
Be Hussaini
Bayan, 48 minutes
5th September, 2019

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Rasoolullah (saws) stated that you will be with those you love in aakhirah. Anyone with iman has love for Rasoolullah (saws), so will be with them in the aakhirah inshallah. This is how valuable iman is. But do we protect this iman? No. For dunya valuables, we protect heavily with locks etc, but not for the most valuable thing of all - our iman

After Hajj, people shave beard, watch movies etc - iman already stolen. Wasted Hajj. We sin after sin, and make excuses for it, like Yazeed - iman stolen or ruined. By whom? Shaitan. We need to sacrifice and not compromise the deen, whatever our dunya suffering, like Iman Hussain (ra). Prioritise iman of you and your family over wealth. We come here with visa, run after money, but our kids have left deen, salah, pardah, haya etc.

There is only one way to protect it. DHIKR IN ABUNDANCE. Quran. Hadith. One way. Not by Salah, hajj, or any other ibadat. Do it regularly. At least run to the gatherings - not for reward, but to protect your iman
6th Sep, 2019