
Reception of Ramadhan
Bayan, 21 minutes
2nd May, 2019

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Ramadhan such a great month that there's a dua to do 2 months before it. If it passes nicely, all year does so. Must have strict schedule. Take time off work, reduce business etc

Reason for Ramadhan? Become pious and leave sins. Extensive worship is secondary. So point is to do taubah and leave sins - then you're serious for Ramadhan. So do it as preparation for Ramadhan. Leave sins, ask forgiveness and promise not to do again - taubah.

After that, then ibadat, which is gift from Allah. Main one is to recite Quran. Rasoolullah (saws) did so with Jibreel (as). All salaah in jamaat. We do prep for body, buy meat, samosas etc, but Ramadhan is about soul, not body. So make schedule for Quran. Then do lots of dhikr - every moment, gatherings morning and evening. Be immersed in both. These gatherings are not burden, they're mercy.

Allah helping us to attain Ramadhan, ie leave sins, by eliminating shaitan and reducing nafs through fasting
9th May, 2019