
Majlis-e-Dhikr in Bradford Masjid Noor
Bayan, 44 minutes
28th April, 2019

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Hadith. Difference between one who does zikr and one who doesn't is like life and death. So if don't do zikr, you're effectively dead. Criteria of life isn't eating, drinking, etc, but whether heart is alive by zikr.

What is our objective? To pass the tests that Allah gives us. Do what He says, leave what He forbids. Every action should be to earn Allah's pleasure - everything else is waste. Example of barren vs fertile land. Like heart - if like latter, good deeds will come, if former, feel weak, don't care for deen, follow whims and desires, not Allah's laws, like yoyo - are we like this. Alive or dead? Do we have love for sunnah?

Cure for deaf heart - do zikr! Speeches etc are like fertiliser on dead land. Need to make land fertile first, then plants will grow naturally and quickly from it - plants = good deeds. Only achieved with zikr. Company of Allah's friend - colour runs off on you. We read Quran, salaah, but no effect.

No zikr, dead, no sincerity, despite Hajj, despite visit blessed Rawdhah mubarak - how can you sin after that?? After kiss black stone, after Salaam to Rasoolullah (saws), we lie, backbiting, lewd sins?? For those with clean heart, they even here the blessed reply to their Salaam.

We clean house for guest. How about inviting Allah into our hearts? Clean it with zikr. Learn from Sheikh, like medicine from doctor, so can do continuously in heart - every beat will be zikr. Don't leave it anytime, as you'll regret this. Jumah - should only leave after some zikr.
9th May, 2019