
How Can We Save Ourselves From Fitna?
Bayan, 54 minutes
10th October, 2019

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The further away a generation gets from the time of Rasoolullah (saws), the more the fitnah. Dunya will be advanced, but deen will be very weak. Fitnah will be as abundant as raindrops during a storm. Someone who does salaah, then stops, says doesn't feel like it - that force that has stopped him is this fitnah. This fitnah causes sins and deviation from good deeds - not the excuses we make. This fitnah will stop you even absorbing deeni advice.

2 Root causes for this fitnah - wealth (for women) and beauty (for men - ie women). We've no issue in practising deen in this country - just follow its laws (which is deen to do) - Salah, mosques, libaas etc, no issue. It's ourselves that stop us from practising - fitnah. Islam promotes peace and harmony, expands friendship and fellowship with society, we should have this with our fellow citizens. So, don't make excuses that can't practice - stop exaggerating minor incidents. Follow Allah, then He will help you. Excuse that can't do salaah, libaas etc due to school, work etc - fitnah.

We joke with deen. If die like this, we're finished. Hadith - fortunate is he who's saved from these fitnahs. We did salah, but stopped, we did zikr then stopped, these u-turns are fitnah. This is the day and age of fitnah, but you can be saved from all this since Rasoolullah (saws) has given us formula. Deen should be attached to you wherever you are, not just tied to masjid or Islamic societies.

Allah's order. Recognise Allah from creation, every atom bears witness to Allah. Trees, sand, waterfalls all signs of Allah, all bear witness. This recognition is iman. Child sees man - if stranger, then scared, but if recognise as father, is happy and asks for stuff. Same way, servant of Allah asks from Him, doesn't run away from Him. From this iman, good deeds and leaving sins will come automatically - Allah pleased with you, you pleased with Him.

So, this fitnah - makes us leave deen. Salah is order wherever you are. No water? Use soil to purify yourself. No excuse for salaah, such as dajjal or non-Muslim environment. You're born innocent, it's fitnahs that deviate you. To be saved, JUST HAVE TO TRY to leave these fitnahs and Allah will save you. Need to save you and your family. Stop making excuses. You can be Muslim anywhere, not just Muslim land. Non-Muslims will even convert via your manners. That's how Islam spread. We've come to this country for halal meat and then to sin upon sin? Does James or Jim stop you from libaas? No, it's you.

So, those of proper iman will benefit greatly from time of fitnah, because will uphold sunnah, and get reward of 100 shaheeds for each one. Sunnah Libaas, eat burger in sunnah way - no-one stop you, but you'll get the reward. We've been given comfort here, but the more hardship you have in practising sunnah, the closer you'll be to Rasoolullah (saws). Miswak before sleep? 100 shaheed. Don't believe? Then you're munaafiq. Sleep on right. 100 shaheed. So realise your excuses are rubbish.

Every days there's fitnah. Hadeeth, someone Muslim in morning and kaafir by evening. This is that time. Do we have iman?? Do we have concern? Need to be cautious. Cure for fitmah, even for dajjal, in hadith. Order of Rasoolullah (saws) - DO ZIKR IN ABUNDANCE.

Love isn't going on marches, writing nasheeds etc, but in following sunnah fully. And true lover doesn't claim it, but others attest to it. Lovers respect Rasoolullah (saws), add "shareef" to end of anything associated with them. Our love should be more that mother's love for child, like sahabah. Example - sahabah eating pumpkin shareef with relish, since Rasoolullah (saws) ate it. Not order, but love. Like what he did, clothes, food, etc - we have salah, tabligh etc, but no sunnah, because no love, we just ask for proofs, nitpick. But in the aforementioned hadith, zikr IS AN ORDER!

Why do so? Imagine enemy chasing you, protect yourself in Castle. In same way, when fitnah making you sin, zikr is your castle. Zikr save you from shaitan and also Allah will become close to you and help you. So, if do so morning and evening, will go into Jannah laughing, since stick to sunnah without caring where you are. Must do it IN ABUNDANCE - morning and evening. Learn zikr of heart, then will be doing it 24/7 - save you from sin, Allah will save you just before wasting all your deeds by doing a sin.
18th Oct, 2019