
Which is the Easiest Way for Reformation?
Bayan, 44 minutes
7th March, 2019

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Practical advice from Hazrat Saheb's majlis:

1. When entering masjid, pray durood, pray the dua for entering the masjid (Allahummaftah li abwaba rahmatik) which means: O Allah open up the doors of Your Mercy for me and make niyaah for nafil itikaaf.

Women should also do this in their home as the best salaah for a woman is in the 4 walls of her home.

Once in the masjid, stay away from all gossip, fighting, time wasting, talk of the dunya etc. Do the dhikr of Allah and eat from the fruits of Jannah. So close your eyes and do Allah Allah Allah in the heart (Qalbi dhikr). Try & spend much time in the masjid, do extra ibadaah, don't just quickly run away.

2. Do self assessment after each salaah for a few minutes. Think about what you have done between each salaah, which sins you have committed, then make up for it - do istigfaar, correct the mistake and bring good deeds before the next salaah to compensate. Check your balance sheet and atone for the sins.

May Allah T'ala give us all the tawfeeq ameen.
8th Mar, 2019
SubhanAllah, Hazrat Saheb is giving such advices that if we act upon them truthfully, inshaAllah our state can be improved very very quickly. May Allah t'ala give us all the ability to do amaal upon it.

May Allah tala grant Hazrat saheb and his family health, long life with goodness and barakat.

Jazakallahu khairan to all the people who bring us the bayaans and live majlis. May Allah tala reward you all ameen.
8th Mar, 2019