
Who Will be Witness in Akhirah?
Bayan, 35 minutes
22nd May, 2019

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Hadith - on Judgement day, the Earth will share its news. (Like sahabah, student should lower himself in front of teacher, as if have no knowledge, no status, worthless. That's proper student of tasawwuf.) That news is everyone's good and bad actions. There will be witnesses, they will give statements. Have we got more witnesses for our good actions or for our bad actions? When we do bad, backbiting etc, we're conscious of any witnesses and feel free to do more when there aren't any, but there's always a witness - the water you drank against sunnah, the leaves you sat on whilst doing bad, everything. But shaitan makes us not care. Quran should give us conviction, yaqeen. Even your phone will expose you.

Be extremely cautious in what you do. That's what's Ramadhan for - practise caution. Mental sickness, depression is sign of too many witnesses of your sins - eliminate them with taubah. Start new life in Ramadhan. In car, listen to Quran on MP3 stick, zikr online from worldwide etc - use technology for good, it's a mercy from Allah. (Islam is peace, don't tarnish it with bad actors - terrorism not possible. Tazkiyah, purify to be good humans. Best person who helps others, food, shelter, money - for everyone, not just Muslims.) Use this technology to spread zikr worldwide with link - if zikr start Africa, that place will be your witness! Just like we worry about making more money, we should be same for making more witnesses for good deeds.

So there'll be witnesses for your good and bad deeds. But there'll be a people who have inordinate amount of witnesses for their good, massive asset in court of Allah. Who? Those that do zikr in abundance, in heart, taught by the awliyah. Do work, dunya, go to wife etc, but do it all with zikr. (During majlis, when loud recitation, also recite loudly. Whether local or online. If difficult kalima which can't recite, do durood shareef. Different types of zikr, different witnesses.) There are two tongues - literal one and that of mind/heart, and the latter, which is full of dunya thoughts, should be going Allah, Allah.
26th May, 2019