
How Much Does Allah Love the Dhakireen?
Bayan, 28 minutes
27th May, 2019

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Angels have different roles, oceans, sky etc. One group made only to find gatherings of zikr. (Every odd night is qadr, not just 27th, stay up with zikr). They have to look hard, since rare. Worst of all times, when no-one doing zikr - Allah will finish the world. Our love for zikr has gone. How fortunate we are do attend such gatherings in Ramadhan. When they find such majlis, they get happy and call out to heavens. (Another group of angels coming - those of night of qadr) and more angels come, fill to heavens. Make dua, they say ameen. How can such dua not be accepted?

After masjis, they go back to Allah and have conversation - they're asked where they've come from. Allah knows, but loves it so much they want to hear. Angels replied that was majlis where Allah was being glorified, so amazing that we joined as well. Allah asked have they seen Me? No. Allah says They will remove veil

Then Allah asks what were they asking. For Jannah. Allah say do they know Jannah. Only from Qur'an, they're so engrossed in Zikr and desperate for Jannah, no dunya, full of issues but have love of firdaus. (Always ask for best thing, that doesn't end - ask for highest Jannah. Trials and tribulations are just temporary, forget them, ask for main thing, everlasting thing). We should have this love and also fear. Don't get down with your sins, always ask for forgiveness. Angels also say they're asking for salvation from hell. Only one fear, will Allah be pleased with me. No interest in anything in dunya.

So taubah, Allah will purify you straight away. Biggest sins melt away. Stop wasting time and do taubah. Shaitan puts doubt. Ask and you'll be forgiven, like white sheet. Allah, I left salah, wronged someone, ask forgiveness straight away. Not astighfirullah with tongue, that's not taubah. Like talking about food, not same as eating. Need to be ashamed and remorseful when ask, not matter if do again. Don't worry and cuss others - they may well change to be better than you.

So, angels reply that they ask for salvation from hell. Such people can't sin. Allah says have they seen hell? No. Allah says, bare witness I have forgiven them. People all over the world, men, women, children, in same majlis - all forgiven. Angels mention those that joined by chance, even they forgiven. Those with link with Allah's friend, even if false intention, still benefit
28th May, 2019