaitan got us - big TV at home, smartphone in pocket, shameful adverts everywhere. Hadith - protect eyes and private parts, else Allah will disfigured your faces, like swine, monkey, dog etc - happened to us already, under veil, to be lifted on death

Purdah essential with sister-in-law, with adopted child etc, but we make excuses. This sin is root cause because makes us lose shame, and so we stop caring about everything shameful. Hadith in Ahmed - use eyes in bad way is zina, and will lead to physical zina. We watch such videos - will lead to zina and your destruction, including your health.

Cure - KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN, LOWER YOUR GAZE. Eyelids are our shelter. Then Allah will protect you and a noor will come on your face. Hadith - when try to do this, Allah will strengthen your iman, such that you will feel the SWEETNESS of it. So in this country, great opportunity to attain this, to becomes Allah's friend. Should be happy - we can get dunya and deen here.

So, to protect your private parts, to protect yourself from physical zina, to protect your family from zina and immodesty, protect your eyes. Those that do zina started with their eyes. Even old people affected by this - even father need to be careful with older daughter. In home, need 2 seperate rooms, for men and women. We have mixed weddings from so called sufis, music etc, and make excuses 'what will people say?' - what game is this? Serve parents, but stop when it comes to breaking shariah - be courageous, don't shun your iman. Zina comes in many forms - dirty dreams etc, because not protecting gaze.

Become blind - law of Allah, so will be easy. Be like those who keep themselves to themselves, not looking here and there. Wear sunglasses and then use your eyes, thinking no-one can see you looking? Think Allah not watching? Wife and kids asleep, think you're in solitude, then open laptop, make excuse that listen Hadhrat Sahib bayan, news etc, then go to shameful things. But ALLAH IS WATCHING YOU. Behind shades, behind niqaab, gawping at women at checkout counter, Allah sees it all.

Boro Hadhrat Sahib's letter, Quranic verse - Allah knows where your heart turns and where your eye turns, however subtle. So, as well the cure of lowering gaze, second cure is inculcate in your mind that Allah is watching you. Will pull you back from sin. Make you close the laptop. How do you get this in your mind? DHIKR IN ABUNDANCE - so much that you get this feeling, that Allah is closer than your jugular vein, feel Allah with every breath. Need to work hard for this, that's reason for dhikr majaalis every morning and evening.

Without dhikr, can try to lower gaze, but won't have awareness that Allah watching. When alone with beautiful female and passion aroused, and nothing else to stop you from sinning, then only this will stop you. Then, no power of the world will make you do it.

So, to stop being defaced like an animal, lower gaze and learn dhikr from a teacher.
23rd Oct, 2019
I listen to ziker all the time and after school
19th Oct, 2019