
Sunnah of Hospitality
Bayan, 27 minutes
25th April, 2019

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There is blessing in sunnah, protect you against all enemies, eliminate illnesses.

So, tell guest to have some more, have some more, until guest wants no more. Feed guest of dastarkhan, food mat on floor, whether home or big walima. But we have functions where people eating like animals, standing, chatting, etc. If doing sunnah, don't think you're better than those who don't. Pride. Tell others with love, do they follow. For example, say you've read hadith, and you have better health etc. With wisdom.

So, if ask guest to keep eating, instill love between you and him. He'll invite you back. This sunnah will bring enemies close together. And always give the nicer food to guest, not for yourself. Hadith - If you suppress your right to maintain relations, Allah will compensate you greatly.

For fights, quarrels, go to sleep etc, always turn to sunnah way. Anything else from shaitan
13th May, 2019