
A Sin That Ruins 70 Years of Ibadat
Bayan, 61 minutes
14th February, 2019

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Sin of eyes, bigger than zina of eyes, is sin of looking down on people. Destroys you, ruins 70 years of ibadat. We're all doing it eg strong to weak, handsome to not-so-handsome, alim to non-alim. Even if we don't say it, we think it - can see in body language. Strong man greet with swagger, how someone speaks - showing off, scholar greets like he's superior. And we don't even realise we're doing it.

Children big responsibility, but we just chase money, chill with TV and leave them to run around like animals. Leave it to darul uloom. We don't make effort ourselves. Azaab in homes. No khanqahs around. Physical hospitals, but no spirituals ones.

So, looking down. Someone not doing salaah, sinning etc, and we cuss and mock them in front of others, feel we're superior. NO. CURE - when in this situation, straight away humble yourself to Allah, and thank Allah that it is through His mercy that's you are practising and the other is not. Acknowledge that the other is not inferior. So, first part of cure is to lower yourself and be greatful to Allah.

Second part of cure - make dua for them. Don't dislike the person, but their sin. Eg visit sick person, don't cuss them, but wish for them to become better. Same with sinner. Want best for them. Have love for them. Rasoolullah (saws) had pain for every ummati, so you should too. Explain to him with love, hide his defects. In fact, think that that person may well exceed you. Look at your defects first, not others. Maybe he will start to do nice salah whilst you're just doing your usual defective salah. So, do dua so that both you and him are forgiven. So cure - consider you're inferior, look in mirror

From this sin, pride, arrogance, haughtiness and eventually to shirk. No forgiveness. Such cures from khanqahs. Story of Sufi Iqbal and Boro Hadhrat Sahib, of Hadhrat Thanwi.

Remove this sin, many other sins go, reach rank of HUMILITY. Zikr etc is means, but this rank is the goal. Stop living like animals, eat/sleep/die, go to friend of Allah.
19th Feb, 2019